Any update on senate action Friday???

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I was wanting to know as well. I have been stuck in the office abd the only wat to know anything is from this forum.

Please Help us out.

I have been stuck in the office and wanting to know as well.

This forum is the only way to know whats going on.

Please help us out.


No cloture on class action lawsuit reform bill. Debate for the day centered on gay marriage constitutional amendment.

Resume business at 1:00 P.M. on Monday with no votes occurring all day per Frist.


Yea, just 15 days. We've got the next two work weeks to monitor, and 5 days in Sept up to the AWB Sept 14th expiration. (13th?)

You know guys.....I've been confused about the exact day when it's dead. Does Feinstein melt down at 12:01 AM, Monday the 13th, or 12:01 AM Tuesday, the 14th. Anybody know?
Yeah, gotta know when to schedule the party, right?

Might be fun to get up a movement to fire off some fireworks at the moment it expires. If the country lights up so that you can see it from orbit, that's bound to leave SOME impression...

12:01 AM Tuesday, the 14th. The abomination was signed into law on 9/13/94 and it will expire 10 years later, i.e. one second after 11:59:59 P.M. on 9/13/04. The party begins at 12:00 A.M. on the 14th.
I was watching the action myself on (not live...the 2nd showing :)), and had to leave in the middle of the roll call for the cloture vote. Anyway, it's on the senate webpage right here

Looks like it was pretty close, but no cigar. 44 Yeas, 43 Nays, and 13 no-shows. It's interesting reading through who voted, who didn't, and what those who were there voted. Kerry must not have been worried about this one, as he was a noshow! :rolleyes:
Schumer :barf: just requested time this afternoon (which was granted) for he and Feinstein :barf: to speak before the Senate regarding the AWB.

This will occur b/t 2:15 and 5:00 Eastern.

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