Cow Palace Gun Show 3/15-16

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Dec 27, 2002
Who is going?

What are you looking for?

What are the best deals to be had?

Are you too going to go home broke :banghead:

"I had money now I just have guns!!'
Aw, shucks... I'll be at the Chuck Taylor course. Someone pick me up a case of .45 S&B and I'll pay ya back?

Reno isn't much help to those of us trapped behind the Tie-Dyed Curtain. And it seems kind of a long drive for ammo and accessories. I persoanally can get to the Cow Palace in about 20-25 minutes. It's pretty centrally located for the Bay Area,.

Gunshows are about GUNS. Reno would have scads of guns we can't own in this state. Guns we could own are transferable to our various dealers, but local shows mean local vendors, and often one can purchase a gun without neccessitating a $25+ transfer fee plus shipping simply by driving for a bit.

'Course, I dunno that I'm even going to go. I'm broke, to all intents and purposes. Shopping with no buying power is frustrating.

But I still need 1/2-moon clips. And a few Springfield stripper clips for my Broomhandle. And I could afford a $20 bag of .38's. And I bet I could wheedle one of those free passes Crossroads always sends to my dealer. He hasn't gone to a show for a couple of years, but they still send 'em out...:D
And it seems kind of a long drive for ammo and accessories.

It's nice to get back to free America once in a while though.

Bunch of us are meeting at the Chevy's in the Hilton at 6pm on the 22nd. Any Reno folks or others coming to the show are welcome to join us.
I might pop in tomorrow- need some .45 practice ammo. Thinking some of those reloads from Miwall Corp. If they have Hydra Shoks at a decent price... but I'm not holding my breath.

Just did an ammo check -down to my last 1640 rounds of Winchester Q3131A (M193- 5.56mm). Holy Cow! It's an arsenal! Better call Eric the Ammoman Monday to buy another case.

Also looking for some gun socks (is that what you call them?) for storage.

Maybe some spare parts (like a decent extractor for my 1911)

Madkiwi- I'll be the mad one!
Just a heads up in case anyone is thinking about going today-

Got Winchester Q3131A for $159.95 a case
S&B 230g 45ACP FMJ for $168 a case

From Miwall (the guys that have the big piles of ammo).

Great deals.

I'm glad to hear they're still doing these, I went to one when I was stationed at Planet Odd (Ft Ord, to any non-Light Fighters out there) back in '87. I took my platoon sergeant and squad leader. :D
They each bought guns, but all I got was a t-shirt that said "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!" on it. Of course, they weren't living in the barracks, and got paid more than me. (I was getting odd looks from the CO for my .45 and M1 in the arms room...)
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