Woman Turns in 1,300 Guns for $65,600 !!!

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Dec 25, 2002
A woman in Brazil turned in 1,300 guns to the government for $65,600 -- or about $50 per gun!

Here is the link to the story:


Brazil Woman Turns in 1,300 Guns for Bonanza

Daughter of Late Gun Collector Surrenders Arsenal Under Guns-For-Money Program

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, (July 23) - A Brazilian woman surrendered an arsenal of about 1,300 firearms on Friday under the country's guns-for-money disarmament program that started last week, police said.

A federal police spokeswoman in the city of Sao Paulo said the woman, who will receive $65,600 for the weaponry that ranged from muskets to mortar shells, told police she was the daughter of a late guns collector.

Police transported the guns from her house under heavy escort and would not reveal her identity.

Police across Brazil have received 5,362 weapons since the July 15 start of the government-sponsored campaign to cut firearm ownership in a country with one of the world's highest murder rates.

For every gun that is handed in, be it licensed or illegal, owners get up to $100 and no questions are asked.

Federal police initially hoped to withdraw 80,000 guns by the end of the program in December but they now expect higher numbers after the first week.

In crime-ridden Rio de Janeiro, state authorities are offering as much as $330 for machine-guns and other heavy armaments, as well as extra payment to police who confiscate weapons from criminals.


:what: :uhoh: :what:
That woman got ripped the heck off. I bet the Brazilian police are loving their new toys.
Read an article in Maxim about Brazil and rio...

*Yes... i know... it was "maxim" rofl - but i've read things in there that later came out on 48 hrs or whatever w/ the same exact story...*


Either way - apparently that number of guns and weaponry is like just the tip of the iceburg on what they've taken from criminals.

Also - apparently every day is iraq to the police - areas and such they won't even BOTHER going into simply because a firefight is/couldbe around the corner...

Callouts and lookouts like the guys from the "black hawk down" movie... where simple low tech is used to warn of whatever dangers...

*yes i know that was a "movie"....*

from what i gather 1300 guns ain't much in brazil....

What a waste. The sad thing is lots of those guns will probably end up in the hands of criminals buying/stealing them from corrupt cops instead of sitting harmlessly in an unknown private collection.
Finally! Correct use of the term!!!

1,300 firearms is indeed an "arsenal."

I think we can all agree on that!

In crime-ridden Rio de Janeiro, state authorities are offering as much as $330 for machine-guns and other heavy armaments, as well as extra payment to police who confiscate weapons from criminals.
I'll go $340... :D
I'll bet hubby is real proud. :barf:

How do people that stupid manage to balance their checkbooks? Clothe themselves?


- Gabe

An ''arsenal'' is where guns are worked on and built .. the ''armory'' is where they are stored.

Then why do they call people who work on guns "armorers"?

And, from dictionary.com:

ar·se·nal ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ärs-nl)
A governmental establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel.
A stock of weapons.
A store or supply: an arsenal of retorts.
As per Merriam Webster:
Main Entry: ar·se·nal
Pronunciation: 'ärs-n&l, 'är-s&n-&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian arsenale, ultimately from Arabic dAr sinA'ah house of manufacture
1 a : an establishment for the manufacture or storage of arms and military equipment b : a collection of weapons
2 : STORE, REPERTORY <the team's arsenal of veteran players>
I gotta agree with DRJones.

While the etymology is that of manufacturing, "collection of weapons" is a common and accepted usage. 1,300 guns counts as an arsenal worthy of note. As opposed to the five gun "arsenals" we sometimes hear about on the news.


And yeah, that's a really poor way of honoring dad's memory and his hard-earned collection. :banghead:
And I would've gone to $350 for the full-auto stuff. :)
OK Col. - put it down to age!! In my youth the arsenal was where guns were made, repaired, tuned etc .. albeit yeah by an armorer. Of course - by default weapons were stored also.

However, in my young army days .. the store of weapons for issue - either drill or firing .. was the armory (also an armorer there, for maintainance etc) ... never was it referred to as an arsenal! Despite many weapons being in store. I guess I am trying also to downplay the crazy media hype - where anyone with about 2 or more guns is branded as being in possession of an ''arsenal'' .... it ticks me off!! :p :)
I'm missing something here.

Why is it that those people who live in the worst crime infested areas, those who need guns for protection, are the first ones to turn them in?

How is it so easy to convince these people that if they are disarmed, they are safer?

I've seen this in many U.S. cities when they have gun buy backs, so it's not just happening in Brazille.

Like I said, I'm missing something :scrutiny: .

J:uhoh: e

Brazil, has high crime rate. Eg.: prostitution, rape, robberies are the most common problem all of them in rural, surburbans areas and cities. Finally, some LEO have his own KKK. I don't think so any BG will be surrend his weapons for $100 (being it his work tool). It's easy for goverments pay $80.000 for some lose weapons and say we make the streets safer, than chase BG and corrupted LEO and educated people about use or avoid missused or firearms (some millions).
I' heard that song in many times (demilitarize civil population).


Ps.: my 0.02
I find it odd they are buying back so many guns and have these tough gun laws, yet thousands of Brazilian made guns/frames are shipped to the US every year.
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