concealed carry badges?

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Sure, go ahead and get a ccw badge. Just realize that it imparts about as much authority as my badge:

Sheepdog, I think this one might be more to your liking:

Who would have thought I'd have have a chance to reuse that picture? The original thread was a gentleman who wanted to sell sheepdog pins to CCWers so they could identify themselves. I asked for it in a badge format showing this as the prototype. If only I could get a hat with a rotating beacon on the top...

...I'd prefer it to say "Opinionated Old Fart" could abbreviate it to OOF Agent, if you prefer...the things you guys can do with compooters these days...:D
The idea of carrying/flashing a ccw badge is so silly it is ludicrous.

And that picture of the guy wearing the sash? Priceless....
I absolutely think that EVERY CCW'er should buy these CCW badges... and give them out as gag-gifts to all their friends who carry :) I would do that if I could afford it!!
A friend of mine bought one of these badges and i sorta made fun of him at first.

And you had every right to!

CCL badges are absolutely ridiculous in my opinion and people who buy them need to realize that having a CCL does not make you a cop or even a security guard for that matter.

If you're going to carry concealed why in the heck would you want to let people know you are carrying by wearing a badge? It defeats the whole purpose of carrying concealed.:banghead:
We have licenses that are issued. Don't need a badge when a CC identification card is held on the person.
A bad idea. First, any LEO with whom you deal will, at a minimum, view you as a tool and, at worst, someone trying to impersonate an officer.

Really, I can't imagine any scenario under which it realistically would make things better. Don't be a tool. Don't buy a phony badge.
Well, I have to agree about the badges. Terrible, terrible idea, on a lot of levels.

But, THIS has potential:



If i was in a situation where I was detaining a criminal with a gun drawn,

That's usually as bad an idea as the so-called badge.

While your attention is on the perp you can be ambushed by one or more accomplices or shot by a citizen who thinks that you are about to kill someone else.

If what you have in mind is a citizen's arrest you had better know the law, and you need to realize that as a citizen you are not indemnified against the very significant potential civil liability involved.

You are also pointing a gun at someone whom you do not intend to shoot...that's pretty risky.

Which brings up the question, "why, pray tell?". If the person opts to leave, what will you do with the gun? I assume that you know that you cannot shoot. If not, get some training quickly.

Yeah, you see it on television, but your perp is not an actor who has been instructed by the director to stand conveniently with his hands in the air until the police arrive.
Well some may disagree with this I think the Badges are a good idea, so we can identify those to stay away from, while denoting Wannabes:neener:

I fully agree with others comments here, No Way Not A Good Idea, Will just get you into trouble and it is clear seek out and attend professional training.
I've only seen someone wear one once. He had a pot belly and a high & tight cut. He was wearing black cargo pants tucked into hiking boots. The badge was clipped on the waistband of his fanny pack that was turned to the front. He was a walking stereotype. My first thought, being in a gun store at the time, was that if there ever was a person to have an AD at that store, this would be the guy.
BTW, I remeber reading a hilarious story written from the perspective of a person with one of these badges who intervened to stop a "robbery" by a thief disguised as a soccer mom. Anyone have a link?
This will come up I guess as long as they are advertised for sale.

Search is a useful tool and will find threads where this has been discussed before.

I would not carry badge unless it was issued as part of a LE job.
joenobody...I don't know who your instructor was, but the both of you need to go back to class and have a discussion over this CCW badge thing.

Then again...You could be a "mall ninja" and need a badge....:evil:
The people selling these badges are worse than thieves. A thief just steals from you. They are taking your money & giving you something that can actually get you into trouble. Public disservice.
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