Concealed Carry Lifestyle

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Aug 27, 2010
Hello everyone. I am new to the whole concealed carry scene. I plan on carrying with a Crossbreed Supertuck inside the waistband (IWB) holster.

My question to you guys/gals is: What do you do when you go to your significant other's house and lie on a couch or bed to watch TV? It would be terribly uncomfortable to keep your holster on while lying down but if you take it off and place it somewhere, there is the danger that someone may grab it and discharge the weapon. Now before you start saying "Just don't lie down", let me say that that is not an option since a lot of times we like to lie together and watch TV/movies.

So that said, how would you guys approach this scenario? I do not want to leave my weapon in the car because 1) it's a pain 2) what if I need it while in her house? I also don't want to set it down somewhere in her house because she lives with her parents and sister and thus there is the possibility of someone else getting their hands on a firearm that you are responsible for.

Just want to know your thoughts on the situation. Also, if anyone else has any other scenarios where something like this came up feel free to post it and explain how you resolved it. The more concealed carry scenarios I can read about the better prepared I will be once my holster arrives.

Thank you.
I lie down all the time with the gun and holster on. Doesn't bother me at all. I can sleep with it on.

Of course, your gun and holster probably feel different, or you wouldn't be asking. ;)
Well I have yet to receive my holster so I do not know how it will feel but I would assume an IWB at it's appropriate position (3-4pm positions) would be felt when lying down. Correct me if I'm wrong.

By the way, my weapon of choice is the Glock 26.
honestly....the chances of you ever needing it Inside the house are really really small.......

unless you are in a neighborhood where break-ins are a common occurrence...ide be willing to say its a safe bet youd be just fine with out it....

.....i would just leave my gun in the car......
honestly....the chances of you ever needing it Inside the house are really really small.......

unless you are in a neighborhood where break-ins are a common occurrence...ide be willing to say its a safe bet youd be just fine with out it....

.....i would just leave my gun in the car......
I agree with you. I guess my main thing with leaving it in the car would be the fact that I would have to remove it from my holster and then reholster it when I leave the house. I would say there are days where I go to her house multiples times I would prefer to minimize the amount of times I holster and reholster since that seems to be when most negligent discharges occur.

That is not to say I am negligent but stuff happens and if I can minimize the risk of an ND by minimizing the amount of times I have to reholster my weapon, that would be best.
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You may wish to get a pocket pistol then, like an LCP or a NAA Guardian. Those can be kept in a pocket or wallet holster, which can easily be taken out as needed.

Oh and keep in mind the language policy here....self-censoring is just as bad as typing the word, just replace said word with stuff.
honestly....the chances of you ever needing it Inside the house are really really small.......

For most folks, chances of needing it anywhere are small (after all, I made it 29 years without) but consequences are really large. In public, there are typically more people around. You can make a lot of noise, move away, etc. In a home, screaming is unlikely to bring the neighbors and there isn't much of anywhere to run to.

To the point, I typically carry a PF9 "Mexican style". I chose it for size and caliber and can lay around without a problem. My P95 in a hip holster even works OK when laying on the sofa but may require repositioning depending on how I am positioned.

I suppose this begs another question: Are you trying to keep the weapon concealed from HER when laying around? That could be really hard.
I would suggest looking into off body carry. You could put the gun in a fanny pack, bag, back pack, briefcase, and just set it next to the couch: it would get rid of the "ooh, a gun" reaction, and you'd have access to it if you need. you're draw might be slower, but if you are laying down on top of your gun, your draw is going to be kind of slow anyways. The bag would also let carry something slightly larger if you feel like it.

Heres an article by Micheal Baine on the subject:

Despite the title, it is high road material.
I suppose this begs another question: Are you trying to keep the weapon concealed from HER when laying around? That could be really hard.

No. She will know and that is fine. I just don't want my firearm to ever be out of my possession where someone else can have access to it, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Thank you for all your inputs. I really appreciate it. I guess I will have to try the holster out and see how it feels when lying down.

Are there any other scenarios that any of you have encountered where you had to consciously decide what to do with your firearm?
Only time I had to worry about the firearm is when going into a situation or place where it is not welcome....and I lock it in the glovebox, leaving the holster on me....then re-holster when I get back to the car. Reason for leaving the holsater on is the holster is so grippy I have to open my pants to put it back in if I was to remove it.
just take it off and tuck it under the couch or under the cushion or something.
Maybe the best thing is to discuss the issue with your "S.O." and then when you enter the house, take it out and place it on a high shelf or bookcase, etc. Out of sight and reach of little ones and not a pain in the side either. Put your car keys with it and you won't drive off and leave it behind.
I lie down on the couch all the time with my Kahr P45 IWB. I also carry a 1911 a fair bit, and can lie on the couch with it too.
I have tried carrying a double-stack, and was unable to do it comfortably. YMMV.
Pocket carry an LCP...problem solved.
You will find when you are carrying there may be multiple times you have to think about what you do with your gun. I plan for it at work, when I go out somewhere new, if I'm going to be drinking (have chosen not to so far), if I need to go the post office or a government building, before walking into a shooting range, before hugging someone, while bowling, before a date if it's looking good, etc. I have an off body carry method as well and can also lock it in the car although I haven't had to yet. For me, part of being a responsible firearms owner is making sure my guns don't wind up in someone else's hand unless I have chosen to let them use them in front of me. It's a lot of work. But I'm new at it and I suppose after awhile it will get easier. I couldn't rest easy at home until I installed a giant safe so I know my guns are really not going to walk off whether I'm home or not. Those guns are 100% my responsibility. I'd hate to have one walk off with a BG then be used in a murder. I know it wouldn't be my fault but that doesn't mean I wouldn't suffer over it.
I tried carrying an XD SC 9mm with 14 rounds IWB and found it to be awkward at times. for example, going to the urinal in a public restroom and having trouble holding up my pants due to the weight of the pistol. Also, being in a stall and not being able to drop my pants all the way w/o exposing my weapon for everyone to see; the gun I mean.

