Cool hand at the ATM...

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Brings up an interesting SHTF issue. At an ATM, nobody around, BG comes up with a decent sized blade (not a kitchen utensil) is standing at a distance of 9 feet and demands the goods, do you show, threathen, or draw?

It's impossible to say what I'd really do until it happens, but in ideal order of preference:

1) Don't be there
2) Run away
3) Distract him by tossing the cash over, then run away
4a) Outside Illinois: Draw and fire without warning
4b) Inside Illinois: Try really hard to run away without losing too much blood

I don't know about you guys, but I stand to lose a lot more financially by shooting some low life than he could possibly take off me in a mugging. If I saw a way out that didn't involve shooting, I'd definitely take it.

This does bring up another interesting question, though. How many of us have taken precautions to mitigate the loss of a wallet? Do you have the card loss numbers for your credit/debit cards programmed into a cell or otherwise readily available? Do you have a photocopy of all your IDs and cards in a safe place? Do you only keep the minimum necessary ID in your wallet?

Civil suits may not scare you and you may be in the "shoot first, ask questions later" group, but you still need to know what you'll do if you're wallet comes up missing. (Lost, picked from your pocket, confronted by 12 men with knives, etc.)
I dunno, running gets kinda old, especially when you're in the right. It seems that such an action would only embolden the thief, and could be his next victim might be unarmed and unable to run.

Might be he steals the money from your Grandmother that she requires for her meds. Or rent. Or food. Or what's left of her pride and dignity. Or her life?

A few things to think about.

SJG26 said:
Draw and double-tap; head-shot too if he doesn't fall fast enough!
Sorry- but a knife out at anything other than a "fish-filleting" demonstration gets an appropriate response!

I carry both. Unless you have superhuman speed, I guarantee I could close the gap before you could draw from the typical concealment holster. Less orthodox methods of carry may allow quicker deployment. You can test this for yourself. Get an airsoft that fits your holster, a training knife, invite one of your buddies over, and have at it. I think you will be surprised. Think about the steps of the draw stroke:
1)clear the cover garment
2)index the grip
3)clear the holster
4)pectoral index
5)extending pistol and mating it with the weak hand
6)full extension
Keep in mind that at this range you should begin firing at step 4. This will speed up the process but not by much.

Double Naught Spy said:
That is nice and all, but no mention was made of the story being heard locally on the radio. So you are giving the benefit of the doubt via events not known to you. And through such transgressions of information control, you end up with folklore, the story continuing to morph with time and people.

The original written and read story was a perfectly fine story without the need for embellishment.

In the original post Mark stated that it was 2nd hand info and that he was searching for a link. Ease up a little. If he claimed from the beginning that it was gospel, then maybe some of your criticism would be more deserved. As things stand it isn't.

JH that's a real SHTF scenario

Tequila_Sauer said:
Brings up an interesting SHTF issue. At an ATM, nobody around, BG comes up with a decent sized blade (not a kitchen utensil) is standing at a distance of 9 feet and demands the goods, do you show, threathen, or draw?

"I've got the pistol, so I'll keep the pesos, yeah, that seems fair." But I don't think you'd really have that much time, I think you'd instinctively go for your defense.

I habitually put my wallet back in my pocket during the transaction, it may actually provide opportunity to get the pistol relatively unnoticed claiming to reach for your wallet. People who do this type of strong arm are rarely focused, they are usually twitching and looking about, providing opportunity to reach for said defense.

Actually, this is the only SHTF scenario that I have ever been truly concerned with and genuinely ever felt that I have potentially exposed myself to. There is just something about taking money out of a machine with your back turned from everything else that makes me uneasy. I'd probably just turn over the cash, I can make more, it's only money. However, I'd try to lure BG into view of ATM camera for the police to ID properly.

Could keyboard commando this one to death.....can't say I'd have the wherewithall to do anything but try and survive. But I can sure beat on my chest in here and say I woulda, shoulda, coulda just like the rest of us.

I don't do walk up ATMs period. I'll pay the dollar charge at the drive up across the street. When I do use the ATM I use the "fast cash" option or whatever that doesn't ask if you want a 2nd transaction. That way I can leave the card and/or cash if I have to. Never put the vehicle in park, eyes on the mirrors. Driving a F250 Superduty helps. It wedges nicely between the ATM and concrete bollards. Most of the time there is no room for a BG to wedge his way between me and the ATM. If he does get in there he'll get crushed when I hit the gas and hight tail it.

In reference to this posted topic...Too much talking, not enough shooting. I'm not a LEO. The law doesn't require me to arrest or dissuade the BG. It does, however, allow me to stop a deadly threat. Once condition RED (Motive, Opportunity, and Ability) have arrived, I'm eleminating the threat. Quickly.
Mad Chemist said:
I carry both. Unless you have superhuman speed, I guarantee I could close the gap before you could draw from the typical concealment holster. Less orthodox methods of carry may allow quicker deployment. You can test this for yourself. Get an airsoft that fits your holster, a training knife, invite one of your buddies over, and have at it. I think you will be surprised. Think about the steps of the draw stroke:
1)clear the cover garment
2)index the grip
3)clear the holster
4)pectoral index
5)extending pistol and mating it with the weak hand
6)full extension
Keep in mind that at this range you should begin firing at step 4. This will speed up the process but not by much.


(on edit I read the last line... sorry)

No, no no.....

Cut out the last 3...

This is the perfect case for point shooting, you clear the holster with one hand and fire. If a goblin is that close you DO NOT assume a two handed hold on the gun, you don't have time. You especially don't have time to assume an extended two handed aimed shot.

draw and fire a double tap, this should give you enough time to see if more shots are needed to stop the threat.

I have tried the drill, and have done drills at contact distance, you fire one handed in these situations. Otherwise you get dead in a hurry...
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