Al Qaeda tape takes credit for Dem victory

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The Pubs put the Dems in power. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Al Qaeda Sends a Message to Democrats
December 22, 2006 2:28 PM

Brian Ross and Hoda Osman Report:

Al Qaeda has sent a message to leaders of the Democratic party that credit for the defeat of congressional Republicans belongs to the terrorists.

In a portion of the tape from al Qaeda No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, made available only today, Zawahri says he has two messages for American Democrats.

"The first is that you aren't the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen -- the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq -- are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost," Zawahri said, according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.

"And if you don't refrain from the foolish American policy of backing Israel, occupying the lands of Islam and stealing the treasures of the Muslims, then await the same fate," he said.

I think that there's some truth to his claim. There's no doubt, I think, that the biggest winners in the last election are the Mujahideen. They've proved what they've claimed all along: that the present generation of Americans has no spine for sustained conflict. War is a video game that gets boring if they don't win quickly, and they want to watch American Idol instead.

But Ayman al Zawahri has given the Democratic Party a great opportunity and all we can do is see whether the Democratic leadership seizes it in time for the next election. Just imagine the Democrats' new dream ticket: Hillary Clinton for President and Ayman al Zawahri for Vice-President. Mrs. Clinton would look kicky campaigning in a burkha! And imagine Nancy Pelosi in one.
I think its funny that people are taking the word of a terrorist as the truth today. If I am dealing with an enemy I am going to tell him what I want him to hear, not what I believe to be true. Laying their public endorsement on the Democrats quite possibly a transparent attempt at trying to help the Republicans.

Think about it, lets say there is an Election in nation that absolutely loathes the U.S. Do we publically support the guy we actually want to win, or do we lend out repellant support to the guy we want to lose?
I think Al Queda wants the Republicans in office because they are terrified of the Democrats tuff diplomacy.

Al Queda doesn't have anyone as skilled in negotiating and compromising like the American left does.
Oh come on Ron, we all know there nothing in this world that terrorists and dictators fear more than non-binding resolutions and idle threats of sanctions.</sarcasm>
I think Al Queda wants the Republicans in office because they are terrified of the Democrats tuff diplomacy.

Al Queda doesn't have anyone as skilled in negotiating and compromising like the American left does.

While I wont even imply that the Democrats are going to do a damn thing about terrorism, I would not go as far as to say that the Republicans have made life all that hard for the bad guys either. If anything more people than ever are paying attention to terrorists and hating the U.S. which is *exactly* what they want.
I changed the title of the thread to reflect what AlQ really said.

Not "yay big buddy, we did it" but rather "you won because of us"

I think that there's some truth to his claim. There's no doubt, I think, that the biggest winners in the last election are the Mujahideen. They've proved what they've claimed all along: that the present generation of Americans has no spine for sustained conflict. War is a video game that gets boring if they don't win quickly, and they want to watch American Idol instead.

Quite possibly true, unfortunately.
You have to admit there have been zero terrorist incidents in the US since 9/11. Rember Bin Laden said he wasn't going to stop until America converted to Islam. After 9/11 there were many Democrats who suggested we need to figure out what we did wrong to make them do this and learn to understand terrorists better. Then we could have all sat around the campfire and toasted marshmallows with OBL. I guess we have to wait and see what the Democrats idea of dealing with terrorists is. Kerry had no plan in 2004 and the Democrats still don't.
I think that there's some truth to his claim. There's no doubt, I think, that the biggest winners in the last election are the Mujahideen. They've proved what they've claimed all along: that the present generation of Americans has no spine for sustained conflict. War is a video game that gets boring if they don't win quickly, and they want to watch American Idol instead.

Absolutely true in an overall view. My generation went through World War Two, and were an entirely different kind of people. After Pearl Harbor we wouldn't quit, no matter what. After 7-11... well the answer should be obvious.
There have been no "major reported" acts of terror in the USA since 911. I imagine a few guys are sitting in a cell in Guantanamo wondering just how they got caught.

One thing we must not forget is that they are on a different timeline than US. We live in the NOW world. They live in a world of long term plans..

Another thing to consider is that most if not all of the money that they made farming poppy in Afganistan is still unaccounted for. We are talking multi millions of dollars. They certainly did not live a lifestyle that would lead one to believe they were spending that cash frivilously.

I would say it is a safe bet that they have already invested that cash in a future attack. That attack was probably funded and planned before 911. It is probably on a long term scope and of a mass scale as comapred to 911.

I just hope our intell and accountants can pick up the money trail before these attacks can fruitate.
There were no major acts of foreign terror in the US from 1993 to 2001. Does that mean Bill Clinton did a great job of anything? Very doubtful.

