Any other liberals?

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Originally Posted by Mcuraddoc
Are there anyother folks out there who have wresteled with the decision to arm themselves?

Yes, I did.
I was once a hard core Liberal, on many issues. I didn't even think police should be allowed to carry guns. Ultimately, firearms led to my political transformation, as a result of CAs restrictive laws. Now I'm, as another poster said, a Jeffersonian Constitutionalist.
Welcome, and congratulations on your decision. Ultimately, I believe you will sleep easier for it.
What a Great Thread. What a Great Forum.

I'm like Pax, I have always believed in gun ownership as a political right, but do wrestle with living my life armed, cocked and loaded every minute. I highly recommend her website

There are many scenarios that one might imagine where I would use deadly force without hesitation, but many also that would give me to pause and look a second time.

I have started to actively arm myself, and to become proficient with firearms lately out of a sense that our world, our United States is lurching towards chaos, collapse and the end of the day to day peace we have taken for granted for all our lives. I don't think firearms and ammunition will be for sale after gasoline and groceries stop being readily available.

I have a lot of opinions and am not easily pigeonholed in our present, pitiful political framework. I believe that our survival as a species requires caring for and loving one another and finding new ways to let go of hate, war and oppression.

But please don't expect to survive if you're crashing through my front door looking for robbery, rape and murder.

Here are some books that I've read lately that speak much of what I believe.

Dimitri Orlov, Closing the Collapse Gap

Larry Niven (and that other guy) Lucifer's Hammer

Joe Bageant Deer Hunting With Jesus

Robert Heinlein The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (and many others)

T. H. White The Once and Future King


In my 25+ years of hanging out in ambulances, helicopters, airplanes, and EDs trying to help save the victims of GSWs, I have had many a discussion with collegues who couldn't understand my position on firearms. Many healthcare providers have been conditioned by the medical establishment to feel like guns are "bad" so it isn't difficult to understand why the decision to purchase a firearm, and provide for your own safety and security, was a hard one.

If there is one thing I learned from working in EMS/ED, is that many times luck favors the prepared. Be it the individual who had the fire extinguisher, or the store that purchased the AED, being prepared is always better. Will it prevent all situations from going "bad?" No, but it's better than letting it fall to pure chance. I also find that more and more healthcare folks are receptive to firearms. Certainly not the majority (yet...) but more than I have noticed in the past, so you are in good company. Just a couple of months ago, I was in the ED checking out the schedule and mentioned that there was a handgun class I was teaching...about 6-7 folks expressed an interest in taking it (it is a requirement here before you can purchase a firearm) before I left.

Keep up the practice and consider taking some "expert" led classes. It will increase your confidence and abilities. Dry fire (please read up on it more) is also a great technique to increase skills and accuracy.

Good luck.

Isn't this amazing! Diverse political views coming together cuz of one Interest shared among them, Talking civil to each other.

Why cant congress come together for love of America?
I love how 2nd Amendment rights bring people together. I'm usually wary of anyone I meet who calls themselves a liberal, because I assume they are anti-gun. When I find out otherwise, I'm buddy-buddy with them, although I don't agree with everything they say. become proficient with firearms lately out of a sense that our world, our United States is lurching towards chaos, collapse and the end of the day to day peace we have taken for granted for all our lives.
Once upon a time, I was even further on the edge of spectrum than liberal, into green.
I began to question guns even though I had grown up with them.

Yet, I saw through something that wasn't real in the political realm.

After I had sold all my hunting weapons out of financial need, after an attempted break in by an angel-dusted madman while in grad school, I bought a revolver (the next morning). That was 20 years ago. Never looked back. Now I own 5 carefully chosen tools - 3 levers, 2 revolvers. May add another shotgun (sold a 12 ga 870 a year ago).

I, too, think the planet is heading into chaos, but perhaps for different reasons than for some (not interested in discussing that here).

These days, I totally ignore politics, which I consider to be one of the great evils of existence. In the bigger scheme of things, it makes less difference how (or if) one votes than how one treats others (with respect), and whether you own guns and use them safely and responsibly.

Otherwise, politics is mostly a mass media spectacle.

I mean, really, none of the current presidential candidates will even try to follow through with their promises,
and if they try, they would only partially succeed. Reality prevails in DC just like on the streets of Detroit.
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I am a PRO Constitution lady.