There were other things that made it a hassle for me, so I went to a snub nose .38 +P using either a Desantis squared pocket holster for cargo shorts and either a Mika or Uncle Mike's rounded pocket holster for front pockets.
I really like the Mika.
I've recently purchased two Crossbreed Supertuck holsters, for 1911 and PPK. Both live up to the billing of "the most comfortable holster..."
I have lay down on both couch and bed with both (not at the same time) and was amazed how comfortable they are. It's just a matter of positioning properly and finding the right spot.
When I go into my daughter's house, planning to stay a while, and likely to lay on the couch, I'll remove it and place it on top of the fridge (small child in the house). I place my keys and wallet there so I can't forget it.
Removing it there is not an issue, and both daughter and son-in-law have ccl and do carry.
There are also times that I go there knowing there will be quite a few people there, (think watching ball game) and I'll take a backpack and remive it and place it in there; child isn't big enough to open a back pack...yet.... before he is, that will be addressed.
As someone else mentioned, off body carry while you're there.
The Supertuck is a a little awkward to put on for the first few times, but after a week you'll have the hang of it.
Great holster!! They are ugly. They are comfortable. I love them. Going to order more.
1. It may not be that uncomfortable.
2. Lay on your left side, chest, or back.
3. Set it on an end table within your reach.
4. Leave a discreet bag, box, or case at her place and put it in there.

Good luck.
I have a crossbreed supertuck. Its all about location location location.

The first few days I carried I had a crappy holster at 5:30 to 6 oclock position on my body. My back hurt so bad. I wised up and moved it to 3 or 4 oclock depending on the clothing.

Now with my crossbreed it stays at 3 oclock. I can lay down, sit down, even take a nap with it on no problem. Of course comfort depends on the size of the gun as well. I carry an Sr9c, so I don't have a gigantic bump on my hip sticking out to make me sit awkward.
i think youll be surprised. when you get your holster, find a good position for you. (mine is 3:30-4 o'clock with full forward cant) wear it as much as you can even if that is just around the house. pretty soon it will become a lot more comfortable than you would think.

i have been using a crossbreed supertuck for a little over a year now with a glock 27 or 22. at first i always knew it was there because it is very different than what you are used to, but before you know it you wont even notice that its there.

once you get used to it being their you should be able to lie down comfortably. you may have to reposition slightly but for the most part its not too bad at all. i would avoid leaving your gun behind/in the car as much as possible. remember, since you never know when you may need it, the only way to have it when you do need it is to allways have it.
1st off.......... you MUST be new to CCW because I rarely even remember that I'm wearing mine but I've carried for 6 or so years. I lie down, run, drive and hug with it on.
If you are that uncomfortable with it on while lying down at your girlfriends house (what's this "significant other" crap?) then ask if you can bring a lock box over and lock it in the box until you leave.
out of my possession where someone else can have access to it,

You have a wise outlook.

Do NOT leave it in your car -- ever if you can possibly avoid it. Of all the things some hood wants to find when he's popping your locks, a handgun is at the top of the list.

Second, DON'T "fool with" the gun. Once it is on, LEAVE it on until your day is done. A holstered gun is a safe gun. Hands on the gun, manipulating it, drawing it, holstering it, loading and unloading, are times of increased risk and must be times of increased concentration. Minimize them to whatever extent you can. You are far safer with the gun holstered on your belt sitting on your girlfriend's couch than you are sitting in your car drawing, emptying, hiding, loading, reholstering, etc. that gun.

Third, ditch the "off-body" carry idea -- unless you've never forgotten anything anywhere, ever. You're either going to look very odd, clutching a "day planner" or "man purse" at every moment like a security blanket -- or you're going to be setting it down VERY often with all the attendant risks of having someone else open it/access it, and just walking away from it and having to race back through your steps praying against hope that it's still where you left it.

I think you've chosen a good holster. Make sure you have a GREAT belt -- very stiff, a real GUN belt, no Walmart stuff -- and wear pants and a belt big enough to fit your gun and holster comfortably. Then wear it often. Soon it will feel strange to NOT have it on your side.
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