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BOSTON: Proof That Mumbles Menino is Brain Dead

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Sean Cloherty

Dec 25, 2002
Following a number of shootings in Boston in the past couple of weeks, this is the Mayor's response:

In the past couple of days, Mayor Thomas M. Menino and Boston Police Commissioner Kathleen M. O'Toole have met repeatedly to discuss ways of limiting the number of guns on the street, O'Toole said, adding that officials are also considering ways to tighten gun laws in Massachusetts, specifically concerning where guns may be carried -- such as parks. Officials are also looking at how they might stem the tide of guns coming in from out of state.


I'm sure that this well help in a city where getting a carry permit is about as easy NYC. How many of these a**wipes will stop killing people when they make it illegal to carry in Boston parks? Who are the IDOTS who vote for this loser who makes GWB sound positively eloquent. :banghead:

< Twenty-two people under the age of 24 had been murdered as of Monday, police said, compared with 13 by that date last year.>

from article
<Meanwhile, the number of people the strike force arrested on charges involving violent crimes and property crimes dropped by 14 percent -- from 314 to 271 -- as of Sunday for both years.>

So logically we need new gun restrictions on carrying in city parks.

Let's go back to the part about arrests being down. Or how about the dozens who witnessed some of these shootings - but none have come forward? Or the early releases of violent offenders because we don't want to budget the correctional dollars.

Not to hijack the thread, but since we're talking about Massachusetts politicians here's what I posted on another thread (Hannity & Colmes) about Gov. Mitt Romney's interview on Fox


Transcript Fox news
website notes text may be edited for clarity (seems some is missing from my recollection of interview , ie "700 guns". some other stuff said in crosstalk also

Romney not truthful here:

"the gun owners' action league backed the legislation that said, "Look, let's protect our citizens from dangerous assault weapons"

PAT HALPIN, GUEST CO-HOST: Governor, let's talk about AK-47's. The assault weapons ban is set to expire in the middle of September. It seems that Bush is doing nothing about that. The Republican Congress is in concert with this. Tom DeLay and the others want to see that happen, and as a bone to the NRA.

Aren't you concerned that terrorists and Al Qaeda, that terrorists that are here in the United States, if this thing expires, can walk down to the corner gun store and pick up an AK-47 or some other assault weapons, if the Republican Congress doesn't extend the assault weapons ban?

ROMNEY: I don't think for a minute the terrorists were planning on bringing down the government of the United States and bringing down our financial institutions and causing disruption of our nation are worried about picking up a pea shooter. And whether it's a big peashooter like an AK-47 or a smaller one.

HALPIN: So are you in favor of that ban being extended or do you want to see it lapse?

ROMNEY: What they want to do is they want to attack our nation and bring down our government with an aircraft, with a bomb, with biological weapons and something of that nature.

I believe the people should have the right to bear arms, but I don't believe that we have to have assault weapons as part of our personal arsenal.

HALPIN: So you're...

ROMNEY: In my state I just signed a piece of legislation extending the ban on certain assault weapons in our state.

HALPIN: Governor, would you like to see that extended again on the federal level, as well?

ROMNEY: It very well may be. In our state what we did is we got both sides of this issue to come together, because we relaxed a number of things, allowing people who hadn't been able to get weapons in the past to be able to purchase those.

HALPIN: But aren't you concerned about weapons coming in from other states if we don't abolish them nationwide?

ROMNEY: Not in Massachusetts. Yes, Massachusetts has very tough laws. But it's a good balance.

HALPIN: We've got tough laws here in New York, too.

ROMNEY: There are hunters in the NRA and the gun owners' action league backed the legislation that said, "Look, let's protect our citizens from dangerous assault weapons, but let's also make — makes regular weapons more available to our citizens." And we made a compromise that works.

But homeland security is bombs. It's trucks with bombs. It's the kind of thing that, it keeps me awake at night.

HALPIN: I understand that. And you're right. It is about intelligence.
It's the political situation in Mass Hole were talking about here? Why would Free America care about what happens there?
Boats, you so eloquently said,
<It's the political situation in Mass Hole were talking about here? Why would Free America care about what happens there?>

So nice of you to contribute.

Last I checked, Massachusetts was still one of the 50 states in the United States of America. We are American citizens. We serve in the military. We pay taxes.

Why do you care what happens up here? Ask the family in Milford Massachusetts today who is grieving the loss of their son/brother/cousin/nephew who died in Iraq today.

But then you could care less if someone from this state died for their country - he's from Massachusetts anyway.

Boats, do you carry a loaded gun on your person? (scary thought)
...Mayor Thomas M. Menino and Boston Police Commissioner Kathleen M. O'Toole have met repeatedly to discuss ways of limiting the number of guns on the street...

If they had half a brain between them, they'd think to reduce the number of criminals on the streets. What dunces!
To hell with Boston. There are plenty of towns nearby with chiefs who will issue class A licenses anyway.

As to the issue of Massachusetts: I applaud the recent improvements to firearms laws in the Commonwealth, and only wish that AG Reilly would take a long walk off a short pier and his successor would dump the BS "consumer protection" regulations for handguns.

