ABC News Using Former Handgun Control Inc. Employee to cover NRA related stories

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Korimyr the Rat said :
Gee, with that kind of "leftist" anti-corporate attitude, maybe you ought to be employed by one of them.

Perspective. If your way over there on the extreme right, then yes, I'd be left of you.

Some words to look up, following in the likely progression :
Oligopoly - Current state of media corps.
Cartel - Or is this the current state?
Monopoly - How could this possibly benefit the American news consumer?

I said :
This does not appear healthy to me
Does not mean I favor antitrust actions. It means I spot a trend here that could lead to what history has given us with "controllers" of infrastructure.
What did Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and Joe Stalin, have in common?

All of them subscribed to the theory, if you tell a lie often enough and loud enough, it eventually becomes the truth.

The lie, communism, eventually became to be known as ABC, NBC, PBS, and CBS.

(Thank you, and good night)
oo7 said:
Perspective. If your way over there on the extreme right, then yes, I'd be left of you.

Sorry, that was pure snark on my part. I just think it's awfully damned funny that people accuse all of these big media corporations-- which are, well... corporations-- of having some kind of innate leftist bias.

It's actually a lot like hiring a former employee of HCI to cover the NRA, come to think about it. Except that they believe he'd be a supporter.

007 said:
It means I spot a trend here that could lead to what history has given us with "controllers" of infrastructure.

I see the same trend. I just appreciate the irony more than I do the danger...
Does anyone have a link to the video where the guy in New Orleans was saying that the police had demanded all his guns at gunpoint?

I'd like to link to that video when I post on another, general-politics forum showing ABC News' clear bias in this matter.
Perhaps they will get a Satanist to comment on relgious stories or cover the Vatican.:evil:

Gang this is yet another reason to remember if you are not watching Fox News for your news coverage, you are watching DNC propaganda. Rush Limbaugh frequently has fun playing the talking heads at CNN, CBS, ABC,NBC, CNBC, MSNBC etc...all saying the same damn thing as though they were reading talking points handed them by Howard Dean.....Get the truth fair and balanced. Fox is it.
gopguy said:
Gang this is yet another reason to remember if you are not watching Fox News for your news coverage, you are watching DNC propaganda. Rush Limbaugh frequently has fun playing the talking heads at CNN, CBS, ABC,NBC, CNBC, MSNBC etc...all saying the same damn thing as though they were reading talking points handed them by Howard Dean.....Get the truth fair and balanced. Fox is it.

Meanwhile, Fox reads talking points handed them by Karl Rove. :scrutiny:

Let's be serious - all the media sources have their biases, being aware of each and not taking any of them as gospel is the best you can do.
Kudos to Bart for bringing this up. I gave up on ABC years ago for fear of doing violence to my TV while watching that rubbish. This is what I sent ABC and I also put it out in emails to friends whom I also think will give them Hell.

Dear ABC News.

I am sorry to see little research was done on Jake
Tapper, or at least I would like to think no research
was done on a man who is given assignments to cover
gun owners and the NRA haveing written the following
for Salon.

ABC strangely misses his past with HCI in their bio of him....hmmm.

He is also a former employee of Handgun Control Inc.
Clearly not a fair and ballanced fellow. However if
this is your new hiring status for reporters may I
suggest you get David Duke to cover the next NAACP
convention and a Satanist to work the Vatican beat.


Timothy Inwood
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Meanwhile, Fox reads talking points handed them by Karl Rove.
You are spending way too much time in that igloo......:neener:

Thats funny, I don't think Mara Liason, Mort Kondrake, Nina Easton, Alan Colmes, Greta Van Sustern, etc... or any other liberal that works for Fox has uttered any such thing. There are plenty of liberals at Fox. You can't say the same for the networks. Their idea of balance is to give former Clinton aide George Stephanopolis his own show! Katrina Vandenhoovel at CBS used to be an aide to Hillary Clinton. Hell, Tim Russert and Chris Matthews both worked for the late speaker of the house Tip O'Neil. They also have their own shows.

So me thinks you do not know of what you speak dude.:scrutiny:
From what I've seen of Fox, the entire network is Hannity & Colmes writ large.

