Yeah, it might have been foolish but.....

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Dec 26, 2002

This is the type of family that makes me proud to be an American. This is the family that stands up for what is right and is willing to step up to the plate when the chips are down. He has now proven that at least twice; once in Iraq and once in El Paso. He understood the danger involved, but didn't want to live in a community where it isn't safe to take his wife and kids out to eat.
This is the type of action that would make taking back our country a real possibility. Not more laws.
Floyd Gaines said he chased the robber for a reason people might not expect: "He ticked me off, coming in there like that. He made me angry. I couldn't even finish my food."
Don't mess with hungry soldiers.

I'm glad everything turned out well, but even if this is foolishness I think we could use more of it.
I edited my post, but I don't want to leave out the fact that his wife jumped right in the middle of it also.
What a great example they are setting for their kids.
Thanks for posting this, 444.

A hearty "WELL DONE" to 1SGT and Ms. Gaines. They make us all proud.

I notice that Ms. Gaines is an alumnus of my old alma mater, Bel Air H.S. Of course, I granulated a few years before she did. (Uh, actually, a few years before she was BORN.)

The chase ended quickly with officers cornering the man in the Midway Chevrolet car lot. They stunned the suspect with a Taser gun when he wouldn't get down on the ground, Gaines and officers said. The Taser fires probes at the end of wires, which conduct electricity into the body of the targeted person

Too bad they didn't use lead instead.
Police Detective Darrel Petry said officers don't encourage citizens to put themselves in danger.
"That's our job," he said. "But our success comes from the participation of citizens with law enforcement to combat crime.
IF only more people saw things that way....:banghead:
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