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Theres that one guy on DU...Mr Buckley is he a real person....seems sort of psycho to me
Close, Mr. Benchley. I don't know why they haven't banned him, he wontonly(sp?) violates their COC. And I wouldn't suggest studying him in particular, unless you like ulcers, migranes, and anyeurisms.

May I suggest KirkVining over on ? He finally came to grips with his extreme liberalism and has DU in his signature, but he isnt quite as bad as Benchley. Arguing with him is like arguing with a wall though. And Editorials are held in high reguard with him, only interchanged with facts...
My ex-girlfriends brother and roomate are flaming leftists, but the thing that distrubed me most was the statement her brother's roomate set forth at dinner one night when the topic of me carrying 24/7.
he said that if he were being robbed at gun or knife point, or any other point for that matter, would "talk it out with the person" well needless to say i fell out of my chair with disbelief.
I have been in 2 situations were a gun saved my behind (both robbery attempts 1 was an armed robbery atempt), neither of these two genius's has ever been held up or physically threatened, but both have been burgalrized in the past, ant neither of them would lift a finger to protect themselves or their property from a would be scumbag, they both chalk it up to "well they must want it more than i do".
Truly Sad.

Color me lucky. I live in a blue state (MD), and most of my close family lives in blue states (NY, NJ). To make matters worse, I work at a university (lets see, on the red - blue spectrum, that's, ah, ultraviolet).

For further reference, I live in a county that will not let a law abiding business sell hard liquor. That's right, they even call it "liquor control". Color me dark royal blue.

I think I qualify to answer the question raised in this thread.

As I described recently on my weblog, I am looked at like I am an idiot because I am not a "Liberal" (of course, being a (l)ibertarian, I think of myself as a liberal, just not their kind). When discussions even brush up against issues of politics, I am sneered at, or ridiculed. Whereas others can spout off any political leftwing baloney they wish, and not be challenged, I am asked for a detailed thesis to back up any non-leftist point of view. The other day, someone who is a "blue-stater" at heart (from here on in, simply a "BS-er") deigned to ask me about (shudder) a topic that bordered on...sshhh... g-u-n-s, she literally put her nose in the air, and put a look of utter disgust on her face as she asked me where I would be going hunting.

Look, the BS-ers are spittin' mad. According to the ones I "get talked to by" It's not the failure of the Democratic party, or failure of their leftist message; rather, Bush won because the red staters are ignorant, and were duped by Karl Rove.

I'll end on a personal note: either my sanity or intelligence is questioned by the BS-ers when the discussion turns to politics. In the end, what most BS-ers really want from me is an explanation for my stupidity, not an explanation of my point of view (Is it Fox News?) . Either that, or they just treat me like a second class citizen. In fact, I am starting to get paranoid: sometimes, as I enter a room, dicussions...just...stop. The office Christmas Party is coming up on Wednesday. Think I'll go to the range.


To read some of the actual comments made to me over Thanksgiving turkey, rendered as a fictional account, go to:
this says it all...ban silly string

living in cuckoo land..this says more than you could ever this is true..this is from the same folks that tried to pass a law: you cant get any closer than 10ft to the strippers ( cant put a tip in her g-string)

but things aint that crazy yet...that ban about thinking out side the box....sorry...could not resist <wolfgrin>

"If you are going to bring facts into it, we can't have this discussion"

1. A teenage girl raped and impregnated by her father should not be allowed to have an abortion?

2. Creation Science is just as valid as evolution?

The Left isn't the only place where lunacy rages. Ralph Reed scares the crap out of me. And couching his extremist and irrational beliefs in "the benevolent love of Christ" doesn't mask it.

Four years of evangelical fingers in government. Even if you are a christian, that should frighten you.
Having seen the magnificent competence and fairness of governments in providing health care, law enforcement and tax collection, I am not eager to see them get involved in anything to do with morality or religion. If anything, they need to be less involved in these matters than they already are.
Here's a half a thought for what its worth.

Yep. We've got a load of loonies. But if it hadn't been for abortion, we'd have 50 million more of these bass-tids running around.

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