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  1. H

    Level a city and the muslim extremists take the hint, or, the case for nuking them

    jimpeel I left out Gavacho and Yaku because I've never heard of them. Cracker and Honkey skipped my mind; I don't talk in the language of the South. Blue-eyed Devil is not a slur that makes sense in English, and doesn't exist in Japanese or in other Asian languages I am familiar with. Oh and...
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    Level a city and the muslim extremists take the hint, or, the case for nuking them

    On a further note, every time we go ahead and talk about "ragheads, towelheads, camel jockeys" and other words to dehumanize an entire culture, we make it so much easier to do the wrong thing and push for the slaughter of Muslim women who deserve better, Muslim children who deserve better...
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    Level a city and the muslim extremists take the hint, or, the case for nuking them

    jimpeel, Good for you then on the "been there and done that." Am wondering with raised eyebrow if you've tried the "Jap/Nip/Gook/Chink" thing with some Koreans, or better yet, Vietnamese. You've already said you've associated primarily with Mexicans and Blacks, and if you say you've got heaps...
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    Americans Killed in Iraq Mutilated and Desecrated

    Like any would betray their family members and risk being disowned, or worse, have reprisals done on their families. Right. Surgical strikes? Once we start dropping JDAMs, all bets are off. Like they'd turn anyone over after we start nailing them. Sure. Like the SpecOps people don't have...
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    Put Your Money Where Their Mouths Are

    This is a great article. Thanks FRIZ. Peace out.
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    How can we fight this?

    Dangerous most to themselves, as they believe in living their own principles and walk around de-clawed. I bet the good doctor's worldview wouldn't survive a mugging. Let him take lessons from Bernard Goetz. Peace out.
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    Vote or revolt? Long, but good points made.

    Not bad. Shame she doesn't go into detail about exactly how she's going to revolt. Maybe when I watch the six o'clock news and see her get taken down by a SWAT team for trying to take over a government building armed with sticks of lipstick in a bandolier (possible bomb). Well maybe if the...
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    How can we fight this?

    7.62FullMetalJacket, I didn't beat you to a thing. Since Matt Payne is kinda in the dumps over this, I think there's enough of the good doctor to go around for ridicule. Gary H, I would bet breakfast at Waffle House (fine cuisine where I'm at) that the wannabe jumper was the good doctor...
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    Level a city and the muslim extremists take the hint, or, the case for nuking them

    Unfortunately, members of the government are elected from the populace, and retarded public opinion carried into the realm of policy by public officials results in such wonderful things as the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Japanese-American concentration camp internment, and other joyous events...
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    How can we fight this?

    No, it is the duty and the responsibility of our government to uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As it is written, not fantasized by someone who probably doesn't have to deal with the realities of living in bad neighborhoods, having your loved ones predated on, or victimized in...
  11. H

    Sending battle-weary, clinically stressed soldiers back into the heat of Iraq?

    -ThreadKiller Not a thing. They deserve their rest. And no we aren't lowering our colors over here at 327th Infantry (the "Bastogne Brigade") thank you very much. Come over and visit sometime. Dorian, welcome back to service. Hope you aren't too disappointed in what it's become...
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    Level a city and the muslim extremists take the hint, or, the case for nuking them

    fix, thank you. A voice of reason sums it all up. MeekandMild, could you not use the word "Jap" again? Thanks much.
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    Americans Killed in Iraq Mutilated and Desecrated

    -Paco Well, I would dearly love to indulge your position on this, but since you weren't there beside me all those times I took fire, went hungry, went thirsty, and walked through the wreckage of Iraq that these people largely visited upon themselves, I find your insistence on kid gloves...
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    Level a city and the muslim extremists take the hint, or, the case for nuking them

    -MeekandMild I came over from one of the other threads to see how the massacre adherents and puppy lovers stack up against each other. Then I find the above quote. Regardless of the fact that there were only two fission bombs (unless one believes in the quirky legend of the "missing...
  15. H

    U.S.vows retaliation

    Up to half a million Iraqis, hostile, versus 1st MEF. No Chesty Pullers, No Howling Mad Smiths. The count is what, last I heard, 7 dead Marines over 10 days courtesy of IEDs? Not much has changed apparently since I was last in country. Expect a fiasco. I'm just happy I don't own a television...
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    Americans Killed in Iraq Mutilated and Desecrated

    For the record, I think the American public needs to stop projecting American standards of behavior onto the Iraqis. These people don't understand the burden of responsibility behind RKBA and shoot each other (and us) up quite happily. These people don't care about American notions of justice or...
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    Americans Killed in Iraq Mutilated and Desecrated

    Gabe, thanks for the link. I have nothing else to say. Prayers for the fallen. Peace out.
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    Americans Killed in Iraq Mutilated and Desecrated

    -El Rojo This thread is taking a lot of pennies out of my pocket, but since I started the whole Hiroshima-Nagasaki thing I should clarify. I didn't advocate using the nuclear option on Fallujah. I brought out that whole reference to atomics because I beliebe that America should be...
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    Americans Killed in Iraq Mutilated and Desecrated

    Gabe, could you provide a link on Scott Helveston's death, and another on the military backgrounds of the four killed? Thanks much.
  20. H

    The plastic, no-account M-16 rabbit shooter that our Army warriors have painfully. .

    How about we reintroduce the Davy Crockett Atomic Bazooka?