CNN Story on .50 Caliber 'Assault Weapon'

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Nov 10, 2003
Home of the Brave
Despite the fact that a .50 caliber has never been documented as ever having been used in the United States in the commission of a crime, CNN today did a story today on the EEEEVIIIL Barrett .50 'Assault Rifle'.

The story had the reporter logging onto and looking specifically for a private party sale - no FFL involved. Then a hidden camera showed him purchasing the .50 caliber gun (with case) for $2500 cash and no background check. He just got in his truck and drove away. Now, if I'm not mistaken, I believe both the Seller AND the Reporter committed a felony -- which is that they failed to register that private party transfer of a firearm. Moreover, the Reporter started the whole thing by soliciting the crime, then conspiring with the seller to do it, and then they perfected the crime at the Reporter's insistance --- all with the benefit of the hidden camera documenting the crime. I am thinking of calling the ATF and reporting this crime that has been documented by camera and shown on National TV on the Communist News Network.

The next scene showed the reporter firing the weapon at -- of all things -- an airline entry door. Of course, the round pierced it. Then the reporter looks up at an airliner passing overhead in its glide path into an airport.

After some comments about how easy it would be for terrorists to get their hands on a .50 caliber 'Assault Weapon' and how California had "taken the lead" in banning these EEVVIIIIIIIILLLLL Weapons, the story cuts to an interview with Mr. Barrett who has some really cool things to say that all of us would just love, i.e. Registration of Criminals makes more sense to me...Banning murder would be a better idea than banning a firearm...etc. etc.

I suggest we all launch an e-mail campaign @ CNN about this story. I for one already have -- saying that instead of banning a gun that has never been documentated as being used in a crime, we should ban things that we KNOW for certain HAVE been used in terrorism -- i.e. cars and trucks, since they are known to be used by terrorists for suicide bombings and there are so many more instances every day of use of the EEVVVILLL tools than there accounts of .50 calibers being used in terrorism.

What say YOU??
I was thinking of doing that very thing, sneaking a .50 onto an airliner so I could blow the door open.

You think if I stuck it down my pants and told them it was a prosthesis?

Really, what did you expect from CNN, it's founder married Hanoi Jane for Christs sake.....

If you want to start a letter writing campaign, send them where they will do some good, your elected reps. Who gives 2 sh*ts what CNN thinks.
So, they've proven once and for all that a .50BMG will penetrate a thin aluminum airplane door, that is not meant to be resistant to penetration. Fascinating.
The NRA will hopefully respond

They tried the same BS a while back with AW's. Wayne LaPierre got all over the issue and really embarassed them. I would hope that the NRA would spend some of our dues and nail them again.

We need to remember that most of (almost all) of the folks that watched the piece know nothing about firearms except what they're taught by CNN and their clones. We can't allow CNN to propagate such disinformation without a response. Does anyone have a video clip of the broadcast?
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Now, if I'm not mistaken, I believe both the Seller AND the Reporter committed a felony -- which is that they failed to register that private party transfer of a firearm.

CAPTAIN MIKE, what country do you live in? Private party transfers of firearms do not have to be registered in the United States, nor in the country of Texas.
Private transfer legal all day long in AZ, and the state could care less, as long as the two of you aren't doing anything wrong.
Barret did suspend service to the rifles he sold to Cali LE agencies who supported the 50cal ban, right?
Typical Clinton Nudes Networse garbage.
Doesn't the person buying the rifle have to live in the state where he/she is buying the rifle for the private (ie no 4473) sale to be legal? Yes, otherwise the buyer just committed a federal crime.

If the reporter did not live in the sellers home state the reporter committed a crime. If the reporter lives in the same state, no federal crime. (at least the part about interstate transfers).

Somethingsy fishy or the details are screwed up.

Please do call the BATFE.

2500 dollars is very LOW for a Barrett rifle.
Well, a used(abused?) model 99 might go for that price. It'd be quite a deal though. :rolleyes:
Please do call the BATFE.

2500 dollars is very LOW for a Barrett rifle.

Am I the only one who smells something here?
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It wasn't a Barrett, it looked like an Anzio or a BFG. They both look alike so I would have to watch the tape again to be sure. $2,500 for a used one is about right.
"I believe both the Seller AND the Reporter committed a felony "

In many states no.

I can buy one FTF in PA without going through an FFL.

Woop de doo.

Did anyone point out that a .22 would go through that same door.

They should have show it going though the door, through 7 passengers and out the other side :neener:
It wasn't a Barrett, it looked like an Anzio or a BFG. They both look alike so I would have to watch the tape again to be sure. $2,500 for a used one is about right.
I didnt think it was a barret, the grip on the one he got wasn't in the right spot.

