Beware the politician who says "I support the 2nd Ammendment, but...."

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Jan 1, 2011
The formerly free state of Nevada
After dutifully calling and emailing my and other governmental representatives frequently for the past 2-3 months I have come to the conclusion that if they have to tell you they support the 2nd ammendment, their follow up rationaliztions and justifications prove that they do not. I wouldn't be surprised if the "honorable" senator Schumer included a statement of support the the 2nd in his canned responses.:barf:

Further, if they even mention "hunting" in their response, it probably means they do not support the 2nd Ammendment.
Yep, have seen a lot of letters that people have posted with that. You know how you can tell a politician is lying? Their lips are moving. Seriously though, keep contacting them and telling them to oppose further gun control even if they are a lost cause. And especially pay attention to when their next election is and work to unseat them if they are an anti.
Also, when you see "common sense laws", you know they are going to screw us.
What you say is pretty much true. There are very few absolute supporters of the Second Amendment and that includes the membership of THR and most of the other gun forums. So what does that tell you?
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That is a pretty good rule of thumb right there..."I support; but" is no different from "I have gay/black/etc. friends but" and reference to hunting shows that the person doesn't have the first clue what the Second Amendment is about...
Can't believe the NRA gave JoeBama Manchin an "A" rating...

There are a lot of politicos who have crumbled under pressure and turned against us, who had formerly not been bad. I'll be curious to see how the ratings change the next time the NRA does their rating/grading of politicians.
Yep. I support the 2nd Amendment, but....... I got one letter from Toomey and Casey like that. I expected as such from Casey but not Toomey.

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One of my senators sent me a letter and said he supported a magazine ban because it would slow down a shooter. I called his office the next day and asked his aide if he just wanted to slow down shooters and not stop them, in which she said "If the letter said that, then yes." So apparently, they just want some people to die, not a lot of them. It has become clear to me that 'We the People' are not worth protecting, nor are our children. God forbid our children are protected with arms and not just signs.
Saying one "Supports the 2nd Amendment" without defining what they THINK it means, is a meaningless statement.
Supposedly gun friendly legislators are falling like flies. Toomey supposedly acted as he needed soccer mom votes from the burbs. It will only change if folks like Manchin or Toomey get voted out or challenged successfully in the primaries. Of course, the primary winner would have to win and not go down in defeat as a nut on other issues.

The female NY Senator (gun friendly when a local congress person) is now for American and not the NRA.
Those despicable and vile politicians will relegate you to being armed with just a .22 single-shot bolt-action rifle and still have the gall and audacity to claim that they're "honoring" and "respecting" the Second Amendment!
All you need to do is look at Australia where they had no second ammendment or the equivalent. I think many US politicians would like to see the same model implemented here and they would claim that they support the second amendment, support hunting rights, and support the right to self defense. You would see the term "reasonable gun control" tossed around over and over again.

The only true benefit that I can see in the Australia model is sucide rates dropped, but I am a firm believer in the Darwin principle and if you choose to end your life, do it well and with absolute finality.
I have been sending emails every week , looks like they kinda didn't do a lot of good the way the vote went the other day, if that goes Holder will be trying to register our fire arms as soon as the ink dries .And there will be a price and a tax someplace maybe not very high to start but there will bump up every now and then .
"common sense laws"

No such thing in DC as common sense, gun control is not about saving lives it's about power/control. If they wanted to save lives go after drunk drivers,
enforce drug laws, stop abortion, etc. In a free society it is difficult to "save" everyone.
No matter what a politician says after the "but," what he or she means is "my next few proposals/votes won't show it."
I support the Second Amendment *BUT* I believe in "common sense" gun laws.

It's "common sense" that you can't control a citizenry if they are armed.
In life, whenever someone expresses an opinion, followed by but - no matter what the subject is or who they are - the statement that follows is their true opinion. Ignore whatever came before it.
I agree. If it says hunting it means they're one of the ones who think that the second amendment only applies to hunters.

This is a sneaky way of saying that they support your gun rights so long as they're strictly regulated so that it only applies to hunters.

These are the guys who will say "I support the second amendment but I want to see 'common sense' legislation to end gun violence."
Yes, pretty much every politician is anti-gun some just are more anti-gin than others.

I knew Kennedy was anti Gin unless there was a bit of Vodka and a touch of Vermouth handy to go along with it.
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