a mother with the will to protect daughter

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Jan 3, 2006
The Dark Side of the Moon
clipped this off Fox News....

saysl a lot about what a person can achieve when properly motivated.

BALL GROUND, Ga. — A woman who was raped and beaten by an old acquaintance fought back, stabbing her attacker to death when he threatened to rape her 6-year-old daughter.

Deputies arrived at the woman's Cherokee County home Sunday night to find Gerald A. Lee, 38, lying dead in the backyard. The woman, whose name is being withheld because she was the victim of a sexual assault, told police Lee broke into the house wearing a ski mask and carrying a shotgun.

Capt. Ron Hunton with the Cherokee County Police said Lee beat the woman with the gun and raped her, then told her that he would move on to her daughter next. He had locked the daughter in the closet of the room where he raped the woman.

When Lee began rummaging through the woman's purse, she ran to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. She fought with Lee, stabbing him several times, Hunton said.

At one point, the attacker threw a pot of boiling tea from the stove on her, Hunton said.

During the fight, Lee went out the back door and then re-entered the house by breaking a window, Hunton said. The woman and Lee fought again in the living room and the hallway, where she stabbed him several more times.

Lee crawled through the house into the back yard and died.

The woman was stabbed several times during the struggle. She was airlifted to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta where she underwent surgery Monday and remained in serious but stable condition Tuesday, Hunton said.

The daughter was not injured.

Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison said Lee and the woman went to the same high school about 20 years ago and apparently lost touch through the years. They bumped into each other a few weeks ago.

Garrison said investigators are waiting for the results of toxicology tests that he believes could show Lee was on drugs — perhaps methamphetamine.

Ball Ground is 40 miles north of Atlanta.
You know what infuriates me about stories like this? When this incident is compiled into the rape and sexual assault statistics, its horrific monstrosity will be reduced to non-importance simply because the woman knew her attacker. Everyone thinks so-called stranger rapes are more serious, worse, more deadly than attacks by people the woman knows or recognizes ... but it ain't necessarily so.

Worse still, if she'd defended herself with a firearm instead of a knife, the antis would then use it in their utterly disgusting more likely to kill someone you know!! garbage statistics.

It's enough to make me froth at the mouth.

Meanwhile, I wish this woman the best of luck with her recovery, and congratulate her on a job well done. Whoever you are, if you ever read this: thanks for taking this monster out of the world. You did good.

Wow, what an awful situation. At least the BG got his (at a price unfortunately). Hopefully the mother and daughter turn out to be OK

I bet that woman is going to be shopping for a shotgun after she gets out of the hospital.

Imagine if she had a shotgun in the house. This story could have started and ended with "woman shoots would-be rapist breaking into her home".
Reminds me of the scene in True Romance. Too bad she didn't get the chance to do it when he first busted in the house.
It follows the adage: never get between a bear and her cub.

Hopefully she will be shopping for at least one gun, and some training to use it effectively.
I agree that it is a shame that she had no better way to defend herself and her daughter. However, I'm glad and very thankful that she finally did manage to do what had to be done. (I do hope she considers buying a defense gun now though. Sure beats having to stab someone multiple times.:) )
My heart goes out to both her and her daughter. May they both heal physically and emotionally.
And may the scumbag rot in he**!:fire: I shudder to think of how many other lives he would have ruined if she hadn't stopped him.
Shame she can't be identified, just for the reason that somone local might offer some self defense/ FA instruction. Hope she and daughter recover from the trauma both physical and emotional. Also hope one day the young girl realizes what a loving and strong willed Mother she has. If anything could be learned from this story is that you may have to be leary of someone you have'nt seen in a couple of decades, they may not be the same person you used to know. Good work Mom.

Maybe the mother valued the life/safety of her daughter more than her own. Or, maybe when the predator was finished assaulted her she was able find an opening in which to act decisively. Nice to know she turned from a victim into something her attacker couldn't comprehend and wasn't prepared for.
If anything could be learned from this story is that you may have to be leary of someone you have'nt seen in a couple of decades, they may not be the same person you used to know.

This is very true. Meth has become a bigger problem then it was 20 or 30 years ago, and you would be supprise who's a meth or crackhead.

That story really got to me. If there was a fund set up for her recovery and and undoubted upcoming medical bills I would donate to it.

I hope the Devil is cracking a whip on that scumbags back right now.
Why bother?

I mean really. Sounds like this frontier woman could take out the Chicago Bears with a butter knife.

Gun? She don't NEED not stinking gun!

I wish I could buy this woman a beer/flowers/whatever. She deserves a hell of a standing ovation.

Make that "whatever" a handgun and some classes.
pax said:
When this incident is compiled into the rape and sexual assault statistics, its horrific monstrosity will be reduced to non-importance simply because the woman knew her attacker. Everyone thinks so-called stranger rapes are more serious, worse, more deadly than attacks by people the woman knows or recognizes ... but it ain't necessarily so.
I too have a real pet peeve over DOJ victim/offender relationship data.


seven in ten female rape or sexual assault victims stated the offender was an intimate, other relative, a friend or an acquaintance
That's one helluva broad net. Intimates, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Seventy-four percent of males and 48% of females stated the individual(s) who robbed them was a stranger
Some victims don't know their attacker, but the attacker knows the victim. Finding out this info isn't always possible, but it would be nice if it were stated when not known.

40% of the victims of nonfatal violence in the workplace reported that they knew their offender
Knew them as in sharing a bed and having sex with them, or knew them as in "that's the goober who lives 2 blocks over and rakes his yard with a hoe"?
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