Amusing troll email

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Greg L

Dec 24, 2002
Northern KY
This arrived a little while ago. Suuuure I'm going to tell a random stranger (who apparently Google is too complicated for :scrutiny: ) all about how to make a Glock full auto (which I don't know in the first place) :uhoh: .

hi there my name is warren i have a glock 19. i have been looking for blueprints to make my g19 full auto i live in south africa, we have no access to any glock accessories in sa. please can you send me or inform me where i can get blueprints to make my glock full auto. i have a friend who can help me make it. please your help would be really appreciated. thanks warren

umm... yeah... so umm.... right... sure... umm... .... ...... ........... haha. right.
If he has a Glock 19,he should keep quiet about it

If this kid Warren has a Glock 19 and wants to illegally-convert it,he should go on the internet and research the subject himself.I don't think anyone here (including myself) is stupid enough to give out information like that.

My high-school Science teacher could make various bombs-including plastic explosives,proper-pipe bombs,etc-but wouldn't tell myself or any curious student the method or give them or myself instructional blueprints-on how to make them.

Warren is a total moron,if he thinks we are going to supply him with that kind of information.
You haven't lived until you've been offered the opportunity to buy an illegal machine gun in person. I've had it happen 3 times (all more than 15 years ago and I don't think I violated any laws by saying no thanks and running away). Either they were undercover agents running a sting or they were trying to set me up for a rip-off or they really wanted to sell me the guns. In any event I wanted nothing to do with any of them.

Before you start telling me I should have called the cops I am sure that by the time they arrived the guys with the guns would have been long gone and seriously, I really didn't want to start messing with people who have and sell machine guns.
I got a similiar PM on TFL the other day. Mine lived in Saudi and couln't buy a Mechtech CCU and wanted me to send schematics so his gunsmith could build one.

I directed him to the Mechtech site.
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I used to (haven't for a couple years) get emails like that out of the blue. They stink of potential trouble, probably for me. I don't answer.
ive never had an email like that fortunantly nor would i tell just anybody just any info like that. but i am curious, what could happen to a guy for sharing info like that? i mean its just knowledge, not like your tellin the guy to do it or anything.
Anyone care to guess what these messages actually are? BATF? Reporters? Genuine idiots? Seems like if was ATF they'd try a little harder to make the email sound credible, and likely within the US. On rec.guns in the past you'd see messages like; " Hello, I'm only 17 but I'd really like a gun. Can anyone in Florida sell a Glock to me?"
Gee too bad you didn't post the entire header to the email now I'm curious as to where it really came from .
Seems like if was ATF they'd try a little harder to make the email sound credible, and likely within the US.

How's this one sound? I stashed a copy, it was sooo off the wall:

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:52:45 EST
Subject: (no subject)
To: (my old email address)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 138

Hi my name is Jairone.
I found this same gun at a yard sell last week and tried to sell it at an
auction this week but someone told me to hold on to it because it was an old
I don't know to much about the value of this gun so if you would please tell
me what i have ran across.
Thanks. Jairone

(Buys a gun. At a garage sale. In November (maybe it's warm where he is). Ja, right!)

:uhoh: :barf: :rolleyes:
Sounds like something NBC News would do.......they have a track record of rigging exploding PU gas tanks, baiting NASCAR fans with Muslims, etc, etc....
Awhile back we had a person claiming to be from the Phillippines asking on how to convert a 1911 to full auto. He (?) got a bit testy when we suggested we could not participate in disseminating information that is illegal in the U.S. (where our server is located), and that in any case it makes little sense to have a full-auto concealed carry pistol with a capacity of 7 rounds.

I sold an inert M72 LAW rocket tube on EBAY, I said, U.S. sale only, I had guys ask if I'd ship to Eastern Europe, and one guy asked if I could make it fire, both got the same answer....NO!, I was sure they were ATF.
NO!, I was sure they were ATF.

ATF isn't the only one involved in this crap.

One of our recent R. candidates for governor in this great state of Ill-i-noise (it wasn't our now convicted former Gov. George (spit!) Ryan, it was the other Ryan. I can't keep all the loser Republican Ryans in this state straight.) was involved in entrapping gun owners doing Internet sales while he was Atty. General.
This arrived a little while ago. Suuuure I'm going to tell a random stranger (who apparently Google is too complicated for ) all about how to make a Glock full auto (which I don't know in the first place) .

did you refer him to the Arfies?

V4Vendetta said:
I read in a magazine that in Africa you can get a full auto AK-47 for $12 bucks.
Well, it used to be that you could take a 100lb bag of rice or maize and trade it over the border-fence between South Africa and Mozambique for an AK, sure.
Speaking of conversions...
I have a Glock 7, and like the ceramic, but I would like to convert it to full auto...
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