Wrapping guns in VCI paper?

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Oct 19, 2010
I am fixing to order some VCI (vapor paper) to wrap some guns and parts. Is there any type that I shouldn't use? I am looking at some from "Uline". Anybody ever used any, suggestions? Thanks for any info.
:) I ordered some S&W paper to use but don't rely on it to keep my guns rust free. I also use a product called RIG. It's been around for a long long time. I bought a can [it is grease] about 30 years ago and it's still over half full. I keep a rag with RIG on it and wipe my guns down at least once a year. Don
We line crates with Daubert brand VCI paper for shipping printing presses overseas.

Unless you buy a large (and very expensive) roll, you're going to be stuck going through distributors like U-Line.

Here's a win-win combination....

wipe surfaces with preservative grease (or believe it or not... WD-40 works very well)
wrap in VCI paper
place in a vapor barrier bag, evacuate air and zip/seal)
put the bagged gun in a box, to protect the bag.

Good to go.
You want a paper that will not hold moisture. A waxed paper is best for that.

Thanx, Russ
I wish I could get some of the RIG grease. I used to have some military cosmoline that I would have stock piled if I knew they were going to discontinue it. I heard Brownells has some but I haven't looked at it yet. I have some "spare" AR parts that I want to set back for a rainy day. Figured i'd give the VCI paper a try.
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