I moved to New Hampshire for a reason. Perhaps Massachusetts will someday give me a reason to move back.
The police, State police, ATF - every uniform was out in full force tonite according to TV news.

So Menino, et al were babbling the same old rhetoric - too many guns on the street....need new gun law restrictions..... need more jobs in inner city.

Along comes this fantastic soundbyte from a black minister about how we (as African Americans) have to stop shifting the blame...blaming capitalism or society. Why in God's name was that 15 year old girl (the one shot)doing out in that park at 1 in the morning? Where were her parents? Does she even have a Dad at home? We have gotta take back our kids. Bill Cosby was right! This is our responsibility to change.

Personal responsibility - what a concept.
approaching Posse Comitatus in Boston


partial of article:

In response to escalating violence in Boston, officials said yesterday that State Police and federal agents will be deployed throughout the city in a massive show of force, using the kind of cooperation between law enforcement agencies seen during the Democratic National Convention.

"We've had enough; we won't tolerate bold acts of violence," Boston Police Commissioner Kathleen M. O'Toole said yesterday in announcing what police are calling Operation Neighborhood Shield.

With officers on motorcycles lined up behind her outside police headquarters, O'Toole said federal agents from the FBI; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; and the Drug Enforcement Administration will work with Boston police, Massachusetts Bay Transporation Authority police, and State Police to patrol troubled neighborhoods, in uniform and undercover.

She said that federal, state, and city law enforcement will combine undercover and uniformed forces, a more significant level of cooperation than was attained during the antiviolence campaigns of the late 1980s and early '90s, when the city saw a sharp rise in gang violence and homicides
Rev. Eugene Rivers of Boston

"Close your eyes and listen to Rev. Eugene Rivers of Boston, and you might hear strains of Black conservative Bob Woodson, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, or Louis Farrakhan. These dichotomies all live quite comfortably, thank you, in the mind of Rivers, who has become a national lightening rod in the war to save troubled, inner-city youth from themselves..............


This guy was instrumental for the 2 year period in which there was no murder for anyone under 17 in Boston
I'm interested in knowing if the increase in MA shootings is real, or just the reporting is going up. There have been several shootings in the past few weeks, but is that really higher than average for Boston?

"I applaud the recent improvements to firearms laws in the Commonwealth, and only wish that AG Reilly would take a long walk off a short pier and his successor would dump the BS "consumer protection" regulations for handguns."

I agree. Reilly is the biggest problem with MA right now (apart from Teddy, and Kerry or course).

Romney signed the changes which made some MA laws BETTER for us, but then came out talking as if he had just signed a new AWB. It made all of the MA gun owners very angry. :cuss:
adding that officials are also considering ways to tighten gun laws in Massachusetts, specifically concerning where guns may be carried -- such as parks. Officials are also looking at how they might stem the tide of guns coming in from out of state.

The socialists will seize any opportunity to hammer the 2nd amendment.
I'm interested in knowing if the increase in MA shootings is real, or just the reporting is going up. There have been several shootings in the past few weeks, but is that really higher than average for Boston?
It's actually up this year, but as you can see it's not a big number. Like most U.S. cities, the rate of violent crime goes up and down with the number of young males around. Demographics contribute as much or more as economic or social factors.

I live in Boston and have an unrestricted License to Carry Firearms. There is so much BS about MA and Boston from people with open mouths and closed ears that I've given up discussing what the curent situation is and what gun owners are doing to change it. Because New England in general has a relatively low rate of crime relative to most other regions of the country, since VT has essentially no gun laws, while MA has a lot, you can "prove" whatever you want.

The City of Boston does make you qualify at a range to get a LCF. It's a very easy course and if you hit the paper just about anywhere with 90% of your shots you qualify. Yet some people don't.

Resolved , That negro slavery, as it exists in fifteen states of this Union, composes an important portion of their domestic institutions, inherited from their ancestors, and existing at the adoption of the Constitution, by which it is recognized as constituting an important element in the apportionment of power among the states, and that no change of opinion or feeling on the part of the non_slaveholding states of the Union, in relation to this institution, can justify them, or their citizens, in open or covert attacks thereon, with a view to its overthrow; and that all such attacks are in manifest violation of the mutual and solemn pledge to protect and defend each other given by the states respectively on entering into the constitutional compact which formed the Union, and are a manifest breach of faith, and a violation of the most solemn obligations.

Senator Jefferson Davis, May 7, 1860

"The information about the Rebs' rights is interesting, but unfortunately, they did not fight for them, but for the privilege of denying others their rights. Let us not forget that not only they wanted to keep the slaves they had, but also to impose slavery on new territories, thus bringing slavery where there was none before, and that they continued to import slaves through the slave trade. That is, kidnapping human beings and forcing them into labor for their profit.

At the height of the Civil War, while some Southern apologists were saying that the conflict was in defense of 'states rights', nearly one third of the Confederate Army was deployed not to win battles, but to insure that the border states did not defect to the Union.
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