A Call To ROCK !

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I give credit to Stickjockey for posting his reference to the Window War in the first place - afterall it is was sparked the idea.

Another Credit to you fjolnirsson for your thoughts and input.

There are other folks that deserve credit and recognition as well.

Me...I ain't no big deal. I think if fjolnirsson can and will take the lead - great! I've BTDT and well ...

I'm the fellow that kinda sorta goes against the norm. Whilst folks are talking about - I've already done it. I go to a anti meeting and leave a fire extingusher with a trigger lock that I brought to make a point...nobody saw me- I left with the box of anti pamphlets and did get a free box lunch tho'. I tend to run up the middle or go to the inside...yeah I know what the "books" say you are "supposed to do"...well...you know the fella that gets on his horse -reins in teeth and goes alone to guerrilla fight - take the fight to folks instead of waiting for the folks to come to him...yeah...I'm kinda like that.


fjolnirsson - Start a new thread with the organziation plans.

I'm up, so email /pm me and I'll get off this dial up ISP and we can discuss.

fjolnirsson and I just hung up the phone.

We have a plan. Some of you will be contacted.

DO NOT be alarmed if we ask this thread and related posts be deleted and removed. WE are working on something. This deal is to be legal, polite, courteous, and in no way harm THR or any person or orgnization.

WE NEED to confer with seek and advice and help in the following areas:

Legal, Journalistic, Photoshop - probably some others I've forgotten.

Mailing addresses of Congress Critters, Local RKBA efforts, CCW efforts and the like need to be compiled and kept at the ready in a easy downloadable format.

First up is the contact of a Reputable Journalist - I have one in mind. WE have a TV person in mind as well. Plans are to get the message out first by reputable persons. Then we target a small group all at once with mailings.

Hit fast and hard, mount up and hit another small Target.

We hit fast and hard without warning. One never knows when and where the next target is.

Then the reputable Journalist will know whom is a recipient, contact them for response.

Keep folks stuttering, stammering, fetching and stepping that recieve the messages...WE THE PEOPLE have sent.

No rug big enough to sweep this under...we keep pressing what is the lump under the rug, we remove the rug and expose.

From here on out - go here for Organization information :


Mods -

We may ask in the very NEAR future this and other threads and certain related posts be deleted. To shield THR , Oleg, THR members, and others...

WE have a plan...
Lemme know what I can do, so long as I won't get arrested (at least until I'm done with college, then we'll see! :evil: ).
Now i get it. I thought we were only going after the individuals local congress critter, you are talking about all of us mailing these to one politician at a time. I like that. I'm still with ya.
Got your PM, I'm in.

This boy buys ink, paper and envelopes at costco, so mailing a single rock shouldn't be too tough.

I do like the picture idea better though. Much easier logistically on a massive scale, also much less chance of the message thereon getting damaged in transit.

As you guys have posted, uniformity of timing is everything in this case.
I like the thing moparmike did

I think the drawing and the whole thing that moparmike did is excellent. The reminder that the congresscritters must defend the constitution is as important as the 2A message.

I am surprised at the number of people on these threads who are concerned that they might be harrassed by the gov for exercising that other right about petitioning for a redress of grievances. Maybe that line should also be worked into the design.

The busted glass and brick is great. Maybe a quote of the "redress of grievances" lines could be put on the paper itself below the image of brick and glass.

Don't know. Don't want to make it too "busy."

I'm hoping to get a few besides me to send "bricks" from here.

Have we had any luck getting national writer coverage??

I can attempt to float a local newspaper article. In fact, maybe a short article could be emailed to various members of the "conspiracy" to publish locally. It would be quick and consistant and tell exactly what is going on. I'll volunteer to write such an article when all the info is gathered.

Feel free to email me with any ideas.

After this action is completed, we should get a plan going to hit the public every little while with some such reminder of where their rights are going and who is supposede to be defending the constitution but won't.

