wonder what they look like close up?

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Dec 27, 2002

ROUEN, France (Reuters) -- French police said Friday they had seized two lethal mobile phones capable of shooting four bullets, with the digital touchpads used as triggers.

The black phones, identical to normal mobile phones on the outside, were discovered in a raid on a suspected criminal's home Tuesday in the northern city of Rouen.

The deadly phones come apart in the middle to reveal a four-chamber compartment for .22 caliber bullets, which can be shot out of a protruding fake antenna.

"These would be lethal at 10 meters," said Michel Lavaud, head of a local police brigade.

Police seized the telephones along with 1,000 ecstasy pills, heroin, cannabis and $25,000 in cash at the home of a man suspected of armed robberies and drug trafficking.

Lavaud said police thought the weapons were of a kind believed to be made in Eastern Europe and to have appeared in Belgium and the Netherlands in 2001.
It's a sort of four barrelled thingie.

It loads and fires like the old "harmonica" gun. The ones I've seen (training films) are in 22lr, 25 or 32 ACP.

The warning said they were lethal at 60 feet. But I'm still wondering how one aims a cell phone at ranges greater than powderburn distance. 60 feet is 20 yards; heck, I know people who can't hit with a normal sidearm at 20 yards with any reliability.

However, if someone sticks a cell phone in my face or stomach, I'm getting ugly with them real quick!
Now thats a cell Phone worth carrying!

Worth its weight on my belt. Too bad they arn't avaiable or legal in the US (Its an AOW I beleave)
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