But hey, if you want to think that the mainstream media is all left-wing biased except for Fox, which is unbiased, have at it - nothing I say here is going to convince you otherwise.
Thus far you have not made an argument, just lame generalities. I would hardly call Brit Hume anything like Hannity and Colmes.....The daytime programming is not like it either. As far as the rest of the television media being liberal. Yeah, it pretty much is and I noted some examples. I will admit they allow the occasional conservative on. For instance when it was Sam Cokie and George Will.....two libs against a conservative. My point is not just the left right argument its that gun owners can't and don't get a fair shake on the networks or CNN. We are vilified as a bunch of dangerous yahoos...

When was the last time any of the networks did a special on how gun ownership is essential to this country? They have done several that might as well have been produced by Sarah Brady. How about Specials on Global Warming....conservative perspective no. So my views are justified and demonstratably so.

You have a counter point we would love to hear some details.....and not vagueries.
What's ABC? And what is this "television" thing you keep referring to?

Something Libs used for years to brainwash people and try to take our guns. But we are making some progress in reversing this.......

I guess the computer is down in the Igloo.....:scrutiny: Or I made my point.;)
gopguy said:
Thats funny, I don't think Mara Liason, Mort Kondrake, Nina Easton, Alan Colmes, Greta Van Sustern, etc... or any other liberal that works for Fox has uttered any such thing. There are plenty of liberals at Fox. You can't say the same for the networks. Their idea of balance is to give former Clinton aide George Stephanopolis his own show! Katrina Vandenhoovel at CBS used to be an aide to Hillary Clinton. Hell, Tim Russert and Chris Matthews both worked for the late speaker of the house Tip O'Neil. They also have their own shows.

Okay. Meanwhile, Fox's idea of balance is to give former Bush Sr. speechwriter (and now Bush Jr. spokesman) Tony Snow an anchor job? :rolleyes: That aside, I'll certainly concede that there are more liberals at Fox than there are conservatives in the other three major networks or CNN.

But you're trying to tell us with a straight face, GOPguy, that the network founded and run by Roger Ailes (we remember his work for Bush Sr., but not that he used to be a producer for Rush Limbaugh's show) is not pushing a pro-GOP spin on his network? :scrutiny:

"Special Report with Brit Hume," at least, has been found to lean to the right:
UCLA media bias study said:
The fourth most centrist outlet was "Special Report With Brit Hume" on Fox News, which often is cited by liberals as an egregious example of a right-wing outlet. While this news program proved to be right of center, the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found.

And to your point about the liberal networks being biased against gun owners, I absolutely agree, and read my first post in this thread (the one immediately before your first post) where I ask for ammunition to help spread the word on other non-pro-gun forums about ABC's bias about this.

Edit: Yes, actually the computer was down in the igloo due to a local power failure...
We have started a brush fire on this issue.

I wrote an article on Tapper for BFA which has taken off. Here is a link to the original and then what SAF followed up with the next day. The good lads at BFA are going to get Cam Edwards at NRA to also talk about this issue.I love starting trouble...ask my wife.:evil:


I also want to thank Bartholomew for his blessings on this.

Please note at the end I thank the good folks at THR and AR15 for talking about this.

SAF followed with this the next day.

Second Amendment Foundation
----- Original Message -----
From: SAF Alerts
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: ABC News Anti-Gun Bias


BELLEVUE, WA - It looks like ABC News has no problem at all with
the appearance of bias, now that they've assigned a reporter who used
to work for Handgun Control, Inc. to cover firearms-related stories,
the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) said today.

Washington correspondent Jake Tapper once worked for Handgun
Control, according to a piece he wrote when he worked for Salon News.
His obvious bias greatly alarms SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb.

"This is the same ABC News that rushed to the air this week to
report that Republican House Speaker Denny Hastert is under
investigation by the Justice Department, when the Justice Department
said he wasn't," Gottlieb noted. "This is the same news network that
added George Stephanopoulos, a former top to anti-gun President Bill
Clinton. Now they've got a former staffer for an extremist gun control
group reporting on firearms issues.

"It is no wonder why so many American citizens believe there is
an institutional bias in the national press," Gottlieb
continued. "MSNBC's Chris Matthews once worked for anti-gun
Congressman Tip O'Neill and wrote speeches for Jimmy Carter. NBC's Tim
Russert was chief of staff for anti-gun Senator Daniel Patrick
Moynihan and was a counselor for Mario Cuomo, an avowed gun
prohibitionist. Does anyone see a pattern here?"

SAF urges gun owners to express their disappointment to ABC News
by e-mail at: [email protected], or via mail to ABC News, 7 West
66th Street, New York, NY 10023.