Folks, the gun-grabbers are going to interpret this as threats, even if they're not, and get media attention on that basis.

This ain't a good idea.
Well, suggest something else that gets the same message across. I'm tired of being quiet, I'm tired of feeling like I don't do enough.

The time is here to get back our rights. I'm in.
Bump to the top for comments and discussion.
Nobody here is advocating that people send shards of glass. The glass was in a photo of a brick.
Bad PR?
Right now we have NO PR. Bad PR, in my opinion is a little better. Folks don't even realize there is an issue right now. Also, that is why we are using a journalist to explain before the fact, so that we have pre-empted the media spin. Nobody is threatening anybody. What we are doing, is telling various lawmakers that we are watching, and we are willing to take a stand on this issue.
For too long, gun owners have tried to be quiet, hoping we could pacify the grabbers if we don't make noise.
News Flash! It ain't working!
The politicians see us being good little boys and girls, and they think we are happy with how things are going. Enough of us obviously at the polls, so we must be happy, right?
This is a way for folks to get involved that doesn't require time and effort. If there is anything I have learned in my 29 years of life, it is that most people are lazy to one extent or another. Not necessarily a bad thing. Laziness is the mother of innovation.
We are not doing anything illegal. We are not doing anything "immoral". We are sending a message. The 2nd amendment shall not be infringed. So far as I know, nothing is illegal about quoting the BOR.
The left has made great advances by making themselves heard.
We have lost much ground through being quiet and not "rocking the boat".
Even many of our own are disturbed at the thought of open carry. Why is that?
No. Bad PR, I don't buy it. I just don't buy it.
A press release is being issued, with a statement of our intent.
We aren't blowing anything up. We aren't stopping traffic during the San Fransisco commute.
Hel, we aren't even picketing anybody.
We are sending letters. As protests go, ours is pretty da$$ tame. An armed march on the Capitol building, now that would be bad PR. We aren't doing that, though.
We're sending freakin' letters.
I guess the point I'm making is, if we can't send a letter without fear of reprisal, we're already subjects, no longer citizens.
The time has come to push the issue. The time is now. If we sit back and hope things keep going our way, they won't. We may very well have Kerry in the white house very soon. If that happens, I don't see things looking real good for us. All the more reason to move now.
If anybody has a better idea to get the same point across, I'm all ears. I will not sit here idle any longer. Writing letters isn't cutting it. Emails aren't doing a damn thing. When I phone, I get hung up on.
My reps are Boxer and Feinstein. Polite correspondence doesn't work, and they are swaying more to their cause. Look at the amendment to the gun makers bill. How did that pass? Feinstein stole votes from our side. I want these politicians called on the carpet. Diplomacy is all well and fine.
Activism works for the left, it will damn well work for us.
So where does this stand at the moment? Are we set on who will get these letters (only one major figure like Feinstein at a time, or a whole bunch of different ones at the same time, and if more than one will it be a discrete list or will everyone simply send to their reps and senators). Also when (July 4 or some other date)? How will you ensure that all letters arrive on the same day? A letter from CA will take longer to get the Washington DC than one from VA.

Also, will we all be sending the same thing, or will be up to the individual? Will it really be a Photoshopped picture of a brick/rock with a pro-2A message, and link to the Window Wars story, or will it be an actual brick/rock with a message written with a Sharpie on it?
Photoshopped picture of a brick/rock with a pro-2A message, for cheapnes and ease of mailing.
Everyone will send to the same person at once. We'l have to ask folks to figure delivery time, and mail accordingly. A day more or less in arrival will still make a point.
We will mail to one person, then another. Instead of one large event involving many politicians, we will focus on a different one each time. Starting with large offenders like Feinstein, and moving down to folks less vehement.

More later.
I can see it now, during the first wave...

"Dianne? Yes, you have four hundred more letters from that Don B. Treadnonmi, he seems to be mailing from all over the country."

The look on her face would be worth anything.
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