a positive gun article in an australian newspaper

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Jul 27, 2003
Great Southern Land
Hired to kill: shooter culls rabbits in city
By Darren Goodsir, Urban Affairs Editor
June 26, 2004

A hired marksman is hunting down rabbits for the first time in Sydney, with bullets replacing baits as the best way to eradicate feral animals which destroy large tracts of urban bushland.

In a trial in Warringah shire, a sharpshooter has been employed since March to kill scores of rabbits, and some foxes - blamed for damaging greens at Long Reef golf course, and the surrounding dunes and trees.

One night last week, carrying a .22 small calibre silenced firearm and wearing night-vision goggles, the marksman spotted nine rabbits hopping between bunkers. Seven of them were killed.

The council's pest species officer, Richard Ali, said considering that 79 rabbits and two foxes had been killed in two hunts in March, it appeared the strategy was a big success.

During the operation, all shots were taken between three and 20 metres from the rabbits.

The gun's spotlight was altered to a red beam, to cut down on light for local residents. All entrances to the course were secured, and some guards were posted for security reasons.

In the past, the council had relied only on baiting which required that large areas of public space were roped off, denying dog-walkers and residents open access, Mr Ali said.

The strategy would now be less baiting, more shooting, and stricter fencing procedures. "Basically, we were just spending endless amounts of time and money and the problem was not getting any better. We really required a range of new solutions."

The trial is being watched by the Urban Feral Animal Action Group, comprising 14 councils and government agencies, including Taronga Zoo, Macquarie University, the National Parks and Wildlife Service and State Forests.

Because the rabbit scourge is widespread in parts of Sydney adjacent to bush, the group is considering the endorsement of the shooting policy for other parts of the city.

Not exactly.

Ah yes, it's OK to use a firearm because rabbits are destroying the golf course-just don't even think of using it to defend yourself.

Throw them a crumb and they'll call it a feast.

I know it's pretty practical, but I find the image of a specialist mercenary rabbit killer sneaking around in the bushes at night with a silenced rifle and night vision goggles very humorous. Something like this. ;)

Oh well, good to see no one's protesting or freaking out about it.
this could generate revenue

If australia was smart... They would charge for rabbit and fox hunting licenses. They generate revenue and people get to use their guns. The population is then better culled by more numerous people than one sharpshooter. everyone benefits. Give the guns back Aussie's!
Lots of Australians shoot rabbits and foxes already. After all, something like 20% of the population owns firearms (or will admit to it;) ), and a fair proportion use them for shooting rabbits and foxes.

The point is that here's an article in one of our major daily newspapers, about a bloke shooting rabbits on a golf course in one of the better suburbs of Sydney (a city with a population of some 4 million people), and not only is no one freaking out, they are pretty close to approving of it.
I have little hope for the Aussies.

On another (non-gun-related) board, we were discussing their recent sword ban. Even the most rabid gun control advocates thought the idea of banning swords was ridiculous, but the lone Australian among our group thought it was a good idea.

After the thread devolved into the usual pro/anti-2nd Amendment debate, it became clear to everyone that folks in that part of the world simply can't grasp the concept of individual liberties – at least not in the same way that Americans know them. The idea that a government could ever be at odds with its citizens just doesn't compute.
My apologies, Daniel - Didn't mean to paint you all with the same brush.

However, the fact that your fellow citizens would allow these kinds of laws to be passed says something about how the majority of them feel about individual liberties. Other THR members have described similar conversations with Aussies before, so this wasn't an isolated incident.

On a brighter note, you're certainly welcome to move to Texas – We like rugged individualists here! :D
If australia were smart...They would charge for rabbit and fox hunting licenses.

Aren't rabbits and foxes considered pest species in Australia?
So why add more restrictions for something that's already legal?

and people get to use their guns.

Shooting pests like rabbits and foxes is one of the main reasons Australians still own guns.

I can only hope you did not mean me as the Australian who supported the sword and knife ban as I do not support it but was only stating the reasons given.I was giving all members of this forum a simple statement of the facts NOT endorsing them after all it is rather difficult from outside a community to know the local situation.As a statement of belief I donot support the ridiculous laws placed into reality in this country concerning firearms/swords but who among you would risk 5-10 years hard prison for breaking them?
Thanks for the welcome Skibane. Rugged individualists are an endangered species here - did you know that fully 85% of the population lives in the coastal cities in Oz?

BTW, when we had the big "buyback" of semi-automatic longarms a few years ago, it is estimated that only somewhere like 40% of the newly banned firearms then extant in the country were handed in. Supplies of 6" PVC pipe and endcaps sold out across the country. Maybe there are still a few rugged individualists left after all.;)
Nope, twarn't you, FRIENDLY...The sword-banning discussion to which I referrred took place on a different, non-gun-related board.

...so, you're still golden with us! :D
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