I think that the neo con artists who took over the Republican Party, well, I can't go THERE. :fire:

I think that the 'other side' who took over the Democrat Party, well, I can't go THERE. :fire:

I am Conservative - fiscally conservative BIG TIME. I am conservative in many issues because that is ME but liberal in others. I may not like your book or movie or art but I would not restrict your FREEDOM to read it. Don't use or WASTE my taxpayer money on such things too! You remember some famous art funded by TAX dollar money cases in those issues too. UGH.

I think that we waste too much money on STUPID stuff - PORK and on wars while we ignore real issues and SOLUTIONS. Ike warned us about the MIC and tons more. He was right. So was someone else about getting rid of the FEDERAL RESERVE. The corporations and their SHILLS have ruined BOTH parties along with their INFLUENCE in many, many issues vital to us and OUR ECONOMY. ALL issues including health issues.

I am a Christian but I don't SHOVE it down anyone's throat. I don't go to 'church' or belong to any specific 'religion' anymore because I think that most of them are apostate and IGNORE the real mission of the "Golden Rule' while they push candidates that are not really 'Christian' or Jew or Muslim or x, y or z religion but claim to be GOOD and snooker in the neo cons/rinos. I do READ my Bible and pray to God and I have read many religious books including some of the Koran - Qu'ran. I have friends in ALL religions or lack there of and we get along as in all nationalities. I cling to my guns, my Bible, other books and my own personal beliefs in MANY issues. Not always popular issues to Reps or Dems too! Ha!

I am a classic Libertarian in many, many ways - part conservative - part classic liberal in the sense that the government (Dems and Reps that ruined this Republic!) has no business in MY personal life as a married lady nor do they have any right to stick their stinking nose INTO YOUR LIFE or in anyone's private life as long as they are NOT hurting anyone even though I PERSONALLY DO NOT THINK OR BELIEVE as YOU DO or anyone else does NOR do I choose to LIVE MY LIFE the way some people do.

I know many old fashioned Dems who believe in MORE gun rights and ALL liberty issues as many so called neo con artists - cough. The ones who go on about gun rights but CAVE IN and COMPROMISE in other Constitutional issues and "RIGHTS"!

I know many REAL old fashioned Reps who are real PRO GUN people and who know that this country is screwed UP and how the 'Right Wing' was taken over or went WRONG. NO offense. They see how the Constitution has been shredded and/or perverted by BOTH parties.

I happen to think that BOTH parties stink. No offense.

My candidates usually do not make it because they believe in the Constitution and the rule of law - no bs politics. Legal immigration not illegal aliens and the companies that hire them.

Help the needy but don't give them a FREE ride for their entire life nor their offspring. I don't believe in welfare including CORPORATE welfare.

The tax system needs to be FIXED big time. BOTH parties have screwed that up.

The alphabet agencies need to be fixed or dumped down the toilet of no return.

The 'police state' needs to go back to the OLD WAY and become peace officers.

The borders need to be protected and laws enforced.

You do NOT have to always make more laws and more ACTS - try enforcing what is already on the BOOKS and/or go back to the basics!

You can be a REAL conservationist, support healthy living, healthy wildlife and elk, deer, moose, etc. herds and protect the land - most HUNTERS and FISHERMEN do this already.

The corporations and GREED have taken over BOTH parties and the R or D does not mean jack squat in this day and age.


Fiscal responsibility means something or should but we do not have it!

Putting America FIRST along with American workers should mean something but we got SCREWED by sell outs in BOTH parties.

They both lie and steal - both parties.

So, I am more of an Independent because the 'party' or parties LEFT me along with tons of other FED UP Americans.


"America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe

Catherine = PRO GUN and PRO LIBERTY
PS: They want to cause chaos, division and hate = BOTH parties and they pick one or two issues to do this. Most people FALL for it too. I see this all of the time. Most gun people are their own worst enemies. They will be pro gun and ignore ALL of the other issues which have taken away their LIBERTIES in many issues. They don't always put America FIRST - BOTH parties!
I used to be a real political junkie and I still am to a degree.

I always KNEW that there was NO perfect party or candidate.

I always knew that in most cases after the primaries... it boiled down to a lesser of the evils in BOTH parties.

I happen to think that it is a real shame.

