A couple of good trips to the range

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Jun 30, 2003
McDonough, GA, USA
In the last week I have made it to the range twice and it has been good!

Last week I went with a co-worker and introduced him to the world of ARs and just a few days ago I took my 15 year old step-daughter who had been bugging me for some time now. She likes my Glock 17 and is already pressing me to buy her one! An excuse to go gun shopping and it's cheaper than a car for her 16th birthday! Mmmmm.... :evil: She is really turning into a good shooter, although the next day she was a little sore from shooting a M1911 for the first time...she put 30 rounds through it.! At least now I have an ally in my camp when my wife questions another gun purchase..."But honey, it's for the children!".:neener:
It's For The Children....

.. after al, it's Just Not Fair that they have to share a single 1911 and 226, now is it?

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