Will Hollywood ever get it right?

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the movie is ruined for me when I see a revolver being pointed at someone and it's easy to see there are no cartridges in the chambers. And no recoil when it goes off.
Fury and every other movie has nothing to do with getting anything right.
The U.S. Army didn't use Firefly Shermans much either. Only 100 converted M4's.

New member here, very old "observer";
Movies? Keep several things in mind when buying a ticket to a "movie";

1. If it's your desire to get "educated", you're in the WRONG place!

2. You may have heard that movies are "an entertainment medium"; that's complete nonsense; if you are "entertained", the movie's producer will be glad; (he's hoping you'll pay to see his next "epic" )

3. Movies are for one purpose only; just like a brothel, they want your MONEY!

I don't go to a whole lot of movies any more; I remember the last one quite well; I think everything in it was true, and the guy who made it, (Dinesh D'Souza) almost ended up going to prison for making it! Incidentally, the movie was "Obama's America". I think about the last "mainstream movie" that I saw and actually enjoyed was "Forest Gump"; Even though I don't agree with Tom Hanks politics, I do greatly respect his talent as an entertainer, and unlike many of his "fellow entertainers", he at least acts like a normal citizen as far as I can tell.

If you think Pro boxing or Pro wrestling or "Reality TV" is a "slimy business", the movie industry is WORSE! A close examination of a few of the "main characters" should suffice to make this quite clear; Quentin Tarantino? Oliver Stone? Sean Penn? Alec Baldwin? I hope you get my drift; any time you need to pay to watch anything from these "people" (using that word loosely), you're being taken advantage of, IMO. Are "all" movie people schmucks? No, there are a few "non-schmucks", but their numbers are dwindling as we speak! Most of the "good guys" are no longer with us. "The Duke"/ John Wayne, Spenser Tracy, Bogart, Newman, Gable, Jimmy Stewart, Lee Marvin, Ernie Borgnine, Charley Bronson, (not sure about Charley...he may still be hanging in there? ) etc, etc, etc. Add to that a few who ARE "still with us", James Woods, Jon Voight, and yes, Chuck Norris. (Jon Voight is not only a damned good actor, he's also a very good American, which in my view is even more impressive, given the industry where he made his career.

Think War Movies are bad? Have you watched any Submarine movies? (I wasn't a submarine crewman, but I spent enough time repairing them that I had to "ride along" a few times to see if anything "leaked", and I can definitely tell you, ALL "submarine movies" would make almost all war movies look like highly accurate training films by comparison! )

Movies, like TV shows, are all about one thing only; making a buck! period! very few (if any) movie producers care a whit about educating anyone. It's all about "appealing to the masses", and as you doubtless already know, a very large % of "the masses" are NOT "all that discriminating" about anything.

Arizona Mike says, "NO" (I'm in perfect agreement with you, Mike! )
Gowolfpack says, "of all the things movies get wrong,......) I'm with you also, wolf pack!
Cooldill says, "In American Gangster, Russell Crowe ........." Let me put it this way; if there was a imbecile in your town, well known for trashing hotel rooms, and making a total ass of himself at every opportunity......would you really go to see him in a movie, expecting to be "entertained"? I'm sorry, but I wouldn't! (which may be why you were disappointed? ) (just a guess )

JRH6856 says, "Remember, a movie is a work of fiction"; truer words were never spoken, IMHO!

What I'm attempting to point out here is, about 98.9% of the entire movie industry is "funded by", "produced by", and "acted by" a whole bunch of people who would have been greatly challenged to have made enough to survive, had they not fallen into the movie industry! Yet, with every additional million dollars they make, they somehow seem to keep getting "smarter & smarter"; (they think! ) I'm pretty dumb, was too lazy to go to college, but still managed to stay married to one woman for 40 years, have five kids, and see all of them become college educated; (ask Sean Penn if he has? )

I mentioned Chuck Norris; I've heard a lot of people question Chuck's "acting ability"; all I can say is……they should be VERY GLAD you didn't question his fighting skills before he became an "actor"! Chuck Norris is the "real deal"! I've seen him "in action" when he was in his prime; nothing phony about Chuck, I can assure you!

I'm guessing that many of the same people who continually attempt to "put down" Chuck Norris would jump at a chance to go see Matt Damon attempting to "look tough" portraying Robert Ludlum's character, Jason Bourne; In reality, Chuck Norris would tie Matt Damon into a square knot with one hand tied behind his back, and his eyes closed! The "Movies" are a "phantasy"! If you happen to be fortunate enough to have enjoyed the phantasy, great! Just don't become too surprised if you don't!. Frankly, I often find playing free cell solitaire these days more "stimulating" than going to most movies! I suppose it's why I spend a lot more time doing it?
Now that movies rarely use real guns, we are going to see a lot more odd things done with "firearms". In the old days with blanks, at least the gun had to actually fire; with digital work, it is all fakery.


I work in the movie business. Real guns are still used a lot, with plenty of blanks. Lots and lots of blanks.

It's always cool when you get to spend a little time with the armorer on set.
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