There's actually a gun called the BFG? :cool:

What does it stand for? It cant be the same BFG I'm thinking of...
What does it stand for? It cant be the same BFG I'm thinking of...

Yep, Mark said he named it after the one in 'Doom'...

If you want to read a history of the BFG's development. Join the old Yahoo 50bmg Group and start reading back in '98...
I bought a .50 BMG via a private sale, thus it was "unpapered." No crime was committed.

Even if a crime had been committed, I wouldn't have cared. I have a right to own a .50 BMG without government interference. As such, I do not recognize any law that restricts my innalienable right to own this firearm...
I'm passing this along on behalf of a friend who's disinclined to register:

Despite the fact that a .50 caliber has never been documented as ever
having been used in the United States in the commission of a crime
(Heemeyer, Granby Colorado "Bulldozer" rampage)

Also in Colorado, regrettably, I've never found an online report, some nut
was in a standoff with the cops in a grocery store parking lot. IIRC he
fired at least one shot with a .50 at a cop. I saw the TV coverage on this
one. (Confirmed below)

One of my roommates reports to me that there was a 3rd incident, in which
a disgruntled man set a house fire, then shot at firefighters when they
arrived. Again, sorry, no web resources. (Confirmed below)

We can blame Wayne LaPierre for this little bit of misinformation. But
when we're arguing for our rights, we have to be accurate, or we'll just
be portrayed as a bnch of lying aholes.

Update, if you hit the VPC article (google result) you'll find 4 actuall shootings (the
Branch Davidian doesn't count, as my understanding is the .50 shots came
from LEO or guardsmen -- IOW, it's only alleged that the Davidians fired a

Very good Geek! It is important to keep information correct and not be confused with the bad guys who seem to manipulate information in their favor. Sadly, many of the good guys do the same thing. On the side of good or evil, lying is still lying.

I did notice that in Heemeyer's case, the exact make and model of .50 used seemed to be in question, but the reports do have it as a .50 BMG, Barrett or Browning.
If the reporter, Drew Griffin, actually purchased the rifle, it was a crime. He's not a resident of Texas. You cannot buy a gun--privately or from a licensed dealer--in a state you don't reside in.

If one of the CNN staff was a Texas resident and bought it, then gave it to Griffin to take back to Atlanta, both committed a crime.

If a Texas resident bought the gun, and the gun never left Texas, then Drew Griffin is guilty of lying to the public.

Call the ATF in Houston. I already emailed Bill O'Reilly, hoping he'll bite on the opportunity to nail CNN.
Re the above mentioned CNN piece/story or whatever, I wonder as to whether CNN knows LESS about rifles chambered for the 50 caliber BMG round, in general or ASSAULT RIFLES in particular.

Can any reader imagine actually firing such rifle, even one going 30 pounds, in full automatic mode?
Monkeyleg wrote:

If the reporter, Drew Griffin, actually purchased the rifle, it was a crime. He's not a resident of Texas. You cannot buy a gun--privately or from a licensed dealer--in a state you don't reside in.

If one of the CNN staff was a Texas resident and bought it, then gave it to Griffin to take back to Atlanta, both committed a crime.

If a Texas resident bought the gun, and the gun never left Texas, then Drew Griffin is guilty of lying to the public.

Call the ATF in Houston. I already emailed Bill O'Reilly, hoping he'll bite on the opportunity to nail CNN.


Re calling the ATF in this, by all means do so, BUT not intending to rain on your parade, REALISTICALLY NOW, do you expect the ATF, with or without their latest addition, the "E" to do anything?

Think back as far as you are able to do, and answer the following, or just think on it for a moment. When was the last time that the ATF or ANY FEDERAL FUZZ AGENCY acted against any media people or outlets regarding any violation of federal gun laws they had committed? I'm just past 72, my memory goes back a while, and I cannot recall instance #1. The only time they came even close, a federal grand jury indicted a Chicago Tribune reporter for multiple violations of GCA'68, which he was guilty of, by the way. This was in the early 1970's. The U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Iowa, where the grand jury sat, declined to prosecute the indictment.

I wrote to the gentleman, commenting on this case, his actions regarding same, and inquiring on, among other things, "what the wattage of the red light that surely adorned the door of his office was", given the likelihood that this non-prosecution had been arranged in some whorehouse, somewhere.

Within about 10 days, I had a response from that worthy. "50 watts, but I have a small office" was his response. That sir is the absolute truth, which both my wife and I thought was a really wonderful come-back. I kept his note for many years, though at this point in time, alas, it is long since lost, more's the pity.

Best of luck however, re your efforts. I've been known to beat my head against various piles of brick and mortar too.
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