2A support from an unlikely source

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Apr 26, 2009
I know very little about Dr. Keith Ablow, but I would not have expected him to come out with a piece like this:

The Psychological Value of Gun Ownership

Monday's Supreme Court decision on guns allows citizens to challenge city and state regulations that curtail their Second Amendment right to bear arms. This is an important ruling because it shores up the Constitution at a time when the Obama administration is testing it in more than one way. But it is also important psychologically for millions of Americans.

The right to bear arms is a critical component of feeling competent and autonomous as individuals, rather than relying on the goodwill of a super-powerful, unassailable government. A disarmed population is, by definition, a population that has completely ceded the power to defend its homes against local, state or federal authorities. This implies a level of trust much more consistent with that which children have for parents than that which thinking adults have for the institutions they have created to perform vital functions like defending the nation, keeping the peace, maintaining schools and providing clean water.

A disarmed population is allowed the toxic luxury of feeling as though our way of life and our safety from oppression comes without the tremendous responsibilities and moral complexities of wielding force. The same people who passively pay taxes that put tanks on the streets and fighter jets in the skies over our enemies' nations can cringe at the idea of owning guns themselves — projecting their survival instincts onto an all-powerful father figure (the state).

History is replete with examples of cultures in which taking guns away from law-abiding citizens foreshadowed catastrophic abuses of the power thereby invested in government. One need look no further than Nazi Germany.

While gun control advocates point to the toll of accidental deaths and murders involving firearms, I believe such tragedies highlight the need for citizens to take more personal responsibility for the handguns they own, not any justification for them to be infantilized by banning them from owning handguns at all.

It may well be that putting more guns in the hands of American men and women and training them to safely store those guns would actually be one immediate way to immunize the population from feeling like passive participants in history and in safeguarding what we value about our way of life. Every gun privately and legally owned in America is a tiny impediment to the citizenry assuming a docile, nearly delusional perspective that the world will always be predictable, that one's home and loved ones will always be safe and that government will always tend toward light and never toward darkness.

And, it got me to thinking of some facets of the right to self preservation that I haven't considered. I hadn't considered that clinically the desire to take responsibility for my own protection was a psychologically healthy thing. I guess I knew it instinctively, but I'd never considered it consciously.

Any way we can now add that it's a sign of sanity to exercise the RTKBA to our pro 2A arguments.

The link if you'd like to go see it yourself:

The Psychological Value of Gun Ownership
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I've heard of this guy, but knew nothing about him. He seems to be a pretty honest, competent psychiatrist, at least based on this one piece. Looking up some background information about Dr. Ablow, he's worked in forensics, which if anything would make him at least slightly more qualified to comment on such matters. At the risk of veering wildly off the High Road, I've always characterized (usually implicitly) those who would surrender liberty in order to shirk responsibility as mentally ill, but if a professional psychiatrist is willing to do so--especially in the context of the RKBA--then that's OK with me! :cool: What we have here is a serious psychological pandemic of adults who refuse to grow up and want to be treated as children for their entire lives. :uhoh:
Excellent article, dan, thanks.

Nice to see someone (especially in that field) advocating that we grow up and take responsibility for our lives, and pointing out that it's the psychologically healthful thing to do.

History is replete with examples of cultures in which taking guns away from law-abiding citizens foreshadowed catastrophic abuses of the power thereby invested in government. One need look no further than Nazi Germany.

we have the guns and they still manage to abuse us........ wonder why.
Since some of y'all seem to have forgotten, consider this a reminder that poly ticks and your opinions about the MSM are not on-topic here.

If you just had one of your witty and clever posts disappear from this thread, consider this fair warning that your contribution crossed the line between on-topic and inappropriate.
rbernie wrote: "Since some of y'all seem to have forgotten, consider this a reminder that poly ticks and your opinions about the MSM are not on-topic here."

How about setting up a place here to discuss sex, religion and politics. Those who don't enjoy those discussions don't have to enter therein.
Been tried, was a wildly out of control failure. I think there is a companion website that does do that, but not here.

As for the OP, very interesting, I like it.
And, it got me to thinking of some facets of the right to self preservation that I haven't considered. I hadn't considered that clinically the desire to take responsibility for my own protection was a psychologically healthy thing. I guess I knew it instinctively, but I'd never considered it consciously.
This is really great. Couldn't agree more
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