Any Vermonters

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May 28, 2009
Northeast Kingdom
An Vermonters here that want to get something going for some good old socializing and range time. I don't see many posts from this neck of the woods.

Hey thanks for the reply Gents. Look forward to discussing anything tactical or firearms related. I think we (Vermonters) are a small group on this discussion board.
A little about myself: 20 years as a ground pounder in the Marine Corps -no DI duty or recruiting all grunt time. Retired CBP/DHS officer, bad knee and they told me to take a hike.

Stay safe.
Semper Fi

yes, our states population dictates we are usually the smallest pool in any large group. Except legal carriers w/out permit:)
and, with honor and sadness, among the rolls of the dead from our current wars.
thank you for your service, Joe.
I shoot on my private range, but THR members are always welcome.
Hey, another VT guy here. Curious about Vermont Tactical, anyone with any knowledge about the quality of this operation?

Glad to see other Vermonters on THR, be well.
Vermont, Here. I know the co-owner of Vermont Tactical (Kathy) from my time in VT Army Guard, I know nothing of the training.
What's the scoop on VT Tactical

I had no idea that we had a tactical school in Vermont. I would love to volunteer to assist on angle shooting/slope dope
Hey Parsimonious, let us know how your experience with Vermont Tactical goes. What class are you taking? Not a lot of info on these guys.
RM: Yeah, I'm just as geographically disadvantaged as you are. "Gun Friendly" is priority #1 when I consider which state to move or retire to.
AR: I'd be happy to spill the beans upon my return. I forgot where, but I read a good review or two - perhaps
Crossrhodes: Their HQ seems to be in Montgomery, but I think the classes take place a bit west of there - Franklin Center, I believe.

I'm taking two days worth of classes, each one day long. One is called Point Shooting/CQB, the other is Tactical Carbine. The full-on Close Quarters Battle class is LEO/Military only, but it sounds like the one I'm taking is a sort of pared-down version.
I'm "renting" a 1911 for the first from them and a AR-15 for the second day.
They told me to bring lots of ammo for both - Tactical Carbine apparently includes some transitions, so I'm bringing extra .45 ACP.
Gary LeRoux, the owner, seems like the real deal. I have no reason to think otherwise. If I had an experience as good as the one with Bob McDowell that I had in Pennsylvania, I'll walk away a happy man.
In any event, I'm just happy to get away and get some instruction and serious trigger time. Difficult for me to do in my present situation.

I'm staying at a B&B nearby (far northern Vermont) - I picked it because it's supposed to be haunted. So if I haven't scared anyone away with my talk of the paranormal, I'll happily talk about my experiences there, too! :)
Vermont tactical

I'll have to check them out. I never knew we had that available in Vermont. I would like to sign my daughter up for a class. I have the experience and the training but teaching family members never works out... especially a college student with all their worldly experience LOL. I'm sure you parents know what I mean. Her 4 years of college trumps my 27 yrs of gunfighting LOL.
Definitely post back your experiences with VT Tactical. I've seen their website but know nothing about them other than what they say themselves. Nothing against them, but just because they have a class doesn't mean they're any good at teaching it or putting together course material.

I'd like to hear someone with firsthand experience with these guys.
Get together


We should get together sometime, a THR/VT get together!

I'll be escaping to visit NEK sometime SOON (going from West side to his northeast side).

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Hey crossrhodes that CETME I bought from you is still alive and well, its actually kinda grown on me, that thing eats russian steel case like ted kennedy in a liquor store.:D
If you guys figure out a get together, I have a co worker who is a likely convert.:evil:

I'm glad to hear your enjoying it, I miss it. It's a good rifle and it most of been a rare day for Century Arms because that one was well made.
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