Cannot hunt on Sundays?!?

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Nov 14, 2007
Holy crap, what's going on here - I just read that you cannot hunt on Sundays in these states:

North Carolina
New Jersey

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?! When WOULD be a good time to hunt, since we have to work til Thursday just to pay for the government we don't ask for, then through Saturday to make enough to pay for our necessities?

Evidently, NC is about to remove the prohibition, and New York, Ohio, and Michigan already have.
I live in Virginia, and every year we hunters try to get the commonwealth to change this crap law. No dice. It has never even made it before the legislature. VDGIF sent out surveys, and the majority of us want to hunt on Sundays, but still the commonwealth wont change the laws. Bible thumpers and hippies on the same side on this one. I just shake my head some times.
Yeah, it really sucks. My only free time is usually on weekends, so my season is neutered. It comes up every year, nothing ever changes.
The thing that realllllllly sucks is that we also have to buy alchohol from "state stores" and beer from "beer distributors" no 7-11s or groceries or mom and pop liquor stores.
Someone here had a sig line that went something like "Alchohol Tobacco and Firearms should be the name of a convenience store"
Pa. is a progressive state.
Perhaps if a group of Jews joined together to abolish hunting on THEIR Sabbath, the legislators would see the hypocracy of their Blue Laws. A prosperous Jewish merchant did that back in the late sixties in Elmira, New York, that is, closed his large and dynamic department store on Saturday, opened it on Sunday, and dared the local law to fine him for respecting his own Sabbath.:neener:
you think that's bad? eat at this for a bit:
in CT you can't buy alcohol on Sundays
strangely puritan of us isn't it? particularly when you consider the hunting too

I don't hunt on Sunday, and it's not because of man's laws. Sunday is the Lord's day; and, in it I try and do his work.
I'm familiar with blue laws - we have them here - car dealers cannot open on Sundays (ha, ha!), for example. But had never in my 40 years ever heard of it being applied to a HOBBY like hunting!!!
Good Lord, you can't drink and hunt on Sunday, er - hunt, then drink on Sunday I mean?

I have to give another +1 to the "God Bless Texas"!!!
Move to another state. But there have been efforts to remove the Sunday hunting restriction in some states. I suspect they have to have "X" wardens on duty if the season is open on a Sunday. Hence it is a $$ issue.
Being in VA I don't mind it really, if I was allowed to hunt on Sundays I wouldn't still be married to the same woman for 25 years. The other thing we do allow that most states don't is hunting deer with dogs. I'm out a lot of Sundays trying to track up the hounds I couldn't find Saturday night.
There is a bowhunting bill on Governor Corzine's desk RIGHT NOW that was passed by the Assembly on March 16 by a 69-9 margin.

Write, call or email him and ask him to sign this bill into law.
Perhaps if a group of Jews joined together to abolish hunting on THEIR Sabbath, the legislators would see the hypocracy of their Blue Laws.

Yeah, well, so long as they don't outlaw hunting hogs. That would suck. :D

We had blue laws in Texas for years and finally got rid of 'em 15 or 20 years ago. It didn't include hunting, though. That's a sacred activity even for the bible crowd down here. :D God can be satisfied in the morning or the afternoon, but the hunter only gets hunting season to gitter dun.

I suspect the churches are FOR the restriction, more hunters back in church to put their money in the plate on Sundays. It's a profit thing, ya know. They do say "money is the root of all evil."
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