Best squirrel hunt of 2021

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Jan 22, 2012
NE Kansas
I had been planning a squirrel hunt for weeks, but the commie flu interrupted my plans. Postponed the hunt several times; I was one sick puppy for awhile. That crap is no joke. Eventually the weather was right and my energy was returning. So, planned a hunt for 12/16/21, the day after high winds, I’m hoping for at least a chance to get a couple squirrels. The day turned out to be a doozy.

I got to the pasture in a timely way and after closing the gate I started my short drive to the edge of the woods. I drive thru pasture for about 1/4 mile and park next to the woods. As I stop next to the woods in my usual spot a squirrel sits upon a limb about 10 yds away. I missed him!! Had my 17Mach2 and failed to account for it hitting low at that close range. The squirrel runs about 20 yds and presents himself for a 2nd attempt. Since I had my Bergara BXR .22 with me, I switched guns and took out his eyeball. Realizing why I missed helped. I then took the BXR and my walking stick and proceeded on my stroll thru the woods. Overhead were 1,000s of snow geese in wave after wave. I never tire of the migration spectacle. It’s looking to be a beautiful day, about 55 degrees, sunny, and calm. No leaves left on the trees. The forest floor is covered with several inches of dry leaves and I can see for 100+ yards thru the trees and brush. Good day for spotting squirrels, but they can see me too, so I proceed with caution and optimism. Too nice a day to be otherwise.

I then spotted a couple squirrels chasing each other so I work in their direction and found a whole group (5-6 squirrels) chasing each other. Working my way toward them one tree at a time eventually brings me close to the group. They are distracted by chasing each other. Big mistake. In a few minutes I had 3 on the ground. So, I gather them and return to my car. I drive a ways and park near a favorite spot. After scanning the trees for a few minutes, I spot one sitting about 75 yds away. I think….crap, if I hit him, I’ll have to go get him. Oh well, didn’t go hunting to sight-see so remembering which rifle shoots best at distance, I pick the 17Mach2, find a steady rest, settle in with breath control, trigger squeeze, and make a perfect head shot. Booyah!, but now I have to go get him. So, armed with a walking stick I descend down a slope into a dry creek bed, crawl under a fence and climb up the opposite bank, wade thru brush and weeds and actually found the squirrel where I thought it would be. So far so good.

Now I have to go back. So I wade back thru the brush, slide down the bank, crawl under the fence, and start up the opposing bank, only to slide back to the bottom due to a foot of dry leaves covering everything. I have a good laugh and wondered what would possess a 75 yr old man to climb up and down a holler, fight dense brush and weeds to retrieve a dead squirrel smile.gif . I make it back to the car, happy that I just shot a limit of squirrels, first and only time this year.

I then drive to the other side of the pasture that is bordered by another large expanse of timber. I pat myself on the back for a job well done and get all my skinning gear out and proceed to process my squirrels. Thirty minutes later I have all the skinned squirrels in the cooler ready to drive home. I spend another hour drinking coffee, snacking on homemade cookies, bathing in the fresh air and goose honking overhead, squirrel barks in the distance. What a day! I decide I need to leave before I fall asleep and wake up in the dark. So I fire up the Nissan and decide I’ll drive by just one more spot, just to have a look. I find another dozen squirrels and celebrate knowing that many good shoots are in my future. It's good to be alive!!
Shanghai mentioned you'd had a great hunt!

I've been out once, it was a freakin 12 degrees and all I saw was deer. Now I'm laying low waiting on 1Jan to start late doe... Once that's done I'll get back to squirrels and coyotes.
I had a great squirrel hunt in late Oct. Most of the leaves had fallen, it was around 50 degrees with a light breeze. The ground in the oak grove I was hunting was literally covered with acorns. It was like walking on marbles. I posted myself at the base a large oak and waited for the woods to settle down. Within minutes I had squirrels all around me making quite a racket in the leaves and barking at each other. I managed to head shoot the first squirrel at about 20 yards. The second was taken about 5 minutes later at 35 yards. My third and fourth squirrels were taken from the same limb on the same oak at 25 yards. ( it must have been a good resting spot). The last squirrel (#5) I dropped at about 30 yards as it was going headfirst down a tree. Skinning and cleaning the 5 squirrels took about 45 Minutes. The entire hunt was about 1.5 hours. Did I mention, that all the squirrels were taken with my .32 long rifle flint lock? It was the best squirrel hunting day I have had in 25 years.
Great story, thanks for sharing. I am a lover of squirrel hunting myself. I’ll be going to Alabama soon to visit my folks and will spend the majority of my time walking in the National forest hunting squirrel, I can’t wait. The area I go is thick with them and to top it off I’ll be hunting with the marlin model 60 i Learned to shoot with. Couldn’t be happier, generous bag limits there at 8/day.
Thanks for the great story. Haven’t had time to get out this year and won’t have the time, But being able to read stories like this help to make up for the time missed.
Thanks again.
Nice hunting story .... I'd do that as well.

The Porch Rats here in Northern Nevada are so stupid they can't even climb trees to get to my bird feeders.
Who ever heard of squirrels that can't climb a tree. Not to mention they could have plague and ain't worth eating.
I am hoping to go out Saturday for a few hours. I used to go quite a bit with a buddy and his Cur but the dogs up there in age now and another hunt with the old dog just isn't in the books. 2yrs ago a buddy and I took an hour drive to a state forest we used to hunt when were were younger. We started around 9am and walked around until dark. It wasn't right before dark that I remembered a place everyone calls Hickory Ridge. You sometimes need 4x4 to get to it so its not hunted hard. Grays, Fox and even black squirrels were everywhere. I too sniped one at a distance and realized I had to walk down a steep hollar and then back up the other side. After that my shots became more selective. I almost popped a black one about 75-80 yards out in a pine tree until I realized it was almost a 90 degree cliff the tree was sitting on.

My plan Saturday is to scout a woodlot for muzzleloader season next weekend and then sit down and take a few squirrel.
Watching 7 of them yesterday before the storm make a mess of the backyard birdfeeders, brought back fond memories. Even asked the wife if she still liked squirrel stew. That's as far as it went. Glad you had a good hunt.
Shanghai mentioned you'd had a great hunt!

I've been out once, it was a freakin 12 degrees and all I saw was deer. Now I'm laying low waiting on 1Jan to start late doe... Once that's done I'll get back to squirrels and coyotes.
Hey do we start a private conversation? I can't seem to find that feature.
Sounds like an awesome day, nice work. I am confident I can butcher a whole deer faster than I can skin 6 squirrels. Might have to go squirrel hunt so I can practice :D
I've been looking forward to getting out now that deer season has wrapped up but it's been too bloody cold up here in Michigan.
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