You've Got to read this!!

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Haha, funny thing! My buddy was talking about roping a deer instead of shooting it the other day! I'll have to let him know! lol
Well, although that is the 4,698th time the deer roping story has been posted or linked to, the two responders enjoyed it as new to them, so why not? :)
New to me too, Cool, that is funny... Not entirely sure its true, but very funny, Reminds me of Patrick F MacManus (spelling?) I have all of his books and they make me laugh so hard it really hurts. Remember, Real Ponies Don't go Oink!
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that's the first time I saw that one, and it was great. Wouldn't a normal man be about useless after that kind of beating at best. sure many of us have taken a beating, but not by a pissed off deer.

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