A tape from GWB claiming responsibility for the Dem victory would be far more impressive. He picked the wrong war and the wrong way to fight it, not some Middle Eastern k00ks.
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There have been no "major reported" acts of terror in the USA since 911. I imagine a few guys are sitting in a cell in Guantanamo wondering just how they got caught.

True, but if you count acts of terrorism against U.S. citizens abroad then we have had a massive increase. Why bother attacking the mainland U.S. when we have given them such easy targets abroad? I guess the cut off your arm and feed it to the lion is a valid tactic, but I dont much like it.
Good points Yeager.

I would think that the main land presents a a much greater percieved victory for the bad guy. Hence all the head of the snake comments coming from that side for years now. They are dealing with a grossly uneducated mass of people. High impact targets get them more support and allow them to claim moral victories.

I seriosly doubt that they invested a huge amount of cash in foreign attacks... They are saving the cash cow for the main land.
I'm reminded of the Hashisheen, the original Assassins. They did some pretty incredible stuff. Much of it was by misdirection and creating a climate of fear that magnified their apparent power.

After a few murders of princes and the rich and powerful the Old Man of the Mountain took to claiming responsibility along the lines of "I'm really sorry I had to do that" anytime someone he was known to dislike died or got injured. People were already scared of the mysterious and invisible cult of fanatical mystics. His legend grew, and he commanded terror and respect far out of proportion to his actual accomplishments.
JaTB said:
One thing we must not forget is that they are on a different timeline than US. We live in the NOW world. They live in a world of long term plans..
IMO, that's a very important point that is way too often overlooked in discussions like this.

Years ago, even before 911 I think, I heard some middle east analysts (television talking heads) make the point very succinctly. (Paraphrasing their arguments) The nomadic tribes of the middle east have been around for centuries longer than US culture. They see their history extending back thousands of years, versus ours for only hundreds. That's a factor of ten.

We're as our mindset is "wade in a deal with the enemy now and be done with it", there's is "strike now, then wait a decade or more before striking again; wait until they get complacent again, and think we're done".

Unfortunately, people in the US have a short attention span, and are often unable to grasp processes that have dynamics extending over decades.

But wait, this is L&P. :uhoh:
What the h' am I doing posting in L&P? :eek:
I must be crazy. :what:

<quickly clicks on the tab for rifle country ... >


Whew, nobody following me. I think I lost 'em ...

:scrutiny: :scrutiny: :scrutiny:
I think its funny that people are taking the word of a terrorist as the truth today. If I am dealing with an enemy I am going to tell him what I want him to hear, not what I believe to be true. Laying their public endorsement on the Democrats quite possibly a transparent attempt at trying to help the Republicans.

Ahh, your sophisticated thinking might have allowed you to perceive the truly subtle strategy behind that Al-Queda statement.

Here's background. A Republican President is staunchly pressing war against the Mujahideen. Democrats, on the other hand, have led the battle to undercut that President and the Republicans. Ayman al Zawahri, as the Al-Queda second-in-command, does want to destroy America, Israel, and Western Civilization and does not want his people to be hampered in their attempts to do so.

Now someone with an ordinary mind might think that Ayman al Zawahri should want to undercut the President and party trying to defeat what Al-Queda wants to do. The ordinary person would try to see what could be made of his statement in that light, not even suspecting that al Zawahri is so diabolically clever that his public posture in addressing the Democrats is supposed to look as if he's really supporting the Republicans so that Americans would not realize that he's really and truly supporting the Democrats.

Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! How many Americans with ordinary minds would even recognize that al Zawahri is so clever.

Maybe Zawahiri would like to support a US government that has fallen stupidly into their trap, and alienated the entire Muslim world. The Islamic fundies believe 1) God is on their side, and 2) to die in this struggle is a free pass to heaven. Where is the downside for them having a belligerent, but not very smart, adversary?
Communists, gun-haters, religion haters (Christianity in particular), criminals, socialists, UN lovers, felons in prison, dependents of the state, foreign America-haters, American America-haters, North Korea, Iran, world-government activists, collectivists, progressives, baby butchers, liberals, flag-burners, anti-capitalists, moral relativists, Iraqi insurgents, illegal immigrants, Hezbollah, PETA, eco-terrorists, military haters, child pornographers, and of course Al-Qaeda terrorists are all pleased the Democratic Party controls the Congress.

(To be fair, the Republicans have an equally impressive list)

Only difference is - the Republicans are slightly better on the RKBA. Which is the only thing relevant to this forum in my humble opinion.
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