You may think that you have a PRO GUN and PRO LIBERTY CANDIDATE - putting America First and the Constitution but you really don't have that. After all, if YOU did, you would have said so called PRO GUN person and PRO LIBERTY person call for the END of the BATF, the Pat Acts, other new rules, regulations, etc. REAL honest reform and back to the basics!

Don't blame me, sigh, I was for RON PAUL in 1988 and was for him this past year. I was VERY disappointed in how his campaign was run but proud of him in MOST issues, not all of them, proud of many people including MOST of the military people who were for him.

He was a REAL pro gun candidate - pro gun Constitution man.

Politics is a joke and most of it is evil (Money talks and bs walks!) because it is NOT always for YOU, the middle class, PRO GUN person in ALL issues.

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Ditto ScKimber and Catherine and cowboy

"It comes down to how important we think our survival is, and that of our loved ones, and whether we're willing to prepare ourselves to stand for what we have come to view as of primary importance."- Cowhand

I think more and more of America is coming around also to our way of thinking.
We have two choices with the two parties of today, Police state, or Welfare state (and will likely end up with both if they have their way).

To the original Poster Mcuraddoc: Ask yourself if De-clawing a cat and then releasing him into the wild is a humane thing to do. Most of us would say no, that is terrible. Why? To answer the question, well, he can't defend himself. Ahhh... There are animals out there we too must defend ourselves against and to put us into the wild "de-clawed" is just as insane.
Now learn HOW to use it and WHEN to use it SAFELY and keep yourself and your pack safe.

You've taken your first step into a larger world - Obi-Wan Kenobi
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I'm a Classic Liberal, and am fiscally conservative.

I think I'm pretty much of a Classic Liberal - which doesn't match anyone in politics today. :)

I think that probably means I am a bit of a liberatarian - what my friend calls "Little Ell Liberatarians".

I am fiscally prudent - but unlike the Republicans, I don't want the government forcing anyone's religious beliefs down my throat. I don't want public school teachers teaching religion to my daughter in biology class. I don't want the government in my bedroom - or anyone's bedroom. I don't think the government should be at all involved in sanctifying any marriage - that's the job of religions. I think that the government should be restricted to recognizing civil unions between consenting adults, and should do so as a matter of public policy, without regard gender.

When I say fiscally prudent, I mean that out taxes must be equal to our expenditures. that I think that we need to be honest about what programs will cost, and pay for them. I am opposed to tax cuts while we have trillions of dollars in debt. I am not opposed to raising taxes to pay for stuff we already bought - though I am none too happy about using tax money to subsidize the golden parachutes.

I am more concerned about seeing my tax dollars well spent than I about about lowering taxes - most of the folks I know who call themselves "conservative" are in favor of massive subsidies for corporations, while screwing the public schools - that doesn't make any sense to me.

I want someone to offer a solution to the health care crisis (and Social Security), etc, and tell me the truth about what it costs. Any who tells me that we are going to fix either problem without raising taxes ir probably a lying scumbag - but I will listen to anyone who provides a real solution to either problem. I would probably be willing to pay 10% higher taxes to solve those problems, if I thought that the solution was real.

I belong to the NRA and the ACLU - and I am angry that the NRA seems so happy to fund those who are hell-bent on destroying the Constitution. The NRA seems to throw money with both hands at the theocrats and totalitarians - as long as they mouth support for the Second Amendment while they are funneling tax dollars to their favorite churches, forcing their prayers on public school kids, forcing my daughter to worship their understanding of Scripture in biology class, etc.

I consider the right to keep and bear arms one right in a complex system of rights created by our founding fathers (the notion of "natural rights" strikes me as moronic twaddle). All of those rights are interdependent - for example, without due process, the Second will fall with all the rest.

I think all of that makes me a Classic Liberal with a gun. :)


Me too.

My "spiritual principles" tended to establish the following criteria:

1. If I shoot people, how can I save them?

2. That presupposes they want "saving".

3. In fact, many don't want saving.

4. In fact, many just want to butcher me.

5. Therefore, self-defense is a legitimate option.

I am a pro gun liberal, however, I have never really wrestled with owning firearms as I have owned guns and shot since age 4.

Regadless of social views, it seems firearms ownership (the right to self preservation) easily bridges the gap between conservatives and liberals. We should all have the right to self defense, regardless of our political views.
We should all have the right to self defense, regardless of our political views.


