A Great Quote From a Darned Good Writer

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Apr 17, 2004
Steve Perry (no, not the singer) has written some of the best gun and martial arts scenes in genre fiction from the Tom Clancy's NetForce series (which he ghostwrote) to his Matador books and the latest The Musashi Flex. On his blog he just turned a very nice phrase on handgun stopping power:

For stopping power -- and let's avoid the long, drawn out argument between the jello-junkies and the morgue-monsters --
The terms "Jello Junkies" and "Morgue Monsters" have been around for a long time and weren't coined by Perry.

I remember first hearing the terms back in the mid 1970's at least.
First time I read this was in my copy of Massad Ayoob's "Combat Handgunnery, 5th Ed."

But then, I'm a relative noob to the shooting scene...
Mark(psycho)Phipps( HAHAHA! )
I'm a big-time Steve Perry fan - I've got all his "Matador" books, as well as his "Spindoc" and "Stellar Ranger" books. I've even sought out his "Matador-universe" collaborations, The Omega Cage and Hellstar. A couple of very good books that some overlook are The Trinity Vector and The Digital Effect; it's actually pretty cool how Perry extrapolates firearms technology into the future(e.g. a Taurus-made spring pistol that fires electro-chemical stun darts).

Thanks for pointing out his blog!
(raising hand) Count me as another Steve Perry fan -- bought the whole Matador series when they first came out and have kept up since then too.

He is one SF writer who really knows how to write a good hand-to-hand combat scene (and that was even before he started with the Silat training).

Oblibatory gun content: Perry's a "gun guy" too.

Good stuff and fun all around.
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