4506 grips: arched or straight?

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Dec 1, 2006
western Pa.
Here's a question for you more experienced 45 acp shooters. I have a 4506-1 S&W that has the arched back grips. I understand you can also get straight back grips for it. Other than the feel, are there any advantages to one over the other? I also notice that most new 1911 type pistols have a straight mainspring cover rather than the 1911 A1 type. I'm wondering if I should try straight back grips too.
I don't know that there are any real advantages to either. I think it is personal preference.

I personally prefer straight....

A close friend prefers the arched....

I would try straight and see how it feels.
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I have a 4506-1 S&W that has the arched back grips. I understand you can also get straight back grips for it.
Correct. You push out a pin in the bottom, then pry the grips off the frame. They are one piece and wrap around the mainspring. Aftermarket grips should be available from makers like Hogue. These add bulk and make the surface too "tacky," something I don't care for myself.
Other than the feel, are there any advantages to one over the other?
Not really, no, IMO. This is an individual preference. If you find, for example, that the gun points high with the arched, it may point better with the flat. Or, if you have difficulty wrapping your finger around the trigger when it is forward, the flat grip may reduce the trigger reach a little. Further, the flat grip can be used with a Hogue grip sleeve, for an "in-between" size.
+1 for flat

I like the feel of the Hogue rubber grips, but don't like them for carry. I like the thinness of the stock panel and the flat backstrap.
Another option though, is the 1076 "palmswell grip. Its' a little wider, a little deeper cut at the beavertail, and a little rounded at the butt. They are still available from S&W and I'm deciding if I like them.
Cheers, TF
+1 for the arched

I had a 1006 with the flat grip and it was one of the few pistols I found painful to shoot. I now have a 4506 with the arched and couldn't be happier. I agree with the previous poster who said the Hogue grips are too "tacky" -- as in sticky. It may depend on hand size -- mine are big.
They're not expensive. If you can't find one for rent or borrow, just buy some from S&W.

Good luck!
Thanks for the replies. I now have both an arched and straight back grip for my 4506. Both are S&W originals. I'll swap 'em out and see if I can see any improvement in shooting.
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