Gun buyback

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Nov 18, 2007
Near Ocala
There will be a "kicks for guns" campaign in central Florida on August 20, 2010, where a person can turn in a gun for a $50 gift certificate. From the budget request:

The Police Department is requesting authorization to transfer and expend $3,000.00 from the Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund in order to participate in the Central Florida Crimeline “Kicks for Guns” Campaign. The "Kicks for Guns" program or "Shoes for Guns" was initiated as an opportunity for Law Enforcement to allow citizens to turn in any guns they may have in exchange for a $50.00 gift certificate. Crimeline will be doing all of the advertising and promotion for this event. They have coordinated with all of the Central Florida Law Enforcement agencies who will be participating, so that the program will be offered on August 20, 2010. The funds will be used to purchase gift cards with a value of $50.00 each to be given to each person who surrenders a gun. By giving citizens a chance to turn in guns in their possession, it will lessen the chance that the gun may be misplaced, stolen, or end up in the hands of a child or criminal. Any guns that are turned in will first be analyzed, then destroyed.
To add: from the rest of the budget request: Full Auto AR-15 Bushmasters for $375!!! (see how cheap it could be if 922(o) went away?)

The Police Department has weapons that are scheduled to be replaced. Due to both the length of service and usage of the Colt AR-15 rifles, shotguns and Sage Multi Launchers, it would not be cost effective to refurbish these weapons. The Bushmaster AR-15 rifles are unable to be refurbished to accept the Department’s current scope systems.

The vendor, B & H Gunrack, Inc., from whom the Police Department will purchase new rifles, has indicated that they will provide a $100.00 credit per shotgun that is traded in on this order, a $250.00 credit per Colt AR-15 traded in, a $375.00 credit per Bushmaster AR-15 traded in and a $250.00 credit per Sage Multi Launcher that is traded in on this order. This will allow the Police Department to remove the surplus weapons from the inventory while receiving $9,050.00 of credit toward the purchase of new rifles.

As part of the trade in and credit for the surplus weapons, the Department will transfer the Bushmaster AR-15 rifles numbered 1 thru 10, to the Daytona Beach Police Department in accordance with ATF regulations, which govern the transfer of automatic weapons. B & H Gunrack will provide the Department the $250.00 credit per rifle directly to the City.

The Department is requesting authorization to purchase firearms for B & H Gunrack using the credits received.
I'd put up flyers telling people that if they have old military rifles or pistol made by S&W, Colt, etc. that they can get much more for them than $50.
By giving citizens a chance to turn in guns in their possession, it will lessen the chance that the gun may be misplaced, stolen, or end up in the hands of a child or criminal.
What they are actually saying:" You can't be trusted to secure your firearms".
Any guns that are turned in will first be analyzed, then destroyed.
At least it may give an owner whose guns were stolen to retrieve his/her property.(maybe).
Ok so here's an idea:

We all don't like gun buybacks because they result in destroyed weapons and generally rip people off worse than pawnshops.

Some people here have bought guns right out of the line at buybacks, which I am sure the PD's that run these circus's just love.

So how about someone (with more legal knowledge than me) makes a concise brochure regarding how to legally sell a firearm in your state, and also include regular ballpark prices for some common guns with pictures. Then people can go hand these out to let people at buybacks know they can legally sell their guns quite easily and also get a fair price.
These are such a monumental waste of government money. Honestly, they would do better to host local pawns and gun stores in a convention center, and allow folks to bring in items to sell. Sort of like an Antiques roadshow for guns.

Citizens would get a lot more money for their firearms, and they would get in the custody of folks with a FFL. Sounds like a win/win to me.

heck even a pwn gives better money than $50 for a functional firearm and if it ain't functional, then WHY do we need to buy it back?
That's pretty pathetic. "Buybacks" don't even trade you cash anymore. Over the past few years, I've noticed that they changed over to the lousy gift cards to grocery stores or whatnot. A couple years ago, some tool in Denver couldn't even come up with the funds to offer gift cards, so he just set up a table and accepted the surrender of whatever guns people were willing to dispose of, with nothing to offer in exchange. This is stupid.
...let people at buybacks know they can legally sell their guns quite easily and also get a fair price.
I'd wager that most of the people who actually surrender guns at "buybacks" are sold on the theory that their gun is dangerous and is just waiting to be stolen or misused by some innocent child. They WANT it destroyed.
We all don't like gun buybacks because they result in destroyed weapons and generally rip people off worse than pawnshops
While this true,it isn't why I don't like "gun buy ups". My problem with them (other than the fact that they are often funded with tax money re: MY money!) is the message that is sent. "Guns are bad,get rid of them or they will make you bad too"!
chicago, illinois has done this a few times that i know. turn in a gun no questions asked. think it was $50.00 cash. seen this on wgn tv a few times. seen some real nice guns in the tv news about it. at the tome chicago had a law you could not own a hand gun.
So, what exactly could/would law enforcement do if you were on a public sidewalk outside said "buy-back" location with a sign saying - Let me see your gun first, I may give you more for it than $50. - and I pay cash"

Suppose you get a Wilson Combat 1911 and they guy will take $75 cash for it? I've pondered this question for a while.
Perhaps a local FFL should take a Blue Book of Gun Values down and offer appraisals to the folks in line.

