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Clark bowing out of Presidential race.

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Nov 18, 2003
Clark DROP-KICKED out of Presidential race.

The one-time NATO supreme commander will travel to Arkansas to make the announcement in his home state, they told CNN.

Earlier Tuesday, Clark made his usual stump speech to supporters in Tennessee, but spoke of America's future -- not his own.

Clark needed a strong showing in both states to help fend off Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina. Both campaigned on their Southern roots to appear more electable than Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts.

Kerry won the Virginia and Tennessee primaries Tuesday, with Edwards finishing second in both. Clark finished a distant third in Virginia and a close third in Tennessee.

Clark campaign spokesman Matt Bennett said the presidential hopeful's decision wasn't made until after his speech. An official announcement will be made Wednesday at 2 p.m. (3 p.m. ET).

He was with his family and staff when he decided. Among the factors that led to his leaving the race was Kerry's momentum and a lack of funding, Bennett said.

A Clark fund-raiser scheduled for Wednesday night in Houston, Texas, was canceled following a week in which campaign staffers gave up their paychecks to free up money for TV ads in Tennessee.

During his speech to supporters, Clark repeated the need for better leadership in the White House but never mentioned himself by name and didn't mention Nevada or Wisconsin, which hold the next two primaries.

"We may have lost this battle today, but we are not going to lose the battle for America's future," Clark said to cheers.

He told supporters that he had called Kerry and Edwards to congratulate them. He called them both "good men" and "good patriots."

Clark has been criticized for coming to the Democratic Party only recently. He has acknowledged voting for Republicans Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan for president, but said he voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

On Tuesday, he presented himself as a proud Democrat.

"Our goal remains the same, to change the direction of our country and bring a higher standard of leadership to the White House," Clark said. "And there is no party more committed to that effort and there is no party more committed to the people than this party, my party, the Democratic Party."

Before entering the race, Clark once praised President Bush and his administration. There were no hints of such feelings Tuesday.

"George W. Bush and the Republicans have had three long years to get our country moving in the right direction," he said. "Instead he set us back."

Clark is a newcomer to politics. He claimed his first election victory of any sort in Oklahoma's February 3 primary. He had never run in an election until New Hampshire's primary January 27.

Clark finished third in that race.

Clark, a Rhodes scholar and West Point graduate, works as an investment banker in Little Rock, Arkansas.
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He didn't bow out. He was drop-kicked from the stadium.

And on an amusing note, Jay Leno said that Al Gore was out bashing Bush today. He said if Al Gore really wanted to help the Democrats running for president, he should endorse Bush. After all, right after he endorsed the democratic frontrunner John Dean, Dean self-destructed and is history.
I'm glad he flamed out. I hope he gets nowhere in politics, ever. If he was a Republican running for dog catcher I'd say the same thing. He's a dangerous, narcissistic weasel.
thefitzvh, remember the movie Down Periscope with Kelsey Gramer? I think what he said would apply here. You aren't addressing a superior officer merely a higher ranking one.
Thank goodness. I didn't like Dean but this jerk frightened me.

Whatever will Michael Moore do now?

Oh, he'll surely jump aboard the Kerry train. Established Washington insider or not, he'll see Kerry as better than "The Greatest Evil of All Time", GWB.:rolleyes:

If he was true to his views, he'd have been with Kucinich the whole time.
I'm glad he flamed out. I hope he gets nowhere in politics, ever. If he was a Republican running for dog catcher I'd say the same thing. He's a dangerous, narcissistic weasel.

I couldn't agree more.

Good riddance, sucker.

michael moore is working on new film called fahrenheit 911. with a bunch of old tin foil hat junk saying Bush did business with osama and was behind the 911 attacks


further more miramax is supporting him and releasing it. miramax I believe is owned by disney.
michael moore is working on new film called fahrenheit 911. with a bunch of old tin foil hat junk saying Bush did business with osama and was behind the 911 attacks

further more miramax is supporting him and releasing it. miramax I believe is owned by disney.

That's an insult to Ray Bradbury. :cuss:
He is the only canidate that would have stopped all terrorist threats against America!
That's right! He was the one who would have gotten Osama Bin Laden by now :rolleyes:

Long before the election, I bought his book and got about 2/3 of the way through it. Memoirs tend to be rather self serving, but let me tell you, his really takes the cake -- completely shameless.

Let's hope that arrogant jerk crawls back under the rock he crawled he out from.
Thank goodness (a southern utterance) I am happy this guy is OUT. Since I am from Arkansas I was worried that we might have to be apologizing for another one of our NUTS. Now lets just get rid of Kerry.:fire:
I won't say how happy I am about this... because it might lead to me slandering a "superior" officer.
It isn't slander unless you were going to call him honest, or decent, or something else that would be patently false.;) :D
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