changes at the High Road do not include Oleg?

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Loomis, the deal has nothing at all to do with how this board operates. Nada. Zip, zilch.

I'm gonna keep on moderating just as I have since I first got shanghied into being a sucker, back in 1999 at TFL. :D So's the rest of the moderating crowd.

We're still us, SFAIK. I'm the same sweet, charming Olde Phart I've always been. :D:D:D

Oh: Good looking, too. And the last little sweet thing I danced with commented, "You've still got the moves." (Never underestimate the power of Jim Beam and Geritol.)
I'm just a dumb old southern boy that was raised to pass forward as passed to me.
I born 53 years ago , brought up a certain way, and respectfully refer to those that passed forward to me as Mentors & Elders.

I have always passed forward.
Internet provided me a means of communicating with more folks, faster and essentially in real time.

Now I am going to pass forward, as passed to me, no matter what.
None of this stuff was ever about ME. I ain't nobody, and never wanted to be somebody.

When I die, the only thing left of me, is that which don't burn.
Guns, ammo, targets, trophies, range bags, ...etc., are all subject to burning up.

What I pass forward to another will not burn up. That person passes forward to another, and the circle stays unbroken.

Teaching a kid with a .22 single shot rifle to shoot.
Assisting a lady in learning to shoot a shotgun, and skeet, and dove hunting.
Physical Limited persons being assisted to the firing line, setting up their targets, and retrieving targets for them.

Behind Public posts, I assist folks through PM feature.
I have done so since THR was started and I am referred to as a "plankowner" as I am member number 74 , being one to register as a member when THR was first started.

Now I am going to pass forward, and I don't give a damn what- I am going to continue to do so.

Responsible Firearm Ownership is bigger than I will ever be, and by golly I aim to make sure I do my part in passing forward.

Those that have passed onto me, left something that cannot burn.
I have a responsibility to future generations to pass forward these things so they never burn after I am dead .

Now I am going to be royally hurt, along with 'my kind' if all the wealth of information is gone forever from THR.

Folks do not realize just what all is here. Folks do not realize whom all we have here that share with us!

My only hope, is the integrity of the quality of information will never be diminished.
If nothing else, have THR Archived as Rich did when he closed TFL for a bit.

Rich locked down TFL, NO new posts, still TFL was viewable, and one could conduct searches.

That allowed the wealth of information to be accessed and passed forward to newer folks.

Young-un - it ain't about us, it is about passing forward to others - Mentors

Ad hominem attacks don't help me one bit. On the contrary, they harm my cause with guilt by association. Derek's appearance has no bearing on this matter, only his actions. And I am sure that, in his mind, his actions can be rationalized as just and reasonable.
I just wanna know when we're going to be able to get all the parties involved in one room, handcuff them together (Jeff's offered to provide S&W's finest...), throw in some Jim Beam and Shiner Bock, and let 'em work it out. Like men. Gun men. Not cityfied lawyer men (sorry, Tej...).
Is Derek's side of this available anywhere on the Internet?

EDIT: I've received a copy of Derek's message via PM. Thanks to those who responded!
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Is Derek's side of this available anywhere on the Internet?

I don't believe so. If it is, I'd like to see it. I have my own opinions formed about this, and I'd warrant that the majority of non IT/business people here wouldn't like them.
Posted by Loomis:
As obvious to everyone, I'm fairly new to THR. But I'm not new to these kinds of forums. I have varied interests...politics, firearms, motorsports, computers, sometimes even online gaming. One thing I've found to be a universal pattern...with these online forums such as this, the more control over the content and discussions that the mods try to exert over the members, the more juvenile the mods are. I have to say, I am not completely surprised something like this has happened.


I also thought THR was owned by Oleg. I came here in Feb. of 2003 as a refugee of TFL and all this time I was under the impression Oleg was the owner. When Rich shut TFL down for a while, Oleg started THR.
I wish Oleg good luck in his lawsuit.
Oleg, if you start another forum, let us know the address.
I still go to TFL as well as here.
Due to this road not being quite so high, I may be spending more time over there.
I don't even know where this guy Derek came from and don't really care.
Oh well, there are a lot of guns forums from which to choose.
I hope it all shakes out well and Oleg is still here.
Just my opinion.
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