control through allowed ammunition?

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Apr 9, 2006
I might be nitpicking here, but in another post here, government rules were cited that banned the use of "steel tipped, cored, coned" ammuniton for civilian use in a handgun.

In the last few years there has been a big "environmental" push to develop ammunition consisting of lead, steel, tungsten, and bismuth in varius forms encased in a polymer wrapper to increase bullet efficiency and reduce lead exposure to environment. Now is this going to be an outlawed exotic round or something legal for the civvie to use in his or her gun?
Whether it will come to pass or not is not easy to predict. If I could I'd pick the right six numbers and retire. However if the antis feel they can get us by taking the backdoor route of banning, limiting, taxing or otherwise making ammunition acquisition untenable they will most certainly give it a try. I believe in Kali as we speak there is talk of a bill to limit ammo purchases to 50 rounds a month.
Wether they pass such a thing or not is anyone's guess, but we can be certain that they will try to pass such things.

although, they may not need to, just look at AP ammo & Blended Metal Ammo for Example, The Manufacturers of such ammo refuse to sell it to civilians, why I have no clue (likely to be pressure from licensing agency's & .gov).

The Anti's don't need to pass laws, they only need to scare the mfrs into submission, the key to our side winning is getting more mfr's to follow the example of mfr's like Ronnie Barrett.
It's like beer and cigarettes, they will probably start taxing it. However, just like beer and cigarettes, you can buy them unassembled and still get everything right over the counter.

As a homebrewer, I know this well.

As a reloader/handloader, I hope this works the same way when it does come down to it. Better that it doesn't though mind you.

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