Transforming gun ownership into a political issue is a massive victory for Statists. No matter what political robe they don.
Most of the membership here at THR would classify me as a "liberal." I suppose that I am.

I have never had an issue with private citizens owning arms. Nor have I ever struggled with owning them.

Firearms are tools. No more, no less. Owning a saw, a square, a hammer and a bag of nails doesn't make one a carpenter any more than owning a gun makes one violent and/or dangerous.

Private firearms ownership is certainly not something that is incompatible with paleo-liberal ideals. Nor do I think that it must be incompatible with neo-liberal political solutions.
If this is for basic laws, good. If it is for the collective national defense, good. If it is for organizing international trade, good.

If it is telling me how to live and what to believe, bad.

I am no party other than that of the citizenry of the United States of America and I'll be damned if any politician is going to write some irrelevant law that says my life and the lives of my loved ones aren't worth protecting.
that just about sums it up for me too. I do lean towards the conservative side but that is only because I can't stand the leftists who want to turn our country into a marxist nation. And I can't stand the far right either, the ones who want to turn our country into a facist nation.

No thanks to either. But I sure as hell can't stand the jokers in congress right now. If Bush gets a 3 on a scale of 1-10, congress gets a negative 5.

I'm a center-left type (Mark Warner/Bill Richardson kind of Democrat) who got over "over thinking" firearms. I probably support more gun control that 90% of THR, but I'm still with them on the important issues ("assault weapons" bans, magazine restrictions, fair-issue CCW, "30-30cal cop killing bullets," "microstamping," etc.).

To be very honest, buying a hand-gun was not an easy decision. I have long been an advocate of a heavily regulated gun industry. However, recent events have lead me to realize I can't expect the police to be everywhere all the time. I had to be able to stand up for myself. I still wrestle with this choice I've made.

There's nothing "wrong" with your experience - it sounds like when I bought my first gun. Bringing a firearm into your home/life is a big deal, despite what some may tell you. It is NOT something that anyone should "just do." It sounds like you made a carefully thought-out decision.
I am sure this thread will be locked soon, but I have a serious question:

I suspect very few. We're mostly Conservatives and Libertarians. Regardless of who we vote for, we tend to be united in the idea that what's best for the individual should be left up to that individual, not anyone else and certainly not the government. This applies to everything from personal protection to retirement savings to health care. Nothing boils the blood quicker than a government official that seeks to regulate my activities, activities that do not harm another in any way, because they think they know what's best. History shows again and again that they do not.

I don't consider myself a member of any certain party, and I am not very active politically, but the bolded part of the paragraph above, it's seems to contradict Conservative and Libertarian views on Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption, Abortion, and legalized drug use.

And maybe I am off base, I just don't see conservatives defending the gay "individuals" right to get married, or adopt a child and raise it with 2 gay parents.
Taking money from the middle class and giving it to the poor = Liberal.

Taking money from the middle class and giving it to the rich = conservative.

I'm for not taking anymore of my money and restoring some of my rights. That candidate wasn't nominated unfortunately.

plexreticle - I'm not worthy! Awesome quote; thank you. :)

I suspect very few. We're mostly Conservatives and Libertarians.

Libertarians are quite liberal (on most issues). Just depends on how you define "liberal" - I'd guess there are 1,000 different ways, so it makes no sense to use the word unless and until we can agree upon a definition.
I've been called a liberal and worse.
But I've never wrestled with gun ownership because I started shooting guns for some time before I ever had a thought about voting. Although I was in the first group of 18-year-old voters...remember...when Nixon was re-elected? I was 19 then...but Nixon wasn't my fault! ;).
I didn't carry for a long time though. I've always been able to access situations and be cool. Then a road rage incident happened which strongly illuminated that there are times when prudence, awareness, logic, and everything else one may do for one's own safety just plain falls apart. One cannot predict the actions of crazy people and criminals. My mind was made up by the time I got home that day.
Within three weeks of the incident; I got CCW training, my CHL and put a pistol in my pocket.
Political,social and financial CONSERVATIVE here. Always have been, always will be! I now vote Republican and regret every vote I ever cast for a Democrat. I believe a liberal gun-owner will either cease to be liberal or cease to be a gun-owner(because of the liberal politicians that they put into office).
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