Anonymous responds to Sandy Hook Shooting.

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I gotta disagree. "Give me Freedom or Give me Death" only has meaning because we know Patrick Henry was in mortal danger as a rebelling patriot. Anonymity simply allows us to say things we probably wouldn't (or shouldn't) in person ;) (myself included, obviously). A good cover allows for effective insurgence, true; but putting skin on the line gives a movement legitimacy.

Tom Barnett

Right, but two years earlier, revolutionaries dressed up as Indians during the Boston Tea Party in 1773, to hide their true identities. Anonymity hard at work. :)

The Tea Party caused Britain to respond by sending in Gage to terminate self-government of Massachusetts.

By the time John Patrick Henry made his speech in the open in March of 1775, Gage was already in country, self government in Massachusetts had been terminated by him.

So at the time Patrick Henry gave his speech, Britain had already seized one state and made their intentions very clear; if the unrest continued they would terminate all self government. They also decided to seize arms and military supplies. Which turned out to be the final straw.
Wow, I must be old and out of touch. I have no idea who or what Anonymous is....

Anonymous is a global Hacktivist group.... They are activists who get their point across by hacking computer systems... They have hacked both the CIA and FBI's computer systems as well as a bunch of other stuff... Generally their work is highly sophisticated and nobody has been able to track their activity down to anybody.

They actually made Time Mags top 100 most influential people list, but it is thought that they hacked Time's computers and put them selves on the list and Time is too embarrassed to admit it.
I can't wait to see what they do with that new New York State assault rifle database. :)

Better hope those idiot programmers remember to put in anti-SQL injection and check all their input buffers to protect against overflows.

Otherwise all those registered rifles just might get "reassigned" to one certain "Cuomo, Andrew M.", who would then find himself on the uncomfortable side of the "10 gun limit" - by the tune of 999,990 or so.
Anonymous is amazingly effective when they point themselves at something.

The only real problem is that, with a lack of leadership, anyone can claim to be acting for Anonymous, and it's up to them to police that.

Some of them are, indeed, people living in their parents' basements. Many more are students. No small number are programmers, very competent hackers and, I'm sure, in-men. It doesn't mean that they're less for the basement dwellers and students. These are just the guys they use to DDOS the Scientologist machines into silence, or go and pass out fliers and hold pickets. Or just keep an ear on the populous sites that Anonymous speaks most freely in.

As a whole, they're fairly adamant about promoting freedom of all sorts and rooting out corruption. "Those with nothing to hide have nothing to fear" has held up surprisingly well so far, and that's a very rare thing. I personally expect the 'group' to be short-lived as far as an effective force goes.

I agree with Trent here. A couple intent members could very well get into and rearrange a government database. New York could find itself with databases full of pictures of butts or something. They have thus far avoided going quite that far because they don't particularly like to get quite that far on the FBI's bad side.

To be completely honest, I would very much expect one of them to poke into one and start releasing lists of what big-wigs have what guns, that Joe Average can't own.
Releasing information is one of the things Anon does hilariously best. They once hacked several popular pornographic websites and got the emails of everyone with an account, filtered them for .gov's, and released a list of government employees with porn site accounts. I'm sure they could figure something like that out for guns.
I'm sure they did, but the ultimate answer won't really be known until they count the votes in rural out-state New York in 2014, where it is possible some legislators just might be unseated.

The gun control movement is mostly located in parts of New England and south along the Atlantic Coast on the east, and along the Pacific Cost on the west. Add to that some industrial states where legislatures are dominated by one or several large urban cities. Because of the kind of population and density relative to urban vs. rural, states like New York are almost impossible for our side to win.

Gun rights proponents largely are in the majority in the rest of the states, but are largely ignored by the news(?) media. Ignorance is not always bliss.

In 1994 The (Bill) Clinton Administration pulled this same stunt when they passed the first AWB. Come the election later that year Ol' Bill woke up and discovered that his party didn't control the Senate and House anymore and their whole agenda was in limbo. These Leftists are like small children - they all have short memory spans...
yep.. the Dems of that time were so intimidated they just put a little thing called the Lautenburg amendment on IIRC and appropriations bill in the dead of night. The repub were too gutless then as well to reject it and pass only a clean bill.
Anonymous knows that governments abuse their citizens. That is one of the reason for their existence. In a sense, they are doing covertly what the ACLU does for 9 out of the 10 amendments. Let's just hope that they start doing things... like exposing NRA endorsed candidates who are waiting for Sandy Hook-like episodes to flip flop.
Very well stated argument pro gun, we should send it to everyone in Congress, I just started doing that with Fienstein and Biden. They need a reality check, send this clip to all the folke in your address book, it will get around fast
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