Life Below Zero

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A huge and resounding AMEN to you last post.

I now see the show as silly for the most part.

Since it has to be chopped so much that the rifles and ranges change in EVERY scene ,no matter who is shooting.

Too bad that the idiotic editors don't care that many actually know what to shoot and what they are showing looks WAY beyond idiotic.

I try to enjoy the stuff that is close to real,the rest I turn the mute button on for.
Just because someone doesn't like a thing doesn't mean they don't know anything about it.

Too late. You displayed you're ignorance on the subject with the 6 months of darkness remark [among others.] Sure the show is staged, edited or what ever you choose to call it. Did you expect a 5 hour wolf stalk to be shown in it's entirety? If you don't like it fine but don't call the people that live that life some sort of outcasts because they choose not to live you're life of driving the BMW to the beach.

So you liked it when the kid got his hand caught in the trap huh? Why do you even post on a forum like this? Would you not feel more at home reading people magazine?
DEOG said,
Take a chill pill everyone who seems to have there panties in a bunch.


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Comments on The Participents

I think this LBZ show is a very close approximation of what life is really like in the Alaskan bush. Anyone who has followed this thread and followed Caribou's posts would have most of their questions answered. Sue is what she is. This is not the first reallity show that Sue has been on. As far as a normal looking womdn goes- what is considered normal? Normal is in the eyes if the beholder as it beauty.I respect every one of the "stars" of the show and would never comment about any of them in a condecending manner. They are living a life that most of us can only dream about.I really thank the moderators for allowing this thread and our interaction with Chip Hailstone.
It's a very interesting show, especially the fact that people can live different lifestyles in society other than the norm. But what about the kids? Do they go on to College or some form of higher education? I guess what I mean is their opportunity for them to achieve higher education, or is their role to continue the tradition of the current lifestyle, get married, or go into some sort of business?
You should sell some of the great things that you make on Ebay, I am sure you would do very well, it would be a cheap way of starting a revenue stream for your family, especially with the Press the show is now getting. You would be backed up for a year on orders, even perhaps an ebay store, which requires very little outlay of money, but maybe just start off by putting some handmade boots or mittens on there.
I bet you could make a substantial amount of income doing that.
I bet if you spoke to the network, they could set up an entire separate business doing that, "unless you wanted to keep them out", which is probably a better idea, and just keep it for your family. Everything is worth money, from the antlers for knife handles etc to the bear teeth, for bracelets and necklaces, all would be a good side business.
I am sure plenty of people would be willing to help you out with anything you didn't know, that you needed.
I'm amazed people think Sue has to be a "genius" to make it out in the bush!!

I'm amazed people think her "bush life" is so hard! I mean she has oil heat, running hot water with a shower, electricity, puter with Skype, a sno machine, 4 wheeler, skid steer and on and on and on!!!

I'm ALWAYS amazed how scared people are of bears!

I'm always amazed people thing it's so hard to live in Alaska in general!! Absolutely AMAZING!!

I'm amazed people think Sue has to be a "genius" to make it out in the bush!!

I'm amazed people think her "bush life" is so hard! I mean she has oil heat, running hot water with a shower, electricity, puter with Skype, a sno machine, 4 wheeler, skid steer and on and on and on!!!

I'm ALWAYS amazed how scared people are of bears!

I'm always amazed people thing it's so hard to live in Alaska in general!! Absolutely AMAZING!!

I personally think Sue has a very good reason to fear bears. She was mauled by one and is making damn sure it doesn't happen again.Yes,She does have modern conviences but not full time hot and cold running water. One of the episodes showed what she has to go through to get water.People have questioned why she needs so much gas and fuel oil. She explains that her camp is a fuel stop for aircraft going to and coming from the north slope.It seems people love to use her as a punching bag.She is doing Ok in my opinion for what it is worth. Enjoy the show for what it is not what you thjnk it should be.

I almost agree with you.

BUT really need to see Sue use the Louieville Slugger to stop a bear = no REALLY ,that would make the show about her Bearable :evil:.

She is armed to the teeth,now ---- too bad she was not smarter earlier :neener:.

And you need to ponder exactly how much she gets for all that fuel she sells to those that don't have a choice ?.

And do go to her web site ---- its VERY expensive to go there,and bring ALL you need as she don't supply anything she aint selling.

The rest of the show is very real AND actually about Alaska and survival.
I almost agree with you.

BUT really need to see Sue use the Louieville Slugger to stop a bear = no REALLY ,that would make the show about her Bearable :evil:.

She is armed to the teeth,now ---- too bad she was not smarter earlier :neener:.

And you need to ponder exactly how much she gets for all that fuel she sells to those that don't have a choice ?.

And do go to her web site ---- its VERY expensive to go there,and bring ALL you need as she don't supply anything she aint selling.

