C-TAC tips

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Dec 11, 2005
orange county, ca
I just bought a couple C-TAC holsters, one for my Bersa .380 and the other for my HK USPf if that matters, and I'm finding that the rivets on the backside of the clips and holster are digging into me. I'm thinking about putting some felt over them hoping that will take care of it. I assume I am not the only one so I want to find out what different people have done about it. Anyone have any advice for me?
Problem solved. I followed the modification recommendation found at http://pershot.com/blog/?postid=88 and switched the leather tabs - front to back, back to front. I can't believe the difference. It resulted in the holster riding a little lower in my waistband with a full forward cant which not only makes my fullsize USP disappear under an untucked regular sized T-shirt, but it also solved the discomfort issue. Next, I went out and bought some Moleskin Plus and applied it over the back of the skin guard and the rivets for even more comfort. Some might think its silly to buy a holster that needs to be modified but I'm all about the end results and I am very happy with the end results here. More comfort, more concealable. I love the CTAC - it is so versatile. What USP? I don't see no stiiiiinking USP.
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