Anyone heard if CA budget cuts have hit their anti gun bureaucracies?

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Jul 22, 2009
Has the bureaucracy that oversees their ridiculous handgun roster been cut?

Have the massive cuts in california's spending affected the way their piles of gun laws will be enforced? What about their various gun registries for handguns and "assault" weapons? No cuts? Anyone heard anything?
Rest assured that no state will ever let up in the fight to incarcerate productive, decent and otherwise law-abiding citizens who happen to own a tool that has cosmetic features that the plundering class does not approve.

In other words, even if all funding was cut for those agencies, I don't think it would improve things one iota.
One must remember what "budget cuts" mean in political-speak. Budget cuts for bureaucracies only mean, at most, a reduction in the rate of growth, not their elimination. An analogy is buying a car. If you look at a car that costs $25,000 but decide to buy another car for $20,000, you didn't save $5,000.
All organs of state government have had real cuts. This HAS to be hitting the anti gun bureaucracies. State employees have been getting regular furloughs. Does anyone know if this is affecting the processing of handgun registrations or any other state gun related paperwork? So far no one from CA has responded. What are the dealers in CA saying about this? State government falling apart at the seams has got to be affecting the dealers somehow because in CA, the gun dealers are not just under the thumb of the feds, they have the state on their backs too. The dealers record of sale (DROS) form comes to mind.
Only thing I've heard is that it takes longer to recieve acknowledgement for paperwork you've sent into CA DOJ BOF.

For example, recieving confirmation about registering a handgun due to an intra-familial gift use to take 4-8 weeks and is now taking 2-6 months.
Has the bureaucracy that oversees their ridiculous handgun roster been cut?

Have the massive cuts in california's spending affected the way their piles of gun laws will be enforced? What about their various gun registries for handguns and "assault" weapons? No cuts? Anyone heard anything?
Budget cuts will cause labor slowdowns. It will not cause a repeal of laws.
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