Can I ask a dumb question? What is 'North Bridge?'

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Dec 28, 2002
I saw a few references to "North Bridge" on here in a couple of threads, and I have to admit, I have no clue what that refers to. I know it refers to a historical event of some type... can someone straighten me out?


P.S. Apologies to the moderators is this is not satisfactorily related to firearms. :confused:
Aw man, I opened this thread hoping to see something about the north and south bridges on computer motherboards. :(
Thanks SanduneCC...

Now that's one fine map of Lexington to Concord and darn if the place isn't overdeveloped now. Nobody believes in battlefield preservation anymore. :(
I believe that nVidia likes to call their northbridge the IGP, and their southbridge the MCP. :D

Seriously, what's the historical significance?
That's where the American Revolution started.

When the British tried to disarm a bunch of colonial right wing gun nuts who didn't want to pay taxes (apologies to a political cartoon.)
End of line.

So the North Bridge is where the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired?
"By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmer stood
and fired the shot heard round the world"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

One stanza of a poem written for the dedication of a monument at the site.

I might have the rest of it in a dusty book somewhere, but that is all that I can remember.

Molon Labe!

"So the North Bridge is where the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired?"

Or in close proximity thereof. The first skirmish and shots fired took place in Lexington. This is where British Major Pitcairn's forces scattered Militia Captain Parkers' forces after a shot rang out from an unknown shooter or shooters. The British forces continued on to Concord, location of both North and South Bridge. So far the action was going in favor of the British as they expected.

However, the Militia reformed and marched on the British guarding the North Bridge. A firefight again broke out, this time the Americans got the upper hand and forced the British to begin their long retreat to Boston. It was this action which featured the "shot heard 'round the world" since this was the first time the Americans faced the British and came away victorious.

I would suggest the book, "The Day The American Revolution Began" by William H. Hallahan as a good telling of that fateful day and the way the reports spread among the colonies.
Apologies to Dave R, but

I don't think that particular thing was exactly about taxes. IIRC, the purpose of the Major's raid was to confiscate "government-only" weapons, that is, cannons and large amounts of powder, from those presumptuous
private citizens, er, subjects.
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