For the most part these buy-ups take in firearms that aren't worth much... until you get that one old lady or kid who is turning in "pop's gun" that should really be in a museum.
If you're dumb enough to sell a perfectly good gun for a $50 gift card then I don't really think you're the type that we want armed. Just my $0.02.
I echo what Speaksoftly said. Do we really have to baby the idiots who are giving their possessions away.
We don't do this for people trading in their used cars for a loss when they go to purchase a new car.
It seems very clear that the people involved in this aren't the brightest bunch. Unless you are taking advantage
of the morons who operate these buybacks by dumping off an inoperable/junk gun, then you deserve as little as
possible for destroying a perfectly fine firearm.
everyone knows handguns are the root of all evil, therefore magnum handguns must be the worst of the worst. in an effort to make the world a warm and fuzzy place to live in, i will go that one step further, if you have a magnum pistol, any magnum, in good to excellent shape, little used, i will go beyond the $50 gift certificate offered. for a limited time i will give you. $51, cash money for your used smiths, colts, Taurus, etc magnum pistols. try to maintain an orderly line, no pushing or shoving to be first to take advantage of this "amazing" offer. i am holding my breath so hurry, this offer won't last long. have a nice day
Do we really have to baby the idiots who are giving their possessions away.
This has nothing to do with people (informed or otherwise) disposing of their own property as they see fit. It has EVERYTHING to do with the police PROMOTED perception that guns are evil and should be removed from private hands. PLUS the fact that in police sponsored buy-ups taxpayers are footing the bill!
Is the notion that "guns are evil" really police-promoted? Perhaps by some, but generally?

My brother was an LEO, and he does not have that view. Just got my CCW here - a long, expensive process - and a Fuerza Publica (police) lieutenant working at the arms and explosives ministry shook my hand as I was leaving with my new card.

In my experience this "guns are evil" delusion is the result of ignorance, and those I know who try to propagate that view have an agenda. Usually, that agenda is to control.

A rusty Jennings .25 would make a fine trade for a $50 gift certificate IMO.
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"guns are evil" really police-promoted
When it comes to police sponsored gun buy ups the answer is clearly yes!
In my experience this "guns are evil" delusion is the result of ignorance, and those I know who try to propagate that view have an agenda. Usually, that agenda is to control.
Ingnorance played on by those who seek to disarm the populace.
A rusty Jennings .25 would make a fine trade for a $50 gift certificate IMO. does that reduce crime? How does it look in the newspaper when a photo of a police officer holding that little Jennings saying "one less gun in the hands of a criminal"? Does this help or hurt in our fight to protect or 2nd Amendment rights?
it does not reduce crime, it reduces old rusty Jenningses :)

Getting a couple of guys and some cash together
to make an appraisal booth ... would be fun.

If only two or three grannies turn in collectable antiques
it would be profitable. And you could pay her like 300$ for
a piece like that. No need for a ripoff.

in my restrictive country the had an amnesty for non-licensed guns
last year. 10s of thousands were turned in. Even Muzzleloaders ( legal!)
and Airguns LOL.

And doubtlessly many wonderful collectables and antiques
even from Napoleonic times ... were just thrown away
instead of at least sold to someone who´d love it.




sorry to visually hijack .. i just wandered of while trying to find
a pic for this campaign ... I´ve seen piles of nice pieces that are legal to own
for any adult ( singleshot muzzleloaders, airguns ...) legal collectibles

I´m happy with a lot of those illegal ones getting collected,
instead of them being sold on the black market and getting
into the wrong hands. But some people just give hundreds
and sometimes thousands of $$$ to the state to destroy.

end of rant.
I read the chapter in the NAS NRC study on "Firearms and Violence."

They pointed out that with 6,500 handgun murders and 65,000,000 handguns, a gun buyback program would have to randomly select 10,000 handguns to get one murder weapon. They also pointed out that the typical gun turned in and the typical gun seller in the typical buyback do not match the typical murder weapon or murderer/murder victim profile.

The typical gun seller in a buyback program is a family member who inherited a gun but they have no interest in owning it. A widow with a old Winchester duck gun is hardly a profile of a murder; the idea of her getting $50.00 in gift cards when a collector or shooter would pay ten times that is a crime though.

The money for a buyback would be better spendt on better equipment or additional training for the police department.
Now Wait Just A Minute

A couple years ago, some tool in Denver couldn't even come up with the funds to offer gift cards, so he just set up a table and accepted the surrender of whatever guns people were willing to dispose of, with nothing to offer in exchange.

I'd be on that like Caucasian on rice. Can I set up a booth in my driveway?
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