"Tapper has an established anti-gun bias, and for a network that
claims objectivity, having him report on gun-related stories is
insulting," Gottlieb said. "What if he is assigned to cover this
summer's conference on global gun control being held at the United
Nations? I'm going to be there. Can I expect him to approach this
subject with an open mind? His history with Handgun Control, and his
writings in Salon tell me his mind is made up.

"Why is it that ABC does not include Tapper's affiliation with a
gun control organization in his biographical information," Gottlieb
wondered. "Is this to shield the network's bias against guns?

"The American public wants news, not advocacy," Gottlieb
concluded. "We expect factual and fair reporting, not subtle spin or


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Igloodude said
But you're trying to tell us with a straight face, GOPguy, that the network founded and run by Roger Ailes (we remember his work for Bush Sr., but not that he used to be a producer for Rush Limbaugh's show) is not pushing a pro-GOP spin on his network?

I am saying Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdock recognized there was no outlet for conservative views, or if another network had a show with conservatives they were hopelessly outnumbered and shouted down every show. They saw saw a void and fixed it. However with balance. There are lots of libs working at Fox. You won't be able to see Nancy Pelosi,Howard Dean or Harry Reid holding a sheet of paper issued by the RNC, White House, or talking points from any conservative organization and quote from it and show how Fox has used it. You won't see it, it has not happened. So yeah I am saying they don't use GOP spin.

The same is not true of the sychophantic libs at the networks or lefty cable news outlets. Rush Limbaugh, whom you mentioned, frequently plays clips showing how the media uses verbatim quotes from DNC and Democratic Congressional handouts all the time without question or negative comment. If you tune into his show you will frequently hear him play several reporters using the exact same language. Pretty darn funny to hear 5 or more people saying the same thing like robots..He does it frequently though,you would know that if you listened.. Ah, and it all comes from democratic talking points... I always find it amusing when conservatives are accused of doing what libs actually do.....:neener:

Igloodude said
Okay. Meanwhile, Fox's idea of balance is to give former Bush Sr. speechwriter (and now Bush Jr. spokesman) Tony Snow an anchor job?

Fox was hardly setting a precedent here. Matthews, Russert, George Stephanopolus, etc... What is good for the goose is good for the Gander. At the end of Fox News Sunday the panel was always balanced. Two conservatives and two libs. I will note Tony Snow has not been hosting that for around two years. Chris Wallace, son of the notorious Mike Wallace of CBS. Has had it since then. Chris is not a conservative nor is his Pappa. In fact Mike recently spoke at a Brady fundraiser. Tony made his leap back to the White House from his radio show not TV.

Igloodude said
Brit Hume," at least, has been found to lean to the right:

Not sure UCLA is qualified to call the kettle black. But yeah, Brit leans center right. However the end of his show,like Fox News Sunday has a panel of two conservatives and two libs. Brit frequently is on the Fox News Sunday panel and I always enjoy it when Juan Williams(lib) is on too. Juan invariably says something so far off base that Brit then gently explains it like a patient schoolmaster and you can see the look of realization come over Juan's face of how over his head he is.....I love it.;)

Igloodude said
I'll certainly concede that there are more liberals at Fox than there are conservatives in the other three major networks or CNN.

Finally something we agree on.

Fox News has filled the void of giving an outlet to conservative views. However it is balanced with liberal views. People are flocking to it in large numbers because they were tired of having their intelligence insulted by liberal news programs for the last 50 years. Their ratings are killing CBS, NBC,ABC, MSNBC, and most gratifying is how they have beaten CNN despite the fact CNN is available in more homes and cable systems. :evil:

I get from reading your posts you don't watch often. I think if you tune in more often you will see how wrong you have been in general. I also suggest you listen to Rush and you will see what I mean about the networks going verbatim off the talking points of liberal groups. It is both funny and infuriating when they do it.
The thing that makes Fox different is what it does mention things like gun control, abortion and gay rights. They at least mention that there are two sides to the story and don't degrade either side with sneers or even worse not even mentioning the other side. Now if you are a lefty or lefty liberal there is not a news service for you except FSTV. But FSTV would not be tolerated by the large majority of citizens. It is totally a propagenda info commercial for hard socialists and communists. The Dems would wail and cry if there was a MSM spouting that message. Most because their cover would be blown. :eek:
I am lost in cyberspace, or else I am in a time warp or worm hole.

Oh, nevermind, this was a linked thread on another thread. Talk about raising Lazarus.
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