Border Patrol Agents Accused Of Drug Smuggling

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Feb 28, 2005
USA, I travel alot.
Border Patrol Agents Accused Of Drug Smuggling
Two Agents On Administrative Leave

POSTED: 3:32 pm PDT June 8, 2005
UPDATED: 5:13 pm PDT June 8, 2005

SAN DIEGO -- Two San Diego Border Patrol agents are under investigation for allegedly helping smuggle drugs into the U.S., 10News reported.

Officials inside the Border Patrol said they admit an investigation is under way.

Questions remain, though, about which agents were involved and how they allegedly helped move drugs into the U.S.

Sources told 10News the two border patrol agents were linked to the same Mexican drug smugglers involved in the shooting of a fellow agent in East County Friday.

"This is a huge investigation. We are still sorting it out," Lt. Thomas Bennett, with the Sheriff's Department, said.

A Border Patrol agent was shot in the leg when he tried to stop a man who was loading hundreds of pounds of marijuana into a truck at the border fence near Boulevard.

The Border Patrol and other agencies involved in that case will not confirm whether the agents under suspicion are linked to that case.

Other highly-placed sources said the agents are linked to a North County gang that moved thousands of pounds of marijuana, methamphetamines and cocaine into the U.S.

The Department of Homeland Security released video of a raid at one of the gang member's homes.

"This organization was involved in smuggling drugs into the United States. They were also involved in the distribution," ICE special agent Michael Unzueta said.

Immigration and customs officials will not confirm whether that group is also tied to the two border patrol agents suspected of helping drug smugglers.

A Border Patrol spokesperson said that two agents have been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation, but no one has been arrested.;bp=t
Worster than the "criminals"

It infuriates me that we can't trust people to enforce the laws of our country against criminals from another country that would violate our security. At all levels of law enforcement from the local beat cops to the Feddel Offcers there are criminals who facilitate drug gangs and violate - no, sodomize - the sanctity of our country. :fire:

Former sheriff faces drug trafficking, other charges:

Here in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas this is almost common. Every few years groups of law enforcement around here are busted for cooperating with the criminal drug gangs. Eradicating these bastids, to me, should be the number one priority of any law officer - above even writing parking tickets.

I can accept that they aren't here to protect me as an individual if they at least keep the scum off the streets so that I don't have to defend myself. What can we do, though, to stop these wastes of sperm and egg in "law enforcement" from holding the door open for the criminals? Obviously prison isn't a deterrant. They have to know that they'll get caught sooner or later. What can we do to stop this? Surely the honest LEOs here are deeply embarrassed by these actions and understand that these people undermine the respect and authority authorized by the badge they wear. :barf: :fire: :barf:
When I saw the title of this thread, I peed my pants in surprise! </oh wait not really>

The only way the enormous volume of drugs getting into the country for the past 15-20 years could possibly happen is if a significant portion of the LEOs were on the take.

Lets put it this way- when I park a rusty civic in a rich neighborhood in CA, there are cops on me (asking who I am, who I am visiting, etc) before I even walk across the street to my friend's house. It is astounding that these same keenly observant police officers cant detect even a small percentage of the millions of tons of weed, coke, heroin and tiger penises being smuggled into this country every year along our major highways and across wide open desert on the borders.
Surely the honest LEOs here are deeply embarrassed by these actions and understand that these people undermine the respect and authority authorized by the badge they wear.
I am not embarrassed by their actions at all, why should I be. I am not corrupt, never have been corrupt and, I never will be. Instead of being embarrassed, I am more on the angry side and apart from anger I would also seek justice. These alleged criminals may not have only smuggled in drugs but also may have contributed to a fellow officer being shot. If guilty, they need to be punished for both their failure to uphold their oath of office by their commission of smuggling crimes and, for their part if any that contributed to the shooting of the other agent.

It is astounding that these same keenly observant police officers cant detect even a small percentage of the millions of tons of weed, coke, heroin and tiger penises being smuggled into this country every year along our major highways and across wide open desert on the borders.
Who is kidding whom here. Check the statistics and then come back and tell me how not even a small percentage of it is seized. One of the reasons that so much gets in has in part to do with corrupt officials. Something that has more to do with it is the amount of it that keeps coming. If I were at liberty to tell you, your eyes might be opened. Yet you can probably get some good facts and figures on this by yourself. Then again, do not ever forget the absolute main reason that this stuff is coming over our borders by the tons. It comes because there is a market for it. There is a market for it because people here choose to use it. If there was absolutely no demand there sure as hell would not be a problem with it being smuggled into the country and, there would be no reason for smugglers to pay off LEOs (this is not excusing the criminal actions of any bad LEO so don't get me wrong on this). What infuriates me is that people who fault LEOs and politicians for not doing enough are often the very same ones who are committing the crimes they moan and groan that the LEOs are failing to enforce (nothing personal just a general observation).

Back to those Border patrol Agents, if they are guilty of such crimes, I think they should be horse whipped, then put into the general population of a maximum security prison for life.

Best regards,
Glenn B
U.S. Constitution:
Article. III.
Section. 3.
Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

If there is a "War on Drugs" these officers who have sworn to uphold the Constitution are levying War against the United States, adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. Drug smugglers are the enemy and Americans who help them are Traitors. Hang 'em on the courthouse lawn.

I ain't kidding. I was talking with a couple of guys yesterday about Judge Isaac Parker, the Hanging Judge of Fort Smith, Arkansas. There is a gallows right outside his courtroom. One of the guys mentioned that a nearby courthouse here in Texas has a gallows in a tower above it that was used one time before executions were all done by the state. It occurred to me that if the local would-be murderers, rapists and traitors saw their brethren hung, they would come to terms more quickly with the possibility of punishment. Sad that we have become a society so sissyfied that we will allow people to see the effect of criminals' violence on us as individuals but will not publicize those criminals' own doom.

I reckon the percentage of cops who participate in these activities is probably less than the regular population, but I hold the police to a higher standard. I hold anyone to whom is entrusted responsibility by the public to a higher standard. Therefore, the penalty should be more severe for violation of this standard.
An Army buddy of mine, who know works for the Feds, told me an interesting opinion on the War on Drugs. Mind you, it makes a little sense, but it is still HIS opinion. He stated that the Government does not have near a clue as to HOW MUCH drugs come in, and if they did know, had specific knowledge of say a shipment hitting the Houston Ship Channel, nothing would be done there to stop it. If you stopped it there, all the little police departments, small and medium sized agencies would not get their federal War on Drugs money to buy their toys. Again, This is a friend of mine, and his opionin only, but it is interesting.

The War on Drugs is business. There is a demand for the Drugs due to money. There is a Demand for the War on Drugs by the police, due to federal money and property seizure. Its all business, and its all about money.
The only way the enormous volume of drugs getting into the country for the past 15-20 years could possibly happen is if a significant portion of the LEOs were on the take.

Although I am sure that there are corrupt LEOs out there, I hardly think this is the only possible way for drugs to get into the country. Look up the stats for how many Border Patrol agents are on duty at any time per mile of border. It's just about as easy to move drugs across the border as it is to move people across, and we don't seem to have stopped the flow of people.
The only way the enormous volume of getting into the country for the past 15-20 years could possibly happen is if a significant portion of the LEOs were on the take.
The Nogales Border Patrol station had several tons of in their evidence locker a month ago. It wasn't even a heavy month. 1,300 pounds had come from a single vehicle.

Two guys, caught by their own agency, should impugn the reputations of thousands of honest agents?
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