Wolff 18.5# recoil spring question

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Apr 6, 2008
Wildwood, MO
Alright, stupid question of the day. I ordered a bunch of Wolff recoil springs for several guns and started replacing them. I thought (think?) I kept them in order, but my 18.5# for my Hi Power is.........shorter than my stock one by 3 coils - I think 32 to 35 (1/2"). This doesn't seem possible, unless the gauge of wire is that much heavier. So, did I just get the 2 springs (stock and Wolff) mixed up?
I put the longer spring in it, and it feels harder to rack the slide, but I feel like I'm going crazy because I think it's the stock spring in there.

I told you it was "stupid question of the day" :rolleyes:
Little help anyone?

p.s. - Switching the recoil spring on my LCP has fixed the 1/4" out of battery problem that some folks have had when you put them in your pocket.
Springs do get mixed up frequently but the actual length has little to do with the rated poundage. That is a function of the gauge and the temper. But using one that is too long (regardless of the weight rating) can cause damage because it will stack up when compressed and act like a solid peice of steel.
Wolff XP springs often use fewer coils of heavier wire.
There simply isn't room inside a lot of guns for more coils + heavier wire, as it would stack solid at full slide travel.

Only way to tell for sure is measure the coil stock with a dial or digital caliper.

Well, I guess I got them mixed up.....Wolff says their 18.5# recoil spring for a BHP (reduced 40S&W Hi Power spring) is made of 35 coils and is 5.1" long. The stock one is 32 coils in length.
I must be losing my mind............
I know the feeling. I have a large box of recoil springs that need to be sorted out and weighed.
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