Columbia Professor

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Dec 26, 2002
Hillsborough, NC
After reading about this moron's statement, I felt that I had to repond. I sent the following email to Lee Bollinger, President of Columbia University ([email protected]); Jonathan C. Cole, Provost & Dean of Faculties ([email protected]); Nicholas Dirks, Dean ([email protected]); & Nicholas De Genova, the offending professor ([email protected]). I think evryone should write and express their feelings about this issue. I'm sorry for the length of this post.
Dear President Bollinger,

I am sure that I speak for many Americans when I say that I am extremely upset at the words spoken by Dr. Nicholas De Genova at a recent Columbia University teach in. What upsets me even more is that this individual is still employed by your university after this event. I emphatically support our First Amendment right to free speech. What Dr. De Genova did went over the boundaries of this right and crossed over into treason….the aiding and comfort of our enemies. To wish for the defeat and death of our military troops is an outrage. Think of how the families of those fine men and women must feel hearing these words at a time when they are worried sick over the safety of their loved ones. I have strong feelings about this issue because my son is a naval aviator.

I retired from two different professions that give me the knowledge and right to give my opinion. I retired after thirty years as a public school teacher. I also served thirty-seven years as a military aviator, most of which was spent in the reserves while teaching school. By the way, my old guard unit is now deployed. I very well know the responsibilities that come with being a teacher. Influencing the minds of our students with our political agenda has never been appropriate.

Columbia University is one of our most prestigious institutions of higher learning. It, therefore, has an imperative obligation and responsibility to insure that objective and balanced views are given in all areas of discussion and controversy. I do not see this being done at your university. I know that a statement was issued by the administration saying that Dr. De Genova had crossed the line. Actions, however, speak louder than words. The man should be fired!

In closing, I would like to ask, other than poisoning the minds of his students, just what has Dr. De Genova ever done for this country other that nursing on the nipple of its resources? He is a disgrace and unfit to be in the same room with anyone who has ever put on the uniform of this great country.


Tom Kanas
God Bless America, our President, and most importantly,
our Men and Women in Uniform
TKHover, your post is well written and well thought out. The one I sent is a touch more cynical...
Dear Professor:
I am so completely in agreement with you. The American soldiers killed so many of those skinnies that the kill ratio was nearly one hundred to one. By using your example of a million Mogadishus that would mean substantial losses to our troops but the prospect of maybe a billion of those dark skinned genetic failures is enough to give hope to all of us, who like you, believe in white racial superiority.
Yours in the struggle!
free speech is free speech, but this crossed the line.
in other country, he'll be in a morgue by now, if not by me, by some other people.

the fact that he's still breathing, he should've at least thanks those guys in the field.
TKHover, nice letter.

There's already a thread on this topic at in the Legal & Political forum, which is the proper place for non-gun-related war threads.

I'm closing this one as a duplicate rather than simply merging it, so that there will be a pointer from here to the other thread.


The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. -- William Connor Magee
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