arminius hw 357 every heard of it?

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Jun 5, 2010
what you all think about this? i like it. shoots great. thinking about having it engraved.
keep it beside my night table as quick to get to home protection. using the shotgun if i go outside hehe.. scatter !!!
I've never heard of it. Looks pretty neat from the picture though. As long as it shoots good you have a winner.
These were cheap imports that were sold in the late 1970's. Handgun Tests Magazine awarded it "Turkey of the month" award because the sample they had was a piece of junk and the cylinder was bored badly out of time. Maybe you got a good one?
the only thing wrong is the rear sight is missing some kind of plastic insert. ???? or atleast i was told this. it does look like something missing to me
Very shiny! Looks good, maybe setting the gun on a solid surface would make for a clearer picture?

Looks like the rear sights are adjustable? How does it shoot?
I have a .44 mag Arminius SAA that was handed down to me. I don't know about your model of gun, but mine has all kinds of mixed opinions about it floating around the web. Some of the parts are pot metal and isn't the most well crafted tool, but its decent. Arminius is/was made in Germany afaik.
Arminius still exists and their revolvers have improved in quality. They are now known as Weinrauch and make the EAA Windicator and Bounty Hunter. If yours is a reliable shooter, you might as well hang on to it and use it as you won't be able to sell it for much. It should be safe with present 35 kpsi ammo, but I'd avoid the specialty loads from folks like Buffalo Bore and Double Tap.
heck. lol ive already shot specialty loads threw it... seemed ok to me. the gun i would say if it was not missing that plastic piece would be 98% near mint. really nice gun. i actually believe i was the first person to ever fire a round out of it.
I had one, they do not hold up well. Every time I would shoot it screws would come loose or something would break. Maybe they're better made now but I'd pass.

Notice how the site rattled apart on that one? It will keep doing it even after being fixed.
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