1911 Questions

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I replaced the FLGR with a stock recoil plug, spring guide, and 16 lb spring. I took it ot the range and it fired with out any malfunctions.

Two parameters changed: the buffer effect and the FLGR effect, and two results were observed. No malfunctions and shoots to the right. Is there a more specific correlation?

My theorem: solid FLGR might restore POI and eliminate malfunction.

after I installed the stock recoil system it shot an inch or so to the right.
Not uncommon.

It indicates that the FLGR was putting a lateral pressure the slide. Pushing it sideways and that could have affected your reliability as well as your accuracy.
I don't use FLGR's, but I've noticed that after I switch them out on other peoples' guns they sometime shoot to a different point of impact. I suspect the reason is that the rod in some way effected how the slide ended up in battery. In any case I simply adjust the sights and everything is good to go.
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