Bloomberg's choice, Rep. Kelly wins House seat

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Considering the circumstances, why did Bloomberg blow so much cash? Even he knows whoever gets that seat will toe the line, so what's his real game? Who else benefited from (or directly recieved) all that juicy cashy goodness? Why bother rigging a fixed fight?

It does show Bloomberg is willing to spend $2.1 million in a race where most candidates are spending $50k or less to make sure that a Dem candidate who supported registration and UBC but questioned the efficacy of bans loses. Think about that for a second.

It should send chills down spines, he is a profoundly sinister man.
You guys from out of state don't understand Illinois politics. This was a foregone conclusion. The Chicago machine dictated the results of the election within days of Jackson's resignation from the House.

Bloomberg spent the money to buy press coverage like the USA Today article. There are NO contested elections in the Chicago area. The party chooses the candidates and picks the winners in sham elections just like the ones in the old USSR.
Jeff has it exactly right. This particular primary meant nothing and the result was a foregone conclusion. Bloomberg did not spend $2.1 million to get Kelly elected. He spent $2.1 million to try to convince Democrats in Congress that he can play the NRA's game too. It's meant to be both a carrot and a stick. A carrot in that he is trying to reassure Democrats in tough districts that there will be somebody to counteract the NRA's money, and a stick in the form of a threat that any Democrats who don't go along with gun control may being facing a primary challenger financed by Bloomberg.

It's all just a big show to try to convince Democrats that they won't get destroyed at the polls like they did after passing the last AWB. He's not actually going to spend any money in the next election. He's hoping that an AWB and other gun control measures pass before the next election, and then he couldn't care less if the Democrats all lose at the polls because he'll already have the gun laws in hand that he wanted.
Jackson bought a $46,000.00 gold-plated Rolex amongst other things with the $750k he stole. He's a hometown hero now!
So we must assume EVERYTHING is fine in crime-free NYC.

Why else would bloomberg be giving away so much money to other places instead of his own city?
Its Chicago. I'm surprised Bloomberg's PAC even spent money there. They probably did just so that could claim it as a victory and run around telling everyone people want gun control
He did it for media attention, which he got, and to give the impression that he is more powerful and influential than he really is. Kelly probably would have won either way.

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Bloomberg and his PR team picked a "sure thing" (a Dem Machine candidate, already backed by Rahm and Madigan).

His $2+ Million was the price he paid to have a DC press conference, where he can point to this (as yet unindicted, but under investigation) gun grabber from Chicago as proof that the NRA and its political influence to be DOA.

The word is, he guaranteed Rahm financial support in his upcoming presidential/vice presidential run in 2016. That's why nobody raised a stink when he carpetbagged his way into town and started messing with a Dem primary.

Of course the irony is that while he's in DC claiming that the Illinois legislature is defining our first concealed carry law, by appellate court order.
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