Cheap reactive targets

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Prarie dogs,groundhogs,chipmunks,coyotes,armadillos,starlings;most states have a list of non-game unprotected critters that can be shot any time with no limits..... Ever hit an armadillo with a .22?..Talk about reactive!
Prarie dogs,groundhogs,chipmunks,coyotes,armadillos,starlings;most states have a list of non-game unprotected critters that can be shot any time with no limits..... Ever hit an armadillo with a .22?..Talk about reactive!
Unfortunately my back yard seems to be free of groundhogs or coyotes, in the two years I've lived here I've seen 1 groundhog whom I got with a .22 and I've only ever seen one coyote in my life and I didn't have a gun on me. The funny thing is I previously lived exactly one mile down the road and you could sit outside in the summer and shoot groundhogs all day long and never run out, a mile in the opposite direction and I see one in two years it is very strange indeed.
reactive targets

Wooden clothes pegs are cheap and easy to attach to something.
They are wood so I think that it's OK to just leave the pieces.:)
PLEASE, whatever you shoot at, pick it up after you are done!

I shoot at a very nice range on public Forest Service land. It is constantly trashed with pumpkins, watermelons, potatoes, and other "targets". However, that's not the worst of it. People also shoot up old TV's, computers, other electronics and appliances, tons of cans, glass and plastic bottles; then just leave it there for people like me to clean up! Of course, they also shoot up the trash barrels!

You know why I clean it up? Because the Forest Service WILL shut this range down if I don't. Hikers walk by, see all this garbage, and call the Forest Service to complain. We saved it from certain closure. However, we have MANY shooters who are doing their best to get it shut down. Irresponsible slobs.

I hate to generalize, but most of these slobs are the younger generation, and few of them ever show up on range clean-up days. The typical age of people cleaning up this range is about 50 years old. Are these younger people just clueless or were they raised this way, where their mother picked up after them? Perhaps their parents were just as sloppy?

Any suggestions on what to do? We do have signs posted with the rules. They are ignored. Public officials will not take the time to police it. Self-policing means heated arguments between people with guns.
PLEASE, whatever you shoot at, pick it up after you are done!

I shoot at a very nice range on public Forest Service land. It is constantly trashed with pumpkins, watermelons, potatoes, and other "targets". However, that's not the worst of it. People also shoot up old TV's, computers, other electronics and appliances, tons of cans, glass and plastic bottles; then just leave it there for people like me to clean up! Of course, they also shoot up the trash barrels!

You know why I clean it up? Because the Forest Service WILL shut this range down if I don't. Hikers walk by, see all this garbage, and call the Forest Service to complain. We saved it from certain closure. However, we have MANY shooters who are doing their best to get it shut down. Irresponsible slobs.

I hate to generalize, but most of these slobs are the younger generation, and few of them ever show up on range clean-up days. The typical age of people cleaning up this range is about 50 years old. Are these younger people just clueless or were they raised this way, where their mother picked up after them? Perhaps their parents were just as sloppy?

Any suggestions on what to do? We do have signs posted with the rules. They are ignored. Public officials will not take the time to police it. Self-policing means heated arguments between people with guns.

Even though the range I shoot at is completely unsupervised we don't seem to have that problem. I'd say about 90% of the people that go there clean up after themselves, and I've yet to see bullet holes in trash barrels.
I usually take my boys up to an un controlled range and haul several 5 gallon jugs of water. On the way to the range we pick up pumpkins, and at the range cut a square in the top then fill with water. Replace the plug and poke some sticks in all four corners to seal.

This provides a water filled pumpkin that EXPLODES in an orange mass when hit with a Mosin nagant 7.62x54r Round. My .308 does a nice job too! Our only problem is that we can never seem to have enough water.

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