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  1. D

    carrying at your local shop

    1 My home isn't open to the public 2 I am not using my home to make a living off of a Constitutional right while simultaneously restricting people from it (IOW- Leave your gun outside, but bring me your money.) 3 If you are a visitor in my home, you are there because I am your friend and I trust...
  2. D

    Gun buyback

    To add: from the rest of the budget request: Full Auto AR-15 Bushmasters for $375!!! (see how cheap it could be if 922(o) went away?)
  3. D

    Gun buyback

    There will be a "kicks for guns" campaign in central Florida on August 20, 2010, where a person can turn in a gun for a $50 gift certificate. From the budget request:
  4. D

    No guns in airports

    Didn't realize that our Rights were based upon need...
  5. D

    No guns in airports

    Not if Lautenberg's new bill goes through. Why? Because there will be no firearms allowed on airport grounds. I know it says it won't affect you if you are going to transport a gun, but how are you going to transport it without bringing it on to the airport property?
  6. D

    FBI Releases Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in 2009

    Because police officers are a part of both groups. If all crimes against them while off duty are counted as having happened on duty, then the rate of on duty death will never be lower than the rate of death for the public. If you wanted to calculate the rate of LODD (r), and you made it a...
  7. D

    FBI Releases Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in 2009

    Since this cop was killed in a robbery of his home while off duty (and it was still considered to be a line of duty death) I would say that the numbers include all officers killed criminally. This means that the numbers are useless for statistical purposes, because the number can never be lower...
  8. D

    FBI Releases Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in 2009

    But when it comes to lawmaking, they are just a number. Remember that the allegation that LEOs are more likely to be the victim of a felonious assault is the reason why a retired LEO from Alaska has the ability to carry a concealed weapon in Illinois, and I don't. You refute such claims by...
  9. D

    FBI Releases Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in 2009

    It is just as significant as calling Washington DC the murder capital of the US with a murder rate of 45.8 per 100,000. (FBI uniform crime report, 2002) Also, this is not a sample that can be used for statistical purposes, as the sample is not random.
  10. D

    FBI Releases Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in 2009

    OK: The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that there were about 861,000 police officers in the United States in 2006. (the latest numbers I could find) That works out to a rate of 5.6 police deaths by felonious means per 100,000 (using the FBI numbers).
  11. D

    FBI Releases Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in 2009

    The 15 ambush deaths were as follows: 4 in Oakland, CA on March 21 by a parolee. In other words, a prohibited person. 3 in Pittsburgh on April 4 by Richard Poplawski, a white supremecist that was subject to a domestic violence restraining order and had been dishonorable discharged from the...
  12. D

    FBI Releases Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in 2009

    According to the officer down memorial page, in 2009 the on duty deaths for cops were: Felonious assault 60 ---47 killed by gunfire by non-cops ---1 corrections officer died after being hit over the head with a pipe by a prisoner ---3 officers died as a result of illnesses contracted on 9/11...
  13. D

    Military to require registration of personal firearms (again)?

    Only for weapons kept on post. I lived off base, and I was not required to register my personal weapons. I also owned a gun store while I was in the military, and my Lt tried to order me to close. I pointed out to him that his order was not a lawful one. The command backed me up on that one. If...
  14. D

    Military to require registration of personal firearms (again)?

    FactCheck is a politically motivated, partisan group of shills. I don't believe them. Heck, all you have to do is go to and see that this administration still has gun laws firmly in its sights. The only reason that Obama signed the Coburn Amendment was because it was attached...
  15. D

    Educate me on the gunshow "loophole"

    Sure they can, but it would be illegal. A person from NY can also drive to PA and burglarize a home, steal a gun, and then take it back to NY and sell it to someone whom isn't supposed to have one. That doesn't make it legal, and no amount of legal maneuvering will stop that.
  16. D

    My article - Will the terrorism watch list strip citizens of their 2A rights?

    From here: Is there any doubt as to who the Act is targeting? It IS called the TEA Act, after all. What are the reasons you can be expatriated? These will be added by the TEA Act: 1 providing material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization 2 engaging in, or purposefully...
  17. D

    Sorry, I do not know where else to post this

    In the legal forum, I recently began a thread discussing a pending law which would remove the citizenship and constitutional rights of any person suspected of assisting terror groups. Without getting into the specifics of that thread, I ask that the mods and admins here consider the fact...
  18. D

    Stripping people of rights under COTUS

    I want to keep this strictly in the realm of sedition, and why they should have their rights stripped WITHOUT TRIAL, and firmly stay out of the politics, but where did you get this idea? Which Tea Party rally called for the overthrow of the government? I am not a Tea Party person, but so far...
  19. D

    Stripping people of rights under COTUS

    Read from this article: If then can do this for suspected terrorists, how long before gun owners and Tea Partiers are listed as enemies and stripped of their rights? That means rights to jury trial, search warrants, arms, freedom of speech and association, all of it. We could be on the verge...
  20. D

    Would you have used your handgun in this situation?

    I can believe it. I came home in Orlando one night to find my front window broken out. I waited outside and called 911. I told them it was a break in , and the burglars were still inside. The operator told me that no cops were available, and there would be a wait of up to an hour. I told her...