Can we stop with the "porn" references?

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George Hill

Dec 22, 2002
Uintah Basin, UT
I'm sick to death of seeing threads about gun porn pron pr0n or whatever bull crap you want to call it. It's referencing something that is vile. It's the tackiest thing... it really is. Very low. It should be benith us.
George, I agree.

We have folks that lurk that are pro gun.
We have fence sitters and we have enenmies as well.

While I appreciate the photos , it sends ...or may send the wrong image.
Another is STHF. Yes we all like to learn about "Serious Situations", we may even have humor with aliens zombies and what to use if situations get serious.

We can do better, I mean this IS The High Road.

"Eye Candy", heck even so. "Pics", "Photos", "Images" are not offensive, nor is."Serious Situations".

Like Art's Grammaw, yeah folks say things when out of ear shot, Grammaw knows this. Grammaw appreciates the respect of not using around her. Word is she keeps a wash rag and bar of soap handy if-n one forgets :)

There is more to responsible firearm ownership - than guns.
This is supposed to be a family friendly forum. I don't want to be reading THR and have my kid read over my shoulder and ask what "Gun Pr0n" is.
It's tacky... tasteless... Has no business here at THR. I find it offensive... and I am sure there are women shooters who have ruffled feathers because of it too... but put up with it quietly because this is a good place for information about an interest they have. Silence doesn't mean an acceptance.

Show some dignaty and respect for the sport we love. Show some respect to the opposit sex. Putting a zero in the word doesn't mean it's cute... it's a juvenile way of making light of something that can very disgusting. What's next "Porn Star" logos engraved on the slides? So very common... so base.
It's not cool or hip... it's just freaking stupid. Would you wear a baseball cap sideways at the firing range? Why not? Yet you would use the same style of expression around the same people? Just please stop it. THR is rated "G", okay?

Instead of using the word porn... use words like images, pictures, photos, pics, jpegs... it's not that hard.
In another forum I frequent, if you're going to post a photography thread you put this in front of the subject

"THR is rated "G", okay?"

Actually, not according to modern rating standards since this place promotes weapons. AOL child protection will block this site in a heart beat.

That being said, the word "porn" on the screen makes my wife super uptight, and makes me a little nervous when she's trying to see what I'm reading. It also spins a sexual conotation on somthing that is definantly not. I am personally not offended by the use of the word, just what it is generally associated with.
if you dont want your kid looking over your shoulder while you are on the computer, then get off your kiester and go play catch with him.

And im sorry...using porn, or prOn in reference to pictures of guns shows fence sitters that we arent just trigger happy psychos, but that our guns hold a certain aesthetic and functional beauty to us also. That guns are not ugly, deadly, heaps of metal...but rather an art of machinery and engineering.

I personally think it is a bit of an over reaction.
I agree with George. Referring to gun art or photos as "porn" demonstrates an ignorance of art, porn, and popular sensibilities.
In short, it lacks common sense and is the equivalent of farting in a crowded elevator.

and by the way, i wear a sideways baseball cap on occasion...and was extremely offended by your comment.

does my sideways baseball cap mean i am less educated than you?? Does it mean that i am less responsible than you?
I personally do not take offense to the word "porn" or "pron". I find it funny, and see it very fitting, because we drool over guns and get excited about them just the same as drooling over naked women or men, as I'm sure MANY OF US ON THIS FORUM DO.

With that said, I definitely understand why someone wouldn't want the word "porn" on a gun site, since it really has no place here, and has no relation to guns. Unless you are looking at the magazine, "Bitches and Bazookas." (I'm not sure if that really exists.) :D

Another point, just so everyone is clear, there is PLENTY of porn that is geared towards women. Women shouldn't be getting anymore uptight about the word porno than men do. Remember, "Playgirl" DOES exist.

With that said, if people feel the need to censor this message board, go ahead, it makes no difference to me. I understand where they are coming from, and it may be a good idea, to keep this place as "PG-13" as possible, cause it damn sure isn't "G" rated around here, with all these guns and animal killing.
"and by the way, i wear a sideways baseball cap on occasion...and was extremely offended by your comment.

does my sideways baseball cap mean i am less educated than you?? Does it mean that i am less responsible than you?"

I only hope you are kidding.

Less responsible? No. Fitting a profile? Yes.
alduro...what profile is that?

if you were to see me on any given day, there is a good chance that i would be in my surgical scrubs, with my steyr pistols HAT on sideways.

so does that mean that i am more educated AND more thuglike than you?
I agree. Thanks George.

This is particularly difficult to deal with if you are viewing this site from work. Such references to 'Porn' will inevitably flag the IT department and cause some problems.

Not to mention it's kinda low class if you ask me.
I'm with Plinkerton, because I don't have a problem with the word porn either and agree that it's rather humorous in this context. As a matter of fact my daughter was reading over my shoulder one afternoon and saw a thread with that title - yet even she knew in what spirit the reference was intended and laughed.

No big deal.
I hate to stereotype, but only a certain type of people wear their hats sideways out here where I live. If you do it, it definitely doesn't put you in a certain category, but it makes you look like you are part of that category.

Around here, that category is definitely wannabe thugs, and very ignorant people that often try to start fights with innocent bystanders, and if you look at them for more than a second, they come at you yelling, "you got a motherfu***** staring problem!?"

If you do it for your personal reasons, thats just fine in my opinion, but don't get angry when people place you in the category that you visually fit into. Other people don't know you, and have no way of knowing if you are a thug or not.
Atrocious spelling (e.g., misplaced apostrophes, "benith us") makes my guts squirm, but I try to maintain some perspective.

There's so much irony in the term "gun pr0n," it must take a huge effort to miss it all.
yes...and here at the high road, we apparently still have to overcome stereotypes also.

i promise you i wont start a fight with you if you stare at me.
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