Ammunition question:

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Feb 3, 2012
noob here,

so doing some research online for ammo prices, i found great deals but am getting burnt on shipping, and if you can find an online dealer that is in your state, you then pay taxes...

it seems that the best option would be to find an out of state ammo supplier that is very geographically close, i.e. "just over the border"

it would be nice if there were a way other than trial and error to find this out

ps, i live in NOVA, and yall know of any online-sooper-cheap-dealers out of PA, MD or WVa?

thanks a lot!
Not that I am condemning, but legally you are supposed to report purchases on your state taxes, you did not pay tax on. It is called "use tax". On your question, try, their shipping is flat 4.95, and their ammo on sale can be a really good deal.
I should also point out that geographic distance is of less importance than you might imagine. Keep in mind that the truck doesn't just drive directly from the pickup point to your door. There are a number of distribution hubs of varying size that it must pass through. Indeed, it may be that a shipment from LA to NYC may actively cost the shipping company less (because of the high availability of transport with no creative routing needed) than from two much closer locations that need a number of hub transfers to reach you. This is why most shipping companies have fairly standard prices for shipping within the continental US regardless of shipping.

Usually, the biggest charge is Handling which is company specific. This is what can vary greatly and had much to do with the lower profit margins on most internet businesses.
New York State requires it`s residents to pay sales tax on purchases within the state.Now it also wants to collect sales taxes on items purchased out of state.Obviously that`s a lot harder to regulate but Now when you do your NYS income tax return there`s a line for taxes due out of state purchases.You can choose to claim you didn`t make any OOS purchases,but if caught in a lie, your`e in deep sewage. Thank former Gov. Patterson & his pals for that.

I should also add that if you bought something in another state and paid that state`s sales tax, NY State still demands its cut.Ahh, that`s just one of the pleasures of living in the Vampire State in the 21st century!
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Yep, I live 40 minutes from widners . Just over the mountains from NC to TN. BUT ups goes to knoxsville then back to charlottte then back to asheville then to us.
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