A call to residents of Grand Rapids, MI….

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Feb 14, 2012
Folks, I posted this on anther forum earlier this week:

Mayor George Heartwell used today's (1/28/2014) city commission meeting to go on the offensive to bring gun control to Grand Rapids, in particular, and Michigan in general. Here is the text of his speech:

“Guns make us less safe. I feel responsibility for the safety of people in Grand Rapids. I have a responsibility to speak up on this and influence public opinion.”

Since last we met as a City Commission – according to the online resource Wikipedia – there have been nine school shootings, and at least one movie theatre and one mall shooting in the United States. If that pace continues it will outstrip last year’s reported 31 school shootings. Since January 1, 2000, there have been a reported 119 school shootings in the (United States). How could we forget the 6-year-old boy in Flint who brought his uncle’s gun to school and killed his little 6-year-old classmate because, as he said, “I don’t like her.”

In Grand Rapids there have been 23 reports of gunshots and three shooting victims since January 1.

There have been uncounted numbers of suicides by gun in the country since last we met, but, if averages hold up, then 1,119 people have turned their guns on themselves and taken their lives in the last three weeks. Just over half of all suicides are by gun.

There is estimated to be 310 million guns in this country. That is one gun for every man, woman and child in the nation, save 9 million. Many of those guns are owned by unstable people or are owned by others in the homes of unstable people in which guns are readily available. The Congress of the United States has failed its responsibility to protect us from those dangerous and mentally unstable people. Every American citizen is at risk today because of our lax and irresponsible gun laws. We even had an illustration in our neighboring community of (Ionia) of two licensed gun carriers drawing on each other after a road rage incident. Both are dead.

I sit in our City Commission meeting week after week anxious and frightened because a civilian with a gun is in this chamber. I know that he can kill me, and probably others at this table or in these chambers, before the police officer in the rear of the room can react. Carrying a gun always, always represents the threat to use that gun to kill or maim another. That, after all, is why these people carry their guns.

Now the gun advocates want to “desensitize” the community to open carry. The more guns we see, they say, the less we will fear them or the people carrying them. Well, I will never be desensitized and God help us all if society accepts those bullying tactics as the norm.

I urge all citizens who feel as I do to take action. Arm yourselves with the righteousness of our position. If you see an armed person come into a store or restaurant, alert others and leave the establishment. If you see an armed person in a shopping mall or movie theatre, alert security and leave the building. If you see an armed person approaching a school, call the police. You see we can never know what that individual’s intention may be. We must always err on the side of public safety rather than regretting later, when people are dead, that we didn’t act," (emphasis added).
Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell to gun-control advocates: 'Arm yourselves with righteousness' | MLive.com

The exercise of our Constitutional rights is being criminalized.

It's time for a recall in Grand Rapids, MI.

The implications of his address are dangerous. In the name of "safety," Heartwell has, in his capacity as Mayor of Grand Rapids, declared open season on firearm carriers in Grand Rapids. Although he began by specifically targeting open carriers, he ended by including ALL of us with his remark, "Carrying a gun always, always represents the threat to use that gun to kill or maim another. That, after all, is why these people carry their guns." He says that we can never know a person's motivation for carrying a firearm, yet he has declared that ALL firearm carriers do so because we have a desire to kill or maim - a concern with personal or family defense has nothing to do with it. We are all killers just waiting for our chance. Although he is telling his loyal followers just to make others aware of our presence, leave businesses and alert security or the police for the exercise of our rights, there are those out there who will take it to the next level and provoke personal confrontations that have the potential to become physical assaults on carriers or their families; there is always SOMEONE who takes calls like this too far. Remember, Heartwell already gave a good citizenship award to a man who publicly chewed out a lawful open carrier for doing so at a city meeting.

This cannot be allowed to continue.

I have been in contact with Senator Dave Hildenbrand's office, asking him to get involved himself, and I am pushing for the involvement of State AG Bill Scheutte. This implications of what the mayor said are dangerous, and they are also a blatant violation of Michigan's pre-emption law, MCL 123.1102,

A local unit of government shall not impose special taxation on, enact or enforce any ordinance or regulation pertaining to, or regulate in any other manner the ownership, registration, purchase, sale, transfer, transportation, or possession of pistols or other firearms, ammunition for pistols or other firearms, or components of pistols or other firearms, except as otherwise provided by federal law or a law of this state.

Sen. Hildenbrand needs to hear from ALL of us (517-373-1801). Mayor Heartwell must be held accountable for his actions before they A) cause serious problems here in Grand Rapids, and B) spread to Lansing, Detroit, Battle Creek and other Michigan cities whose mayors are also in bed with Bloomberg's MAIG.

It is also time to mount a recall campaign against Mayor George Heartwell, City Manager Greg Sundstrom, and City Attorney Catherine Mish. GRPD Chief Kevin Belk is already on his way out due to retirement, but we need to insure that the next chief of police is not a gun grabber; under the leadership of Heartwell and Sundstrom, that will certainly be a litmus test for the next chief.

This is URGENT.
Any time a politician says "We've got to do something", prepare for your rights to be abused. Good luck to you folks up there. We know you've been fighting the good fight there in Michigan.
I've expressed some interest in an open carry march on city hall. Not gotten a lot of takers (not surprising considering the weather). I work in GR, carry daily, and would like to get something rolling to show that dim wit a thing or two about lawful carry.

Maybe even get some of the local FFLs involved. Let me know how I can help.
And then of course there is the lawsuit that is currently being done against the city because of what a cop did to a lawful open carrier.
This correlates with some of my observations recently from those who are rabid anti firearm.
It's a trend to "criminalize" those who own firearms and or carry a firearm legally. The thinking is "If you have a firearm you must be a bad person." I've noticed the remarks and behavior from people who know I have firearms and the first thing I noticed was deliberate avoidance of me within a short period of time.
This trend to "criminalize' firearm owners is a way to excise legitimate firearm owners from society. I would not be surprised to see protestors at a gun range and anti gun activists at a gun range taking pictures of parked car's license plates.
I think there is a budding trend to label firearm owners as "societal aberrations" which reside "outside societal "norms"" (per their norms) which should be identified publically, shamed, and despised as "abnormal". It's a trend which has frightening consequences.
That's scary. You've got a madman on your hands. Obviously mentally unstable.

Good luck guys, if you get a fund setup to take donations let us on THR know about it.
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