The rest of the show is very real AND actually about Alaska and survival.
She is just injecting a little humor with the bat.:)

Actually there were 2 bats.

The Louisville and the old bat !!.

Sorry but I cant seem to abide her whole attitude AND her sloppy hunting ethics [ or lack thereof ].

Many can and do make excuses for her,I am not in that club.

AND,if she "allows" herself to be portrayed in a false manner than she actually is ----- shame on her for still allowing it.
Actually there were 2 bats.

The Louisville and the old bat !!.

Sorry but I cant seem to abide her whole attitude AND her sloppy hunting ethics [ or lack thereof ].

Many can and do make excuses for her,I am not in that club.

AND,if she "allows" herself to be portrayed in a false manner than she actually is ----- shame on her for still allowing it.
I just enjoy the show and the "characters" and try not to pass judgment. "He who is without sin -cast the first stone"! ;)

I find GREAT joy in playing,and this is play.

If it were for real,it would be paying [ like a job ].

So to all who do not enjoy my insightful observations,I say SO BE IT :neener:.

I am loving life and the coffee is hot and good to be alive.

And I for one ,still STRONGLY DISLIKE "reality TV".

Much of what I see from Sue is just that.

AND it is unforgivable the way she takes game,Seems to me [ doing the math ] that she can MORE than afford to buy her food and not "try" to kill it.

Do the math as to how much she has flown in,that is all you need to see that she is a poser.
I like what you said Djooner. There is no reward for being what you sound like.
Some folks don't understand that there is no margin for error and no time out in that environment. Sure Sue has flaws. And you critics don't? If you don't like it don't watch. And if you want to critique be aware of what you say makes you sound like.
I like what you said Djooner. There is no reward for being what you sound like.
Some folks don't understand that there is no margin for error and no time out in that environment. Sure Sue has flaws. And you critics don't? If you don't like it don't watch. And if you want to critique be aware of what you say makes you sound like.
Right on brother.
BUT of course

I am sorry,I did not let y'all know that I was perfect.

Consider this official notice that that is the fact :evil:.

I still dislike "REALITY TV" and the portion of the show [ NOT all the show ] about Sue is too much reality garbage.AND hunting ethics are a HUGE issue with me !!!!!.

Opinions are like buttholes = we all have at least one !!.
Some people find fault like there was a reward for it..

AND some of us have "been there and done that", and know BS when they see it...

Much of what she says is absolutely ridiculous!!

I do enjoy much of the show, so I watch it, but like I said, you have to put waders on when sue comes along... lol

@ DM

Thank you for "allowing" me to say what I see.

And for seeing what I consider OBVIOUS !.

You are a truly insightful adult !!.

And yes = I too enjoy most of the show.

BUT as stated I STRONGLY [ very strongly ] dislike [ HATE ] people that call bad shooting of game ,hunting !!.

Yes,that would be Sue.
It's a scripted TV show. If anyone hasn't seen how these things are made, they would be in for a big disappointment for thinking that the way it is portrayed is actually the way they live. Just give it some thought, they obviously aren't doing this for free, and are not allowed by contract to tell us what they make.
But similar shows usually don't make that much the first season, but after that ,they renegotiate.
Their agents would not let them do it for less than other reality show participants.
You have major companies paying for commercials once these things catch on. Doesn't it make you wonder why some major stars and wealthy people do these types of invasive reality shows? It's the money of course. You won't find it easily by searching, but you can compare it to other shows. They obviously don't want the viewers to know that these folks are raking in the cash. If you are lucky enough to get a few seasons after it hits, you more or less don't need to worry about money anymore.
Just being realistic, they deserve it if they get to that point, but that's why they have to take every side deal or revenue stream they can while they are hot. I'm sure Sue worked on this for years to get herself in the role she's in, it's not like she will get her own talk show after this is done with, but who knows.
@ Chip

I enjoyed this show,as I saw a knife you were using in the house to skin some wood for dying that vest.

I love watching your wife make native stuff,she makes it turn out so cool looking = and its hand made !!!.

That vest was too sweet,and if allowed in the states,would sell for a good deal.

AGAIN,Sue ----- ah ,nevermind.
That vest was too sweet,and if allowed in the states,would sell for a good deal.

AGAIN,Sue ----- ah ,nevermind.
Aaaaaw, Alaska IS a state, so there's no problem with her vest being allowed "in the states".

Seal, ivory ect., once processed, can be sold to anyone in any state... It's raw materials that are restricted.

NO question, the show would be a LOT better, if they quit scripting so much drama with the drama queen... But, I'm sure lot's of townies are eating that up!

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When I was on the cross-country team at Northeastern Alaska State University, we carried Louisville sluggers (or bat of your choice) for bear protection when on training runs through the woods.

Teammates often came back from runs covered in bear blood. So, yes, the bats are